
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

baby bump

Ok so I know I have been really bad about baby Bump pictures but here is one that my hubby took for me back in Sept. I believe i was 25 weeks when we took it. I am bigger now but we just haven't taken any yet.

Monday, October 11, 2010

brayden update

I just thought that was cute. He was shhhing me and i had to get a picture.
below i took pictures of Brayden for his 3 year old pictures. and i thought i did really well. He is getting so big and just loves to play he will go up to dad or me and say " i want daddy to play with me." Its so cute how can you say no to that. He is also going through horrible 3's He really wasn't that bad at 2 but now that he can talk he thinks he gets to be the boss and we have really been having to be strict mommy and daddy to get him to be good. He still throws a fit sometime but he is doing much better. He like to make the baby kick in mommy's belie too. ok there is the Brayden update. :)


Can I just say I really miss all my friends. I have friends here but man I wish people didn't have to move away. I loved being around all of you guys. Thanks so much for the thoughts. We are doing much better. Nate is able to drive again and man is it nice not to have to take him everywhere. And once again i feel a ton better. Just wish i could find out what the little one is. :( but thats life i will find out someday soon. :)
Beth. I was doing really good about the sweets before i got pregnant but then i went through a few months were i wanted cookies and cakes. No chocolate. That's when they found it so i just have to be better and so far i have only gained 15lbs. I am hoping that with being good that i wont gain anymore. then i will be back down to my pregnancy weight when i have the little one. I had lost 20lbs before i got pregnant so maybe i will be able to start up my died after pregnancy easier with eat healthy now. :) My goal is to get to pre brayden weight after baby #2.
Nichole. I would love for you to give me a call and we can get to gather then maybe i can get to know your sister. I would love to see your little ones too!! Let me know, my # is still the same if you don't have it let me know i will get it to you.
Pam. I miss you guys!! thanks for you thoughts I think of all 3 of my good old friends all the time and miss all you guys a ton. We use to have so much fun.
Tessa! What is your blog name i would love to add you to my friend list. How is everything for you guys.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Well Nate had his surgery on his knee last month. He is doing much better but still has a while before it will be like new. And I am feeling better now that they found out I have a Glucose intolerance. Pretty much in the morning my body wont produce Insulin so sweet treats are a no for me. And since i have been saying no to sweet i have felt a ton better. So things are starting to look up for us as far as emotionally hard time. I am just so thank full for the Lords help in getting us through. Also thanks to all the family and friends that helped us through it. Weather it was listening to me or helping in just being there for us. Thanks.