Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tanner got this cute jean jacket from a lady I work with. I think he is so cute in it.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Congratulations Nate!

Nate got strait A's on his mid term report. He's doing an awesome job balancing everything--full-time school, full-time job, and family. What a hard worker!

Funny Story

Well now i can say it is funny; it was pretty sad when it happened.
Tanner likes to put his hands all over my face and in my mouth if I let him. Well, yesterday I was nipping at his fingers with my lips and I accidentally bit his finger. His eyes got big, then is face scrunched up, and he started to scream. Nate asked what was wrong and I said, "Oh I think I startled him." I couldn't believe I bit my baby! I had to give him to Nate because he couldn't even look at me without tearing up. Later, I told Nate that I bit Tanner. He just laughed and brought up how last year when we were visiting Kristin and Will, Nate accidentally bit Jason and didn't say anything. Just passed him off to someone else and played like Jason just didn't like him. Well, the truth is out.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

New booster seat

We got Tanner a booster seat since he's starting to eat a little. He loves to sit in it. He isn't taking to food very well yet, so we sit him in his chair when we eat so he'll at least associate his chair with eating.

Looks like Grandpa Tanner

I wish I had a more strait shot of my Dad. But Nate and I think that Tanner looks like his Grandpa Tanner when he smiles like this. What do you think?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Does anyone have any tips on giving babies medicine??? I used the syringe that they gave me at the pharmacy and he spit out 3 doses the way I was doing it, which was just shooting it in his mouth too the side and as far back as possible. Experienced moms please help! By the way, he has bronchitis. Poor kid! Poor me too, he woke up 4 times last night coughing and crying.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Apple juice

Sorry it is side ways.
Tanner didn't appear to like the juice in the video, but he kept taking more.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

First time eating cereal

He liked it ok, but he got more on his bib than in his mouth I think.

Tanner Kissing Mom

Every time I pick Tanner up he grabs my hair, opens his mouth, and sucks on anything he can. Usually my chin is the easiest to grab. We think it is his version of a kiss. It is really pretty gross, they are very slimey kisses. We hope he isn't this agressive with girls when he gets older. :)

Sunday, February 04, 2007

I know it is kind of late for Christmas stuff

. . . but this was pretty cute. My sister-in-law, Paula, brought this back from Washington and wanted to try it on Tanner. It was given to her for her baby that is due in September.