Saturday, October 31, 2009

House Tour Part I

This will be a very ongoing house tour because the rooms are coming together one by one, but we finally got our living room all put together, rug and all, and it feels like home!

Happy Halloween from the apa

Last night we went to a church trunk-or-treat party and Boozle was in heaven. Before the party he was getting tired and fussy so I was doubting whether or not he'd make it but as soon as I put him in his apa (monkey) costume, he started running around, making apa noises, and looking at himself in the mirror. He was a big fan. T handed out candy to the kids while Boozie and I walked around looking at all the festively-decorated trunks and kids in their costumes. We saw a dragon which Boozie thought was a crocodile and said, "Snap!" every time the little boy walked by. We saw a sheep that he said "Baaa" to and a little puppy that he barked at over and over. He shoved a donut hole in his mouth and kept saying "donut" over and over; it was a very fun night. We didn't do trunk-or-treat with him because he's so young, but he did get a pinwheel, a balloon, and one package of smarties that he thought was his fluoride pills he chews each night.

On the agenda today: carving pumpkins, lugging furniture up into our room, taking photos of our newly-decorated house, Halloween parade, gathering piles of leaves to take to the curb, etc... Hopefully it all gets done.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Few updates

Pictures are getting hung in this house and making it feel like ours. We finally found the ultimate perfect rug (we think) and it is on its way! We spotted it at and of course, the color we wanted was sold out. I checked everyday for about 1 week and had no luck. Then, on a whim I checked early Saturday morning and there was 1 left and it was the color we needed! I still have my doubts that it is real, but we did get a tracking number and when it arrives, I guess my doubts will cease.

The craigslist-find dresser has had its gouges filled with wood filler, primed, painted, and polyurethaned and the armoire is following close behind but is still on the primer stage. The fabulous hardware has been ordered and soon enough, there will be a Ta-Da post to show everyone the final results. Just a warning: I forgot to take before pictures so you'll just have to imagine that sad sights they were. I even was inspired to follow this tutorial and make some fun stencil-y (but non-Halloween) plates for our black & white-themed dining room. I think it'll be fab.

And also, I figured out a magic way to be able to paint and prime while Boozie is awake. This darling house has a sandbox in the backyard and Boozie + sand = true love. Remember this party?

And last but not least, we have a really fun park directly across the street that can be seen from all the windows. The only downfall is that Boozle stands at the window and says "parken?" which means the park in Swedish all hours of the day. Regardless if it's raining, dark, freezing cold, etc... He doesn't care. Today that word might have been replaced with Gymboree, which may be worse because his class is only on Tuesdays and we can't just walk across the street to get there. All before his nap he kept saying "Gymbee?" over and over. Boozle is so much fun; I love being his mama.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

LO on the brain

So for some reason, today my mind has been filled with the new baby, little one, bambino, whatever it ends up being called. Probably because I just talked to my friend who is exactly 4 weeks ahead of me but has scheduled sections and her magic due date is 10 November! It's coming so soon. So that means this little one will be here before I know it. I can't stop looking at the tiny cloth diapers and the little projects I keep finding that I want to do or things I want to buy. Here are a few:

for sale here
wool sweater recycled booties for freezing baby feet in new jersey? yes, please.

instructions here
a tiny little wool cuddle sack that looks like a little mitten for my little one and can be made on my round loom? so stoked for this.

can be found here
and thinking this looks like the ultimate best baby soother ever. I took dinner to a couple who just adopted a baby the other week and they had this and it looks as fab in person as it does on my computer screen. Too bad it's so pricey...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Progress, finally.

2 1/2 weeks after moving into our new little house we're finally making some progress. Friday and Saturday were full of buying this sofa in beautiful seafoam color, consigning our coffee table, buying a dresser, armoire, and 2 little toy cupboards, and buying primer, paint, and wipe-on polyurethane to make them fab. So playroom, bedroom, and living room, watch out! Our new bedroom is inspired by this dresser and this color scheme:

Image from designsponge

Image from allthebestblog

So we have our work cut out for us in the few weeks left of decent weather and with Lis's help, hopefully soon we'll have a home. Then, come on visitors!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Dishes for babes

So the absolute last thing I need to be doing right now is looking for things to buy since we have no room for even our own clothes in this mini house, but I was looking for organization inspiration (since a miracle is needed to be able to fit our clothes and things in the 3 small closets in this house) and found this instead. We have the good ole' trusty Ikea plastic dishes but I'm slowly converting to glass (just bought these to replace our plastic Rubbermaid/Tupperware) and would love to see Boozie's face when I present his spinach quiche on a glass plate. He gets excited enough about using a cup without a lid. Now, back to organizing this house...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Low-rise pants wearers, watch out!

Boozie has a little obsession with bum cracks. I think he's just confused that people's pants end up low and that he can see skin poking out and is very fascinated with it. One day as T was bending over doing something, he was startled to feel a little finger exploring the exposed skin. So today at Gymboree there happened to be a mama with very low-rise jeans and a short shirt. (Not a good combo, especially for a mama that's playing and climbing with her babe, but apparently she didn't get the memo). Anyways, she was bending over and exposing and of course, piquing Boozie's curiosity. I didn't really notice. Luckily, I glanced over to see him looking with his intrigued eyes and starting to head over to her. I intercepted him and turned his attention to the various climbing-up-high-and-crouching-down-low activities of the day. Could've been bad...but hilarious. Maybe it would've taught her a lesson. :)