
Sunday, December 28, 2008


OK So here is the best present of this year.... My hubby gave me a beautiful ring since my wedding one doesn't fit my fingers since having Brayden. I love it!!!!

This is Christmas morning Brayden was a little grumpy and I think we were more excited them him but it was fun and cute. We were at my parents house for the morning then went to his parent later that day.

Nate got X-Box 360 PJ's.

Both Bryce and Brayden got Batman PJ's

How cute is he.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Good Santa Pictures

Ok I just got the pro-pictures from Sister Holdens Website. Her's are much better then mine.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Saturday night we went to our Church Christmas party. They had Santa come. Brayden wasn't to keen on setting on his lap. But we got a few non-tears pic's.

They gave all the babies stuffed animals I thought that was really sweet. The rest of the kids got candy bags.

In order to get Brayden to even start to calm down to get some pic's Santa had to let him play with his jiggle bells. That got him happy enough to get a few pic's.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Just thought I would let everyone know. We had our first snow fall. I was happy at first but then I had to drive in it. They never care to take care of the off roads. Needless to say our road is ice. very scary!!!!! But if it keeps up Nate is hoping to be able to Snowmobile the day after Christmas. And that will be a blast! So I guess.............. LET IT SNOW! It will give us something to look forward. Just in case I don't blog again until after Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Outside Fun

Just to warn everyone I posted about 4 different one's today. I thought I better catch everyone up to date with everything.
Yesturday Morning Daddy was hanging christmas light outside. Brayden though he needed to be out there with him so I took his bike with us. He loved riding his bike outside. He went all over the place.


Ok I can now say Brayden is walking without help.. He still cant get up and down with out getting help from us or a chair. But that will be the next goal. For now he reached his first huge goal. With a lot of work from Mom and Dad Brayden is walking!!!


Evan though Brayden isn't strong enough to Dance while standing by himself. He is still getting the beat down. It's been really fun watching him shake his hips and shoulders. Hope you enjoy.


Well I forgot to take a lot of pictures over Thanksgiving but here are a few that I got. We went to Tri-cities to see family. Brayden had a ton of fun with his cousins and grandparents. He even started walking by himself Saturday.
At Grandma and Pa Rhoten's The kids all played and elephant game. And the kids loved it so here is Brayden with all his cousin's on my parents side.

Grandpa Odermott was hanging Christmas lights so Brayden wanted to be out side. Nate was walking him up and down the sidewalk and I thought this pix. turned out cute.

Brayden with Grandpa Odermott and his cousin Cole.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

First Steps

Brayden is now letting go of things to walk 2 or 3 steps. Normally he will walk to and from the couch but he got a little camera shy.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

Our little Darth Vader.

We took Brayden down town to all the little shops for some trick or treating. Every time he got a piece of Candy he just wanted to eat it or hold it. He had no interest in putting the candy in the bag. Then if he already had a piece in his hand when more was offered he would put the piece he had in the bowl and grab different piece of candy. We tried to show him that he gets both but he just kept trying to switch his candy and not keep more then he could hold in his hands. Then we went to Papa Murphy's since they give the kids a free little pizza or cookie dough and we bought a big pizza for us. Over all we had fun.
We went to a coworkers house since she wanted to see Brayden. Thanks to her we got a family photo. How cute are we. :)


Brayden is climbing! Which is a great sign. He is getting stronger and loves to get to the controllers on the couch.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Practice Makes Perfect.

Brayden thought he better practice his Kissing early on. He wants to be ready for all the girls in 15 years. He didn't realize I was recording but its pretty funny. now he just needs a really girl instead of a doll. :)


So Nate got home from D.C. I thought these were some cute pix's that he took.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Nine Nine Tag

9 T.V. Shows I watch
-America's Next Top Model
-Dancing with the Stars
-Samantha Who?
-One Tree Hill
-Hannah Montana
-Wizards of Waverly Place
-Suite life on deck(so I like cheesy Disney shows)

9 Favorite Restaurants
-Village Baker(Utah)
-Famous Dave's
-Olive Garden
-Teryoki Wok
-Panda Garden
-Campus U Totem
-Winagers (Ice Cream Place)

9 Things I did yesterday
-Brayden's exercise
-diaper changes
-cleaned brayden's room
-went to daddy's work for lunch
-went grocery shopping
-read a book
-watched TV
-gave Brayden a bath
-did the dishes

9 Things I am looking forward to.
-Nate getting back from DC
-Brayden walking
-brayden's first week in nursery(next week)
-The Holiday's
-Date Nights
-See Family
-Primary program to be over
-brayden potty trained(it will happen)
-when we have our own home(Riiiight)

9 Things on my wish list
-Our own home
-a kitchen aid
-a ring that fits my finger
-no one getting sick this winter
-my son to grow strong and happy
-Nate to travel safely
-new clothing
-new hair shears
-new hair clippers

9 Things I am scared of
- losing a close family member
-the dark
-scary movies
-scary books
-giving talks at church
-bad drivers

9 people to tag
-Stacy Pratt
-Kelly Moore
-Kelly Odermott

New Crawl

I have been told this is a good sign it means he is getting stronger. But I just thought it was funny.

Work It

So I though I would show everyone exactly what we have to do with Brayden to make him work his ABS. When I first started we would just barely move him one way or the other and he would fuss and fall to the side. But know I can go pretty far and he likes it for the most part. He is already show really good signs. For one he doesn't sit in the W as much anymore. And a few more little things.

Random Pictures

So Nate has had my camera at work and when he did bring the camera home he kept on forgetting the cord to download them here. So I though I would post a few pictures from the last month that I thought where cute or funny.

He love to climb into the middle of our TV stand.

