
Thursday, June 30, 2011

over due updates

Last week Ella was sick with the flu bug. She had a lot of fun with her throw up buckett. I thought it was cute that she was a happy camper even though she was sick.

This is Ella when she is healthy and looking cute as can be at 6 months.

When we were down in the Tri-cities last. Brayden and Grandpa Odermott rode around on his three wheeler. He just loved it.

Brayden wanted Ella to swim with him so i got out her little tube. She lasted long enough for me to get three pictures before Brayden couldn't help but splash. Then she freaked out and wanted nothing to do with the pool. :)

Brayden Loving the sun and water!

Friday, April 22, 2011


OK so They didn't get the offer on the house that they wanted so they want to wait until next year to really try selling the house. I know crazy with the back and forth stuff. But at the time they really thought that was what they needed to do. Then some other stuff opened up for them and they are able to wait on selling. So i don't have to pack. :) Nate only has three quarters left so it will be nice to not have to move until he is done. i do feel bad that they didn't get the offer they were hoping for....... But they are happy the we want to stay so that way the yard is able to be kept nice and things will be taken care of.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Ok so it looks like we are going to be moving in a few months........ Our Landlords are needing to sell the house so we are waiting to get into State housing for the rest of my husband schooling. I am sooooo not looking forward to packing everything just to be moving again in under a year.. :( Boo..... But on the bright side We will be in town again, Nate will be able to ride his bike when the weather is good, We wont use as much gas being in town, the rent will be cheaper, And there is AC in Government housing.... So I think the bright side out ways the packing boxes side. So I will put a smile on my face and pray that everything moves quickly and smoothly. :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Blessing Day

We had a ton of family and a few friends come to Ellensburg for Ella's Blessing we allot of fun. Here are some pictures of Ella in her dress and a few of all of us.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The last few weeks

Well I have been horrible about posting but i am trying to be better now that i am home. So the last few weeks i have taken a few pictures of my two little ones.
I love being able to dress Ella up. Girl outfits are so fun. I have a few random pictures mostly to show how cute she is in the outfits.

Bath time need I say more. lol!

Almost on a day to day basis Brayden wants his picture take with Ella. He is a really good big brother. We had a few weeks of him acting out but things are starting to get into a routine. And we are very happy about that. His acting out was weird. Like pooping not in the toilet. Not like brayden at all and mommy didn't do so well with it. Poor daddy had all the clean up.

I have been having fun making hair pieces for her. They look so big on her still but i thought it was cute.

These are there Christmas outfits my mom got for them for Christmas.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Here's some more

My Dad came up to drop off Christmas gifts and to see little Ella. My Mom sent this chex mix for all of us to share. Brayden thought it was just for him. He didn't want anyone else to eat it.
Ella was in a very cute outfit that my mom bought a while back. I just thought it was cute.

At breakfast Brayden had to have Ella Sit next to him. She just loved staring at him. It was very cute. Such a great big brother.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Baby Ella

Baby Ella Joyce Odermott was born on December 17th 2010 at 1:08pm. She is a wonderful addition to our family. Ella is 8 lbs 1 oz and 19 inches long. Ella has strong set of lungs and we are all is excitted to finally have her here. Brayden is excitted to be a big brother and has already tried to share his french fries with her.