Saturday, March 13, 2010

Love it

My favorite gift I ever received was this sling (Thank you, Kristin). My babes love it and I adore having them close and snug. There is nothing sweeter.

Fun in the Big City

While some of our family was here last weekend we decided to check out what the City had to offer. It definitely had some cold wind to offer, but that's always expected there. It also had delicious brunch from Sarabeth's to offer, a nice stroll around Central Park, and Boozle's first choo choo ride, which he thought was scary and too loud. Apparently he prefers the smaller toy variety.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Blessing Day

This past weekend we finally decided that L's immune system could handle a bit of church so we blessed him. T did a wonderful job and it was tender and sweet. We loved having family here to celebrate with and realized it always makes us wish we lived closer. Maybe someday.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

In Case You Hadn't Heard...

In case you hadn't heard, we've gotten a ridiculous amount of snow here in New Jersey. Even 1" is a ridiculous amount, in my opinion, let alone many huge snowstorms with 18" each time. T said he liked snow in December. He was longing for a white Christmas, and he got it. After shoveling approximately 5 feet of snow thus far, he and his back are dunzo with the snow. Boozle, L, and I are also dunzo. We've been cooped up far too long and are just yearning for the sun.

Boozle loves trains and always wants to ride one. There's a fun one that does a little ride around Easter so I told him that when it gets warmer, we can go on the train. Not a day goes by without him reminding me that when it gets warmer, we get to go on a train! When it gets warmer... Now I'm thinking we should change it to if.

Needless to say, I've had to become very creative in coming up with inside activities for a very energetic 2 year-old. I checked out a few books from the library to get some ideas and we've actually had some fun doing the following activities:

snuggling in bed

bundling up and going to New York City for delicious brunch

trying to photo-document this growing-too-quickly sweet babe

hiding in boxes and popping out, making box tunnels for trains & people, etc...

giving Apa (monkey) a horsey ride

playing with water in the sink

singing Happy Birthday and blowing out candles many, many times

and taking naps because all this playing just wears us all out!