Saturday, October 29, 2011

1/2 Marathon and a family shoot

I was crazy enough to run a half marathon today.  It wasn't an "official" one; my friend Christie mapped it out and three of us friends ran it. I didn't train properly for it. I only ran once a week. I did spin a couple times a week and did strength training, but that doesn't prep you for the abuse your body takes running. I ran most of it, and now I am stiff and it hurts to walk. Lesson learned. I will train next time.

I took this beautiful family's pictures this evening. So easy compared to the families with toddlers I have been photographing lately. Babies this age look if you clap your hands and they can't run off. See more here.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Gabby and Colby's wedding

I got to do my first, well, second wedding this past weekend. And I think I like them, or maybe it was just this one. I went down to Logan the night before with my sister and her friend, who were bride's maids. We stayed the night at Gabby's house and helped with some of the wedding preparations. We made the bouquets, and I got to know the family a little. Such fun people. It made me so much less intimidated to get to see that they were so down to earth and not scary. Wedding photography has always intimidated me. Weddings can bring out the best and worst in people it seems. It can be stressful, and joyful, and busy, and you have to try to capture it in a way that they will have fond memories. Here is the beautiful couple.
And my sister, Kris, and friend Christabell.
See a lot more on my photography blog.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ashlyn's 1st Birthday party

We did a Birthday/Halloween party to celebrate Ashlyn's 1st birthday.
We invited just a couple friends, but it was chaotic--in a fun way. Ashlyn didn't know what was going on and seemed a little overwhelmed by everything.
I love these little pig tails I can do on her now. Her hair is getting so long and pretty.
Here is some of the food. I got my ideas from Pinterest.  It is great for stuff like this.
 And here are a couple friends. We wanted to invite many more, but it was pretty tight with the few we did invite.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

And another

These are some friends from Rexburg.They were so fun and easy to photograph. I have lots of favorites. See more on my photography blog if you like.
The one on the left below is actually one of my favorites because of Gwen's face plant into the ground, sorry, but it makes me laugh.
Oh, yeah, and I did the Occupational Therapy Department pictures too. This is the class of 2012. All girls, and all very beautiful and easy to photograph too. Took a few other shots too.
Have I mentioned I am going to Logan this weekend with my sister Kris to photograph her friends wedding. I am really excited and nervous. I promise I will have some fun pictures of my family next week with Ashlyn's birthday and Halloween.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I know, lots of photography

That is what have been up to though. This has been my busiest month ever, so far. And I love it! 
Besides taking pictures, I am planning a couple parties.
See more of this cute family here.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Jordan & Michaela's family

I took these this weekend.  Aren't they beautiful subjects? You can see a couple more here.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Ashlyn's cake smash

Here is when we set the cake in front of her.
 She was actually pretty delicate. Would pick sprinkles off one at a time, so I cut her a piece and then she got a little messier.
 She didn't touch most of the cake, so we had it after she was done. :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Swore Farm field trip

There is a local farm that has a pumpkin patch and corn maze that we went to today. The boys loved the big tractor.
 And the lazy dog.
 This my kids' buddy Mason.
 It was sort of bright in pumpkin tent, that is why the squints.
 Tanner and Ashlyn in the tractor tire.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oh goodness

This is Ashlyn's hair after her nap today. I love her hair, but it is getting pretty unruly.
 Dallin and Tanner are really into coloring these days. They got this coloring activity and Tanner colored the top of the pumpkin, and Dallin colored the bottom. He is very much a perfectionist. Covers every inch.
Ashlyn turns 1 on the 24th. Can't believe it! 
She went to the dentist this week with the boys. Looks like she will have to have a labial frenectomy someday like I did. That is when they clip that little webby thing between your upper lip and your gums. That is, if it doesn't tear on it's own. She will more than likely have a gap between her two front teeth until that muscle is clipped.

Monday, October 10, 2011

2011 Family pictures

It is that time of year again. We are so lucky that Jordan and Michaela moved back to Idaho, so she could do our family pictures. And I get to do their pictures this week. She has done them for us for a couple years now, and always does a fabulous job. We are a difficult bunch to work with. Some of the ones with the kids smirking are my favorite though. She got some of me and Nate also. It isn't very often that we are both in a picture together.
I got a hair cut this week too. I am growing it out (ha ha we will see how long this effort lasts), so I had my friend do some layers to make it bearable through this awkward length.  I really like it.

Then and Now

Those of you who got a wedding invitation remember this picture on the left? It was taken in 2005.
We took family pictures last night and this six years later. It is fun to see old pictures.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

We'll try again later

Well, this photo shoot didn't got as I'd hoped. They rarely do. I thought I would take some 1 year old pictures of Ashlyn, but she wasn't in the mood. All she wanted to do was play with these necklaces and whine. Maybe we will try again later. I want to do a cake smash with her. Those are fun.

Friday, October 07, 2011


I did another newborn's pictures yesterday and love how the turned out. She was pretty easy to work with and my sister in law Michaela made it a thousand times easier by assisting me with all the posing.
 Thanks Michaela! 
And my friend, Cami, let us borrow the fun outfits and accessories. Thank you! She has an etsy shop where she sells them, if you are interested.
Check out many more pictures on my photography blog.
Michaela helping out. 

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Miscellaneous goings on

 Ashlyn is braving the stairs these days. Only one of them. What do you think, should I protect her from them with a gate, or let her learn how to climb them?
We went to the park during the priesthood session of conference.
Tanner had a game today, and their team has improved a lot. Tanner scored 2 goals!
 Me and 4 friends are doing a co-op preschool. It was my week this week and the theme was the letter D. We are teaching 2 and 3 year old kids. So since donkey starts with D we played pin the tail on the donkey. 
We are really enjoying preschool. We only do it once a week and then we do story time and music and movement at the library. We will be sad to leave in a few months.