
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Here's some more

My Dad came up to drop off Christmas gifts and to see little Ella. My Mom sent this chex mix for all of us to share. Brayden thought it was just for him. He didn't want anyone else to eat it.
Ella was in a very cute outfit that my mom bought a while back. I just thought it was cute.

At breakfast Brayden had to have Ella Sit next to him. She just loved staring at him. It was very cute. Such a great big brother.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Baby Ella

Baby Ella Joyce Odermott was born on December 17th 2010 at 1:08pm. She is a wonderful addition to our family. Ella is 8 lbs 1 oz and 19 inches long. Ella has strong set of lungs and we are all is excitted to finally have her here. Brayden is excitted to be a big brother and has already tried to share his french fries with her.

Monday, November 1, 2010

32 Weeks

Ok so after posting the last picture i thought i better get a closer to date one. This was just last Friday I am 32 weeks.

Halloween 2010

Nate fought me tooth and nail but finally he gave in and wore a chefs hat for me. I have seen others in years past do this costume when expecting and i just thought it was way to cute not to do. So I dress as an "Bun in the Oven" And Nate was the "Chef" I thought it looked cute. :)
Saturday Brayden and I met up with some great friends and went downtown to trick or treat. It was lot of walking but i think the kids loved it.

Brayden was so excited to be Woody he had to ware it all Sunday too.

Ben and Brayden are best friends and so when i told Becky Brayden was going to be Woody she had a Buzz costume and found out Ben would love to be Buzz. So the the best friends Buzz and Woody. I thought they looked soo cute!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

baby bump

Ok so I know I have been really bad about baby Bump pictures but here is one that my hubby took for me back in Sept. I believe i was 25 weeks when we took it. I am bigger now but we just haven't taken any yet.

Monday, October 11, 2010

brayden update

I just thought that was cute. He was shhhing me and i had to get a picture.
below i took pictures of Brayden for his 3 year old pictures. and i thought i did really well. He is getting so big and just loves to play he will go up to dad or me and say " i want daddy to play with me." Its so cute how can you say no to that. He is also going through horrible 3's He really wasn't that bad at 2 but now that he can talk he thinks he gets to be the boss and we have really been having to be strict mommy and daddy to get him to be good. He still throws a fit sometime but he is doing much better. He like to make the baby kick in mommy's belie too. ok there is the Brayden update. :)


Can I just say I really miss all my friends. I have friends here but man I wish people didn't have to move away. I loved being around all of you guys. Thanks so much for the thoughts. We are doing much better. Nate is able to drive again and man is it nice not to have to take him everywhere. And once again i feel a ton better. Just wish i could find out what the little one is. :( but thats life i will find out someday soon. :)
Beth. I was doing really good about the sweets before i got pregnant but then i went through a few months were i wanted cookies and cakes. No chocolate. That's when they found it so i just have to be better and so far i have only gained 15lbs. I am hoping that with being good that i wont gain anymore. then i will be back down to my pregnancy weight when i have the little one. I had lost 20lbs before i got pregnant so maybe i will be able to start up my died after pregnancy easier with eat healthy now. :) My goal is to get to pre brayden weight after baby #2.
Nichole. I would love for you to give me a call and we can get to gather then maybe i can get to know your sister. I would love to see your little ones too!! Let me know, my # is still the same if you don't have it let me know i will get it to you.
Pam. I miss you guys!! thanks for you thoughts I think of all 3 of my good old friends all the time and miss all you guys a ton. We use to have so much fun.
Tessa! What is your blog name i would love to add you to my friend list. How is everything for you guys.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Well Nate had his surgery on his knee last month. He is doing much better but still has a while before it will be like new. And I am feeling better now that they found out I have a Glucose intolerance. Pretty much in the morning my body wont produce Insulin so sweet treats are a no for me. And since i have been saying no to sweet i have felt a ton better. So things are starting to look up for us as far as emotionally hard time. I am just so thank full for the Lords help in getting us through. Also thanks to all the family and friends that helped us through it. Weather it was listening to me or helping in just being there for us. Thanks.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


So our August has not be the best in the world be we made it through. Let me tell you what is going on. So first we got let down not being able to find out what the little one will be. Then two days later Nate Jumped off a fence and landed in a hole. His knee really didn't like it. We finely got an MRI done last Monday and found out he tore is ACL, MCL, and a little more. Pretty much he ruined his knee and is meeting with a surgeon next Thursday and hopefully will get the surgery done soon after so he can start healing. He is getting really tired of not being able to drive or pretty much do anything. And it is waring on me as well. But we are finally getting closer to getting it taken care of then we can smile and be happy we made it through.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Well Guess who won the game! NO ONE!! The baby's legs were crossed so we could see if it was a boy or girl. :( So I guess we will have to wait untill Dec when it comes unless they find a reason to let us have a second look. we will have to wait and see. :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Ok all! I go in August 3rd to find out what we are having. I thought it would be fun to take a toll and see what everyone thinks I am having. So what is your thought?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Heart beat