I don't know if you can tell but he took all his little toys out of the basket and climbed in. I didn't realize what he was doing until I heard him giggling. He thought he was pretty funny.

Friday, October 3, 2008


Sorry I have been really bad about updating, but a ton has been going on. First off the Dr's are finally taking me serious about Brayden. I have known for a while that there was something not right when it came to his mobility. Pretty much He is almost 18 months and still not getting his balance by himself or walking completely by himself. This last week they have been testing him for earring(everything is good there) Then Yesterday they had me go into a physical therapist to she if it could be anything with the muscles or what not. With in the first 2 minutes the Dr. knew what was going on with him. pretty much my son has whats call Low Muscles Tone. Which means he isn't using the core muscles and in finding other ways to do what he want. like instead of sitting on his knee's he parts them like a w and sitting his rump on the floor. The Dr. Said that it was the most stable way for a child to sit without his need of lower ABS.
It feels so good to know what is going on. Now I just have to work with him daily to get his ABS stronger so he can move around better. And he will be doing physical therapy for a while too. I will keep everyone updated.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Family Pix's

So my Friend Nichole Geartner just got her degree in Photography. So in exchange for foils she took Picture of our family. I thought they looked pretty good. But This are my Favorites.
I thought this one was to cute for words.

And of course we cant forget the star of our show.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Almost there

Guess what everyone! Brayden is finally walking.................. with one hand as help!!!! That is a huge step for him. For those of you who don't know my son is very stubborn and refused to walk for quit a while. In fact when we would try to get him to walk with our hands as help he would lift his legs up in setting position so that he wouldn't have too. (A little to smart for his own good.) Well today he finally let us help him with just one hand. He has been walking everywhere today with just one hand for help. Hopefully he will let go soon. After all the kid is 16 months. Way past due for some walking.


OK Just thought this was cute. I have never let him eat a Popsicle by himself so he was pretty proud.

Daddy's Trip

Nate had to go to St. Louis on a Business trip for some training. And While he was packing Brayden thought he would go with him. He was crawling around the bed and the next thing we know is he is in the suitcase as daddy is trying to pack. I thought it to cute for words.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Grandma Rhoten

Nate had a training last week in St. Lewis. So my Mom came up to stay with me for a few days. We had a lot of fun and Brayden loved spending time with Grandma. For me is was nice to not be alone. I hadn't seen my mom in a while so it was good so visit and relax with her. Anyway I thought this was a cute cuddle pix of the two.

Tongue Singing

While Grandma Rhoten was up here she some how taught Brayden how to wiggle his tongue and make noise. So all day long he is doing this. I thought it was cute.

True Player

So I was looking through his pix and realized. Most of the pix that Brayden has with another child it is always a girl. I thought it was kind of funny. So here is our little heart breaker.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


OK so for those who haven't heard
We are very happy about it. He is the General Manager for One hour Heating and Air. And so far loves it. It's a lot of work for him. But he has so much room to grow. He will be traveling for the next couple of months quit a bit for training and such but he is happy about it and oh so happy to be done with Taco Del Mar. He is finely out of food!!!!!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th

Happy 4th everyone!
I hope everyone is having a good Holiday. Nate and I are just relaxing today. Nate unfortunately has to work this afternoon. Hopefully they will be slow so he can come home early. Brayden and I are thinking of going to West Ellensburg Park. They always do a little fun get together. They have a few booths for the kids(crafts and more) Then later on the will do a firework show. We will see how Brayden does. We may not be able to stay that long. We are hoping that Dad can get off and join us. Well hope everyone has a wonderful day.
The Odermott's

My First Color Book

I never thought to have Brayden color. Today I went to the dollar store and of-course they had color books. I thought I would try. He caught on pretty quick.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


After Swimming I thought I would give him some food and then a nap. He ate about half the food. Then was just to tired to eat the rest. :)


We got Brayden a pool about a month ago, but then it was just to cold to take him out. Today I took him out to swim and remembered to bring the camera. :) I thought he was sooooooooooooo cute. He had a lot of fun too.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


About two months ago Brayden started getting mad at me for brushing his teeth so I started to do a quick brush then I hand it to him and he would sit and Brush(chew on it)his teeth for at lest 10 minutes. I thought it was kind of cute.

A Drum of my very own

Grandpa and Grandma Odermott came up last weekend and brought some new toys for Brayden. Once he got to play with the drum he wouldn't really play with anything else.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Odermott Band

Uncle Andrew and Grandma Odermott came up for a few hours the other day. While they were here the guys were playing rock band. Brayden wanted to be apart of the band too. So they let him drum. I thought it was cute.

He just loves to play like daddy.

Here they are all rocking out.

Look how proud he is.

I eat like a big boy

The other day I was feeding Brayden and just thought what would you do if I give you the fork? So I did. This is what he did. I thought it was cute.

Monday, June 16, 2008

The little drummer boy.

Nate gave Brayden the drum sticks and he knew exactly what to do this them. It was very cute.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Our little Rocker!

Nate was playing Guitar hero and Brayden was "trying to help". It was making Nate do so badly that he gave him the other controller just so Brayden would let him play.

A Minne Gene Simmons.

Brayden thought that was pretty cool. He would look up at Dad then copy him by pushing the buttons with his one little finger.


Look how cute they are. Checking each other out. We went to the tri-cities so see Nates Grandparents that are in town. While we were there Brayden and Cole got to spend sometime together. Brayden got a little to excited to see another baby.

I can never get Brayden to open his eyes for pic's anymore.

My poor son has a huge head. :)

Carrie Underwood

For mother's day Nate got me tickets to Carrie Underwood since she is may favorite singer. OK, so we didn't have the best sits in the world but it was amazing seeing her live. She is such a good performer. And so down to earth.