Sunday, June 29, 2014

She's Here!

Oct 20
Little miss Keira Jeane Warburton arrived today at 2:30, weighing at 5 lbs 11 ounces. I can't believe she's mine or that I have a daughter. It's so weird. I knew having a baby would be hard, but I had no idea how sore my pelvis was going to be after delivery. First time going to the bathroom since having her and I seriously, nearly fell over. After 18 hrs of labor (12 at the hospital), I'm so ecstatic to have her here and exhausted to boot. Nate is pretty tired too. 
We're trying to get her suck, but isn't latching very well. She knows where food is though, throwing her whole body in one direction or the other with her mouth a shark. It's funny. 
I can't believe how tiny she is either! Holy cow!
 I was pretty tired. This was taken pretty soon after. Her head is still purple.

 Instragram collage--isn't she adorable?

Oct 22
We stayed at the hospital for another 36 hours after she was born. The hospital food was actually REALLY good and they brought it to you. Yesterday was my birthday and kind of weird. Our friends, the Randall & Mallory stopped by to see us; they had a doctor's appt for their own pregnancy. It was so nice of them. Nate had a class that morning, so he couldn't be there, but he was going to come back. My coworker Brittany stopped by to say hi and brought me a yummy piece of cake too. We left this morning. They had us watch a 1/2 hr video about "purple crying" and Dr. Wells (pediatrician) had to check her out once more before we could leave. Apparently she was had med-low signs of jaundice. After pooping out all the black gunk out, she weighed 4 lbs 12 ounces. Almost a whole pound less. They were worried about her gaining weight since she was struggling getting the colostrum. She hasn't eaten very often or much at all since being born. They wanted us to come back in two days from today.
Nate's mom took a bus out to Vernal to help me out. I'm so grateful for her coming out, especially since my mom couldn't come out due to her illness. She will be a big help! Our neighbors brought over dinner for us which was really helpful. Barbara got in a lot of snuggles with her new granddaughter, I know Keira didn't mind.

 My feet are still chubby. 

It's Go Time!

**Warning: Some parts are graphic**
October 19
So after hanging out with the Dunbars, we went back our apartment at 9:30ish. Since my contractions were pretty close together, I decided not to go to bed yet. Instead, I watched How to Train Your Dragon, another movie (brain is spacing at which one) and then we went to bed. By this point, my contractions were about 7 minutes apart. We went to bed around 1. Just as we laid down, I got hit with 4 or 5 really intense contractions. I told Nate again that I was in labor. His response, "Nah. Let's get some sleep." After another contraction, I told Nate we needed to go soon. I was elated and couldn't sleep anyway. Nate said to wait 5 minutes and then we'll go. It happened. It wasn't until another one that we grabbed our hospital bag and a pillow and out the door we went.
The drive to Roosevelt is about a half hour. We got to the check-in desk, spent some time giving information to the desk and went back to the labor & delivery section. The place is like a whole different place than the actual hospital (very classy and comfortable). They put us into a room (we were the only ones there) and said I couldn't be admitted until the doc arrived at 8 or 9 am. It was 2 am! So we sat around for quite awhile. A nurse came into check my cervix...YOWSA! Her fingers aren't as long as our doctor's, so it wasn't very gentle or pleasant. I was between a 4 and a 5. We had a few nurses in and out checking on the contractions. Toward the early morning, Nate tried to sleep; poor guy. On our birth plan we asked that very few came in so I could relax and focus on my breath. They did okay until the end. This one nurse named would not follow our wishes. She came in asking if this male intern could shadow her. I said no, and that I didn't want extra people in there. Fewer the people, better the relaxation and focus for me. Within 15-20 minutes, she was back with a girl intern asking the exact same question. At this point, my contractions were more intense. Naturally, my patience is waring thin. I said no again, but this time she was more headstrong about it. I still said no.
Dr. Williams came in around 9:30ish, saw that I was at a 6 and broke my water. Can I just tell you how weird that feeling is?! It's like peeing your pants in a waterfall like motion, but no control over it. Dr. Williams joked about the fact that he has to speak in church that day and to try not to have the baby before he has to speak. Hah, you're a funny one. This baby is coming, whether you like it or not.     In the next (half) hour, I went from a 6 to an 8. Amongst that time, guess who came back to ask again. You got it.... She tried to reason with me this time. I looked to Nate for support, but he hesitated not wanting to be rude any more than I did. Not feeling the greatest or of sound mind, I finally said that she could watch during the delivery part, but not now. Not the complete result I wanted, but good enough for the time being. Darn annoying nurse. 
For the next 2 hours, I went from an 8 to an almost 9. At this point the contractions were REALLY intense. I focused on my breath and relaxing every muscle with each contraction, moaning along the way. Somehow I got 'in the zone', like sha-va-sun-uh in yoga; teetering between consciousness and subconsciousness. It was getting REALLY intense. At one point of deliriousness, I asked Nate for some kind of anesthetic. He said I was almost through it and it was too late for that. He was very supportive, it was just what I needed. Through the intense parts, Nate held my hand tightly giving me comfort. The last few hours was really hard work. It felt like I was never going to get there. In 20-30 min, I went from a 9 to maybe a 9 1/4, 20-30 min after that 9 1/4 to 9 3/4, and then 20-30 min after that, it went to 9 3/4 to almost a 10. I guess a lip was holding us back. Dr. Williams tried to move it and then told his team of nurses to get ready to deliver. I felt extremely hot and tired.
At one point they blew a fan in-between my legs. It felt great for a couple seconds and then was really really cold. Crazy nurse came in to help and brought with her the intern. Being so ridiculously hot and at the end of the line, I told her, "You know, I don't mean to be rude, but I need you to get out." The crazy nurse looked a little hurt, but I didn't care in the slightest. Around quarter to 2, I started pushing. Pushing was the exact opposite from labor. Instead of relaxing every muscle on the contractions, I had to push on the contractions. It seriously felt like pooping.
The first couple times I pushed, my legs would cramp up, so that I got HUGE, INTENSE charlie-horses. They were more painful than the labor or delivery part. No joke. Dr. Williams noticed that I was pointing my toes when I began to push. Crazy Nurse and Nate helped hold my feet flat. I then decided to push like my life depended on it. Nate told me later that I turned into an Amazon woman, screaming and pushing with everything that I had. She was almost out and 2 huge events happened. The first, Dr. Williams accidentally pushed on my clitoris trying to get her out. I screamed murder; as you may imagine! The second part, was Keira's head was almost out, but the cord was wrapped 3/4 of the way around her neck. He told us he was going to clip and he did. Couple more pushes and she was out. I was completely exhausted, mentally and physically!
 I guess I pushed so hard, that I tore a little bit, so Dr. Williams did an episiotomy--didn't feel it after everything that happened before. They gave me a little plutocin to remove the placenta, while they wiped Keira off a little and immediately gave her to me, skin to skin. Dr. Williams showed Nate the placenta and my tear, telling him all about it. Of course, Nate was fascinated. A few minutes later, Nate tied off the remaining umbilical cord on her and they checked to make she my uterus was going down in size. Crazy nurse was in charge of that. She came every half hour as I was trying to bond with my new baby and sleep. She'd push really hard on my stomach to check and wasn't very nice about it. Once everyone was out of the room, Nate made the phone calls, telling the family about our new arrival.
What a challenge it was, but I'm more than happy with the outcome of my sweet baby girl.

