Thursday, December 26, 2013

Pre Christmas activities

I know, this post should have come before the Christmas one, but oh well. 
We did our annual "gingerbread" houses for family night. Usually we do graham cracker houses, but we decided to try rice crispy houses. I think I like them better actually. They don't hold up as well, but much yummier to eat, in my opinion. 
 Ashlyn covered every inch of hers, and it was starting to crumple by the end of the night. 
 Ashlyn's is on the left, and Dallin's was on the right.
 This one is Tanner's. 
 Christmas eve we, like everyone else in Medford, took advantage of the free admission skate session. Dallin actually wore skates the whole time. Tanner did awesome. Really got the hang of it and got speedy too. 
 Amber hung out with me on the side. 
 Their cousins were there too, so it was a good time. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


The happiest day of the year! It was such a good day! I woke up before the kids, which was kind of unexpected, but nice. They started out looking in their stockings, which had some Halloween candy that I had reserved. He he he.
 Amber didn't get any presents from us this year. Is that mean? Figured she didn't care, so took advantage of that. :)
 Dallin was the most excited about everything. One of his favorite gifts was actually a hand me down Power Ranger cape (yeah, I don't think Power Rangers have capes). Also really loved his light up shoes.
And these little finger lights were a big hit. 
Ashlyn loved her dolls and candy. She is easy to please. I love Christmas with a 3 year old.
We have "Christmas cereal" for breakfast. These were the kids' picks this year. Ashlyn would have been more happy with just marshmallows and milk. That is all she ate out of her Lucky Charms.

And Santa's gift this year was a trampoline. They are so excited about it, and so am I, actually. I never thought we would get one, but my kids are always at their friends' houses because we have nothing cool at our house. This is a way to get them to stay home a bit more. Now if we had a video game, they would have no reason to go anywhere. NOT gonna happen. Not for a while anyway.
 After our morning at home we went to my parent's house where some of my family gathered for food, games, white elephant exchange, and visiting.

BFFs Whitney and Amber. I am glad to have a group of girls close in age around here. Ashlyn will be the leader of the pack.
 My sister, Tracie, got Ashlyn this fun zebra. It is a helium balloon with little weights on the feet, and it follows her when she pulls it. So cute. Definitely a favorite gift.
 Amber didn't get many gifts, but she LOVED the wrapping paper. This is not a mad face, this is a super excited face.
 Aunt Tracie, is the coolest. She made these marshmallow shooters for the boys. They had tons of fun all afternoon. 
 Mom and Dad will be finding marshmallows around for days. :)
 Tracie, holding our newest niece Mila.
 We got to Skype with Kris who is on her mission in Tennessee (actually she is in Georgia right now). And this little picture on the corner of Skype is the only picture of me today. :) I am holding Mila in my arms while taking the picture. 
 This little cutie is Mila, my niece. She is a twin. Her brother is Marshall. She was making some funny little faces. They are 3 weeks old. She is almost 7 lbs, and I think he is almost 8. So sweet. 
 Marshall and Mila sleeping.
 The crazy coming out in Amber. She was making some of us laugh to tears. I need to get the video Paula took of her.

Friday, December 20, 2013

2013 Christmas Card

Here is our Christmas card this year.
 I designed it myself, and made a typo! Grrr. I was so mad at myself. Do you see what it is? I am hoping  that everyone who got one in the mail didn't notice. :) If you don't see it, I am not going to point it out. :)

2013 Highlights
NATE: Still enjoying his job practicing Physical Therapy =  Found time to do projects Kelly dreamt up, like building shelves for our garage, and pampering our yard - Became a [very busy] councilor to the Bishop at church.

KELLY: Found lots of decorating projects - Started up a photography business - Adjusted Adjusting to having 4 kids, plus babysitting 2 more - Taught 12-13 yr old young women at church,  

TANNER: Stayed active playing basketball, softball, soccer, and doing swim lessons - Lost his first 2 teeth - Started 2nd grade -  Developed a love for reading.

DALLIN: Learned to swim - Played T-ball - Started Kindergarten - Continued to develop his drawing skills - Learned to ride a bike without training wheels.

ASHLYN: Became potty trained -  Learned to ride a bike -  Loved to do arts and crafts - Attempted, then quickly dropped out of swim lessons...twice. 3rd time’s a charm?

AMBER: Arrived in June - Must hold world record for number of diaper “blow outs” - Adored by everyone she comes in contact with -  Brought A LOT of joy to the family.     

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Lost tooth, and a Christmas program

 Last weekend Dallin bit a sucker and his tooth got wiggly, and today it came out.
Here is a video of him telling how it happened. Along with Amber making all kinds of noise in the background.

The Kindergarteners and the 2nd graders had their Christmas program at the same time, so it worked out well for us. Dallin was a little nervous at first, but he warmed up.
 Tanner was biting his nails and feeling nervous too for some reason.
 I thought all the phone cameras in this one were funny.
This face on the left is her face she gets when she hears something crinkly. And this other face is her doll face. :)
I went a little over board with the videos, but there were pieces in each that I liked. I need to learn how to edit video.

The kids say she sounds like a grandpa in this one.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Amber is 6 months

Gone are the days of a stationary baby. Not that Amber is crawling or going places, but she is squirmy! Always rocking front and back, reaching at things, shaking her hips.

Smiling…and making other people smile with her goofy faces.
She loves stuffed animals already. The first of my kids to like them.
 This is Ava with Amber. I watch her after school, and she adores Amber. Amber is the first one Ava says hello to (with a smooch on the cheek). Tells her she loves her and wishes she could take her home.  It is really sweet.
I've noticed Amber is a little less lovable these days to her siblings and Ava and Paige. If you get close, she grabs your hair or face. If you accidentally bonk her or something she yells. Doesn't cry, she yells. She is getting to big to hold easily, plus all the wiggling. 
 I think she is growing into her eyes. They look about the right size for her face now. Almost. :)
 Dallin is a good sport. He is the only boy at home til Tanner gets home. He always plays a role when playing house or whatever it is they are playing.

To see the previous month pictures of Amber see this post. 

Saturday, December 07, 2013


This year we had family from both sides of the family in town, so we split our time between both. My brother Jesse came home from Utah. These are my 3 brothers. 
Kevin, Paul & Jesse. My dad is in the picture below.
 Love Amber in this one. She is a very smiley baby. 
And below are the cousins, Joel and Drew. 
I hope these boys stay close. 
 We went bowling with Nate's brothers and families. 
Here is Braden and his girl friend, Pam. They stayed with us while they were here.
And then below, my sister in law Mickie, and her twin Suzanne and their little girls.
 Kay bounced all the kids on her knees. She probably got in a good leg workout while bowling.
Loved Kay's reaction to her bowl. 

I am actually in a picture! My camera is not real easy for a rookie photographer, so these were the only 2 that turned out of me.
 The we went to the church afterwards to play Cricket. No one really knew if that was the right name for the game. But that is what we will call it. 
 Pretty fun game.
 Even easy enough for a kid to figure out.