Thursday, July 29, 2010

A solution! . . hopefully

Remember how we were looking at getting a new car a few months ago since our 3 car seats don't fit in our backseat? Well, my friend, Laura, who is looking at the same problem came across these and told me about them. Sunshine Kids car seats. They are the narrowest car seat that I could find. You can fit 3 in the back seat of a mid size car. They happened to be on a great sale at Kohls too, so we went for it, and got 2. It is way cheaper to get car seats, even kind of spendy ones, than a car.

By the way, I left my camera in Rexburg this weekend, so no pictures (or probably blog posts since that is all I post usually) til I get that back, who knows when that will be. Hopefully in the next couple weeks. I think I will live.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bravery or stupidity?

We went to Rexburg Saturday since Nate was busy studying all day. We visited the good ole spray park. I have dozens of pictures of the place, but not like these. I lost track of Dallin for a few minutes.
This is how I find him:
Going down the water slide by himself. Tanner won't even attempt it alone. Dallin went over and over again until the big kids got a little to pushy.
I would say the average age of the kids going down the slides is 7 years old or so. Thought this was a funny picture: The 2 year old bravely climbing the stairs as the big kids pass him up. He had no idea he was attempting what was unthinkable to most toddlers. He just knows he likes slides. I think he will be one to do his own thing; not care what everyone else thinks. I like that.
Tanner couldn't keep his shorts up. It was much worse than this picture actually. We are talking about a half moon most of the time.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


It has been hot lately, well hot for Idaho, about 90 degrees and we have no A/C, so I got a sprinkler for the boys to run in. I think it will become a daily thing. We had tons of fun.

Ready, set, go! He never runs through just around the edge of the spray.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Inspiration for hair cut

I had intentions to grow my hair out thinking it would look great long and would be so fun, well, I changed my mind. I end up putting it in a pony tail most days cuz I don't want to bother; takes too long to style long hair. I don't want to spend any more than about 2 minutes on my hair. So, after watching Eclipse and seeing how adorable Alice Cullen's hair looked, I am going to copy her hair. For those of you who haven't seen it...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Boys in their ties

The boys actually cooperated to take these pictures.I know I am mixing prints, but it makes things interesting.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


I love this concept of "re-purposing". It's like recycling, but creative. I was going through a box of the boys' baby clothes to see if there was anything I could use with our baby girl, and I mostly found blue onsies or white ones with boy pictures. So, I decided to "re-purpose" and make something girlie out of them. I used felt and buttons to girlify them. It was lots of fun, and I think they turned out cute. And they are totally original. You won't catch another baby in the same thing, not that that matters. I am not sure how they will wash in a machine, but I guess we will find out. Hopefully they hold up.

Friday, July 09, 2010

Ties, ties and more ties

I got this tie pattern from one of my favorite blogs, well, the owner's Etsy shop. And I have gone a bit crazy making ties for my guys. I am always making a new one for them. Now I will be doing some things for our baby girl. Booties and bows. Fun stuff.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Stolen pictures

The rest of my family posted pictures after I did, so I stole some off their blogs.
The Birthday boy turned 28.
I didn't have to make the traditional tres leches cake, Michaela did. She did way better than I ever had. But I never put Heath on mine. So good.
Love this one of Tanner at the spray park in Rexburg. This is the place we probably miss most about Rexburg.
Did this picture scare anyone else at first? I think it is just ketchup, sucker, and/or Doritos. Probably a combination of the 3.
Cousins at the parade. Paul and Paula are finally moving on. Back to Oregon. These guys won't be seeing as much of each other for a while. At least Nate has 2 clinicals in Oregon so they will get some time together in the next year.

4th of July

We went to Rexburg for the 4th of July weekend. It was a super busy weekend. We did the parade, watched Eclipse, had 2 barbecues, a birthday party for Nate, and lots of family time. Fun weekend. Paula, sis-in-law got better pics. I was too lazy and cold (it was probably in the 50's or 60's) to get out of my chair to take any.