Fall Break

Oct 16 - 19
October 16
I spent the day making onesies with for baby girl. Yesterday, a co-worker joked about the idea that I'd have little girl this weekend. Made me laugh, we shall see. With that in mind, I decided to leave some lesson plans in case that actually happens. I ran to walmart for groceries and then proceeded to create more crafts and things for the baby's room.

Now I just have to wait for little miss to get here. This weekend marks 37 weeks. :)
 Motorcycle bad boy. His leather chaps came in the mail. Now he has the whole package.

October 17
Rob & Em came out with their children to spend fall break with us in Vernal. We had nieces and nephews sleeping all over our floor in the kitchen and a blow-up mattress in the living room. It was a little on the crazy side, but really fun too! We went to the national dinosaur monument (in hopes that it was open since the government shutdown). They have a bunch of dinosaur bones that are coming out of the rock wall. It's pretty sick. Nate left that evening for class, I stayed home and Rob & Em's family went to dinner at a burger place out in Maesar. I spent the quiet hour or two organize our little girl's clothes.

October 18
When he got off, we went to dinner at 7-11 (not the gas station) and the dinner was delicious! I was able to convince Rob to get the sweet potato. It is delectable with a yummy cinnamon buttery sauce. After dinner we went to Farr's Ice Cream for some soft-served ice cream.

They have deals every once in awhile and the deal early tonight was to try and get to 5 lbs and it was free. We all tried and failed. However, Rob got his to be 5 lbs and 3 oz or something and his ended up being free. Later that night, we played games and I noticed I was having some contractions. The 'what if' scenario popped into my head for the night.

October 19
Nate and I ran over to Roosevelt for our doctor's appointment with Dr. Williams. He said I was dilated at a 4. Really?! Weird. Meanwhile, Em & her gang wanted to go to the pioneer history museum and bake sale down the street. When we got back, we all went to look at dry fork canyon to Remember the Maine park.