We got to see the heart beat today. Everything looks great so far, and I am 8 weeks along. We are very excited.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Nate and I are feeling Very blessed! Back in February we thought we had to give up on having kids at this time. Well I guess not! That's right we are pregnant!! I am two months along and had no clue until a little over a week ago. We are sooooooo happy. We go in tomorrow for the first ultrasound. Wish us luck!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I am so glad we got are taxes done and out of the way! And I am Sooooooo excited about getting the return. We are going to get a new couch with it! We have never had a new couch we have always had handy downs. Which is fine but they only last a few years and then we are looking for a new one. So this time we get to go pick out a brand new one!! Cant wait!!! Money get here soon please!!! :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Can I just tell you how thankful I am to have so many great friends. Although most of you don't live near to me I know we are still close in Spirit. Thanks for all the wonderful comments. I love you guys so much and wish we were all closer in distance. So thanks again. Every word helps. :)
Love you guys.

Monday, February 8, 2010

New Goal

Ok so I am not the best at just writing thoughts down for everyone to read. If you haven't notice I normally always have pictures then I like to explain whats going on in the picture. Well I am going to try to be better about just writing down thought and stories.
Ok so whats on my mind right now is not the most positive thing in the world but sometimes your thoughts aren't always happy. Today we found out that there is no way we can have anymore kids at this time. You see we did about 5 rounds of clomid and still nothing they think I need to have my Tubs Cleaned out but that's like 2000.00 dollars not something we can afford without insurance. So we have had to realize that until Nate is done with school and we have insurance we have to give up that dream of having more kids. (just for now that is.) At first I was flustered because we have gone though this already once before Brayden. So I didn't and still really don't understand why we have to go through this again.(I guess I must of not learn my listen the first time:) )
But now I sit and look around me and realized something. I have been blessed with a wonderful Husband and a sweet little boy who I love both very much. I also realized at this time that with Nate in school maybe the lord knows something I don't. though the wanting for another baby is there for Nate and I maybe the need at this time isn't. Its really made me sit and think about the blessings in my life. Yes there is the normal blessing of my family. But Nate and I have been blessed so much this year in Friends and just other things that have fallen in place for us. Maybe right now I just need to look at what the Lord is placing before us and not what isn't at this time. I know it sounds crazy to go from one extreme to the other but I guess that's how my mind works .
I think the biggest blessing I have had this year is my relationship the Lord. I feel like I've grown spiritually ten times more in the past 8 months then my hole life. I guess you could say I have a hard time giving everything up to the Lord. I like to have control of the things in my life and the last while things have been out of Nate and My hands. We have had to trust in the Lord to help us get by. I must say it was not easy for us to do but we have and because of it we have both grown so much. So to end on a better note though I do get sad sometimes that we aren't able to expand our family I also get lots of moments of joy as well. I know the Lord love me and that alone helps.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

random things

When we were at Grandma and pa's house the did there little rock band and i thought it was cute how big Brayden is getting. before he couldn't hold onto the guitar without sitting now he can stand and still play.
Brayden was caught reading a book like mommy. layed out on the couch all Coffey just looking at his book.

Where is Brayden?..............

We let Brayden go to Grandma and pa's for almost a week. he as so excited to go with grandpa that he started helping dad pack. it was cute to see what he packed. Ducky...books... oh and cant forget Homer or Rocket...... Thank goodness Dad was helping or there would be no room for clothing. :)

Late on Christmas

OK so i am not so great at posting right after the holidays........... So sorry that it is over a month late but hope you enjoy.
Brayden had a great Christmas he got a work bench and a few books and games from us.

He thought he would help us with the tree. What a good handyman. :)

He got Rocket and a few other small things from Santa. He didn't' want to open anymore gifts after the rocket. He played with it from the time he opened it until we went to grandma and pa's and he got his train set. that was about 5 hours of playing with the same toy. In the car and everything. :)

Oh Christmas tree. On Christmas eve. It looks like a lot but that's because my hubby moved everything up in front of the tree.the back and under the tree are empty so no we didn't' spoil our self this year Nate is just really good at making it like we did.

The snow fall before Christmas was fun Brayden and I made a Snowman why daddy stacked wood for the fire place.

by the time Nate was done stacking wood and us done with the snowman we were pretty cold.

Brayden got to sit on Santa's lap a few times and each time he did want to get off and he would ask for the same thing. Choo Choo train please.....

We went to a collage little Christmas thing and they had a kids center where they were able to make a few crafts then go sit on Santa's lap. This is the star brayden made for our tree.

Nate and Brayden were making a snow ruler.

The first Santa Brayden got to see and ask for his choo choo

Brayden loved putting decorations on the tree. I thought it was cute and he got to do it twice.

Our second tree in a week. Our first was fake and the stand broke on it and started to tumble thank goodness Nate and i caught it and started taking all the decorations off. Take two of the Christmas tree was real and smelled sooooooooo good!

Our first tree that didn't want to stay up for us this year.