We went to the temple with Em & Rob, while Marri watched the others. I had a few contractions, but then they went away. After that Nate and I went to a ward member's baptism while Em's family packed up. I had a few contractions again after the baptism. They met up with us afterward. I felt prompted to get a priesthood blessing in the event that I DID go into labor. The bishopric, our home teacher, Rob & Nate all stood in a circle. It felt like a protective wall of the power of God. What a wonderful feeling.

As we walked out with Em & Rob, they brought out a gift they got from the DI...A bumbo for only $3! And in great condition! They're usually $30-$40.
We said our goodbyes and headed home. Later that evening, we hung out with the Dunbars and some other friends. We talked about many things and played games, laughing really hard. Not too long afterward, I started feeling contractions...but this time they were fairly consistent, being 15 minutes apart. Later they became 12 minutes apart. I started keeping track. We left around 9:30 to go to bed. However, I had feeling that might not happen. ;) I was definitely in labor! She's finally coming!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Braxton Hicks

Oct 13-15
 I went to the doctor's last week and they said I was already dilated at a cm. Say WHAT?! Over the course of the last three days, I've been having Braxton-Hicks contractions on and off. Monday's were really intense after school. I wondering if she is coming. A friend of mine was dilated at 3 cm for 3 weeks before her baby came. I'm just hoping little girl doesn't make her appearance on my birthday. I know that sounds very selfish, but it's MY birthday. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

I'm a Cow!

Oct 9
I finished sewing my cow costume! I love it! Hopefully, baby girl can wait until after Halloween to make her grand entrance. I want to be pregnant for Halloween simply for this reason alone.

 Isn't it great?!

General Conference

Oct 5 - 6
With my pregnancy now on the home stretch, 5 weeks to go, Nate and I decided it might be a good idea to visit my family in Salt Lake. It's going to be awhile once little miss gets here. We drove down Saturday morning, listening to conference in the car on our way down. Halfway through the morning session, we arrived at Mike n Jess's apartment. Chloe was being very silly with her large lego car and blanket. I broke my heart that I couldn't pick her up anymore due to the belly. Elder Holland gave a talk in the later half that really resonated with me and my family. He spoke of despair and trials we may go through with those that are disabled. He mentioned that although it is important to take care of them, do not forget to take care of yourself. What you don't know is that earlier in the year, my dad wrote to Elder Holland about my mom. And Elder Holland wrote back. It was really cool! I feel his message in conference was a sort of global response to my dad's letter (Elder Holland was my dad's religion instructor at BYU and spoke at his baptism, true story).
After conference ended, Nate and I left to run some errands. I needed to go to IKEA to grab drawer dividers for the nursery. Little did I realize how maze-like and packed IKEA was until we got there. We were running late in getting back to my brother's apartment. Nate dropped me off at Hobby Lobby to meet up with Jess so we could get our craft on! I was so excited!!! Not only do I love the store, but I enjoy making crafty things to decorate our home. By the time we got back, the afternoon session was more than half-over. Oops.
Later in the evening, Jess, Nate and myself snuck off to Murray Park to take pregnancy photos. The environment was gorgeous, the lighting was perfect and Jess is a super awesome photographer!

Aren't they AMAZING!?!
We had to get back so that the boys could go to Priesthood and not be late. While the men were gone, Jess and I crafted. Of course, I didn't finish nearly half of everything I wanted to, but it was really fun. Jess and I chatted it up while re-listening to the afternoon session of conference. Love her!
 I forgot to take a picture when I was with Jess, so here they are.

 (I finished some of these later)
We spent the night at my dad's house.
Sunday morning, we listened to conference with my dad. Mike and Jess came over for conference and breakfast. Nate made crepes for the family per request. I loved them! Thanks Scott for teaching him how to make them from your mish. We love them.
In between the sessions, we went to visit my mom. I really hate seeing her this way, it breaks my heart.
We listened to the second session of conference and then returned to Vernal shortly after. It was a wonderful weekend with our family and I couldn't have asked for a better time.

Corn Maze

Oct 2
Nate's work (Mt. America) was sponsoring a dinner at the Blue Bell Corn Maze near Roosevelt. We got there late due to fact that it was trickier to find. Thankfully MY gps pulled through in the end. Nate's phone, you need an update. I got to see who Nate works with and we got a free meal out of it. Win win. After dinner, everybody was invited to go through the corn maze in the dark (SO FUN!) We started off as a group of 5, which turned into a group of 10 and then 16 as we continued to run into people ahead of us. Pretty funny stuff trying to find numbers on little stumps, in the dark. Nate's co-workers were really nice and very friendly. I'm glad he has good relationships with his co-workers. One of the bosses gave us a caramel apple in a cup, pre-sliced with whipped cream on top--DELISH! I wanted another one, but it didn't happen... 
They also gave us a pumpkin to take home. Thanks MACU for a wonderful evening!