Thursday, June 11, 2009

Road Trip to Blackfoot Reservoir - May 19, 2009

So that Sunday was warm and sunny and just beautiful. After we got home from church, we packed some picnic stuff and went for a drive. I wanted to go up to Bone and see where Camp Comorah was. We are going there for Girl's Camp in August and I wanted to check it out. So we headed up there and found the camp, but the gate was locked so we couldn't really go see it. But I do know how to get there now! Well, since we were already on the road, we've been wanting to see how far it really is to the Blackfoot Reservoir on the Bone road. Neither of us had been there before, so we figured why not. Well, when we got there it was really pretty.
There was a great little spot there for the kids and their Grandpa to explore around a little bit. Threre was a stream and rocks and mud.....some of their favorite things.
Most of the pics that I took of Joe that day are kind of like this one......him ALWAYS on the move, running or jupming across something. That boy has so much energy, I wish he'd share one of these days!
Taking a break for some lunch.
Emma really loves her Go-gurts! Even if half of it ends up all over her!
Joe loves the water. This is one of the "still" pictures of him. ;)
Sierra testing out the water with her toes. It felt really good, not too cold, just right on a warm, sunny weekend.
Gary is herding the kids back across the bog. It was really muddy over on that'll see in just a sec.
If you look carefully at the kids running across there, you can see the mud splattering across Grace's back.
Grace's backside after running through the bog. We got most of it rinsed off, but had to wait for some of it try just dry on her clothes before we could head back to the car to continue our journey.
My Miss Grace. She really is growing up......such a beautiful girl! Not that I'm biased or anything! ;)

Heading back down to go to the car. Time to start the way around to home. It was a great day!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

First Camping Trip of the Season - May 1-3, 2009

Just a warning.....there are lots of pictures! This first one is of the farm at the point, one of my favorite places! I just love it up there.
Here we are at the point....a little different view point. Going for a walk. It actually turned into a hike, for everyone but Emma and I. They walk around that draw and up and around to the point. I took the pickup over there and kinda followed them and picked them up to take them back to camp.So here is our target. We bought a .22 that week and took the kids out to let them shoot it. They had a great time! They would all get so many shots, then we would all walk out to the target and see where all the new holes were.
Here's Gary teaching Sierra the proper way to hold the gun and sight it in on the target.
Gary and Grace.....
Gary and Joe......
Even Em had to get in on the action. She thought it was great!
Everyone checking out the target.
This is the old sistern up there on the old homestead where we are building our campground. If you don't know, a sistern is where they stored the water that they hauled up from the creek.
Joe sittin' on some of the old farm equipment still up there around the farm.
More old farm equipment.
Here's the moose we saw while we were at the point.
We saw this beautiful owl while we were on our way to go shooting with the kids. She was trying to lead us out of there. She acted like she couldn't fly and was hoping around. I did get some pretty good pics of her.
I really liked this one of her in the branches. She really blends in well. So beautiful!
This is our cute little tree growing out of the rocks up at the point.
And to end it with some pictures of the Awsome sunsets that we get to see up there!

Sierra's Violin concert - April 23, 2009

Okay, are some pics and updates from the past couple of months! Sierra had her big end of the year concert at the end of April. It was down in I.F. at one of the old elementary schools. She did a great job! Doesn't she look so grown up?! I can't believe it!

Here she is with her group, the "Twinkles". This is her first year playing the violin and she loves it.

Wow, such enthusiasm! LOL! You think she concentrating a little bit?

By the end of the concert, everyone was on stage playing together.....and I mean 1/2 the audience!!! I bet there were up to 50 people up there!

See....I couldn't even get everyone in one shot! No panoramic lens on my camera! ;)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Update on my dad...

Okay, so the latest news is that nobody knows anything yet. Or they know that what they biopsied is not any cancer that they know of or ever see here. So in a way it's good news, but not. They just don't know what the lump in his throat is or the spots on his lungs. So dad has an appointment at the Huntsman Institute this coming Friday. They've already sent his samples to a cancer specialist, but it's going to take more time to try and figure out what is going on. So, patient and supportive I will be. Hopefully this trip will yield some results. Thanks to all of you for your love and support. It really means a lot to me! I love you all!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


So we've kinda had a scare in our family this week. Yesterday I found out that my dad is going through some tests. I'll go back a little and explain. A couple of months ago, my dad woke up and had this huge "bump" (for lack of a better word) on his neck. After a couple of days, he finally went into the doctor to see what it was. It turned out that he'd slept in a bad position and it was a burst blood vessel that was the culprit. The doctor just had to drain it and it was fine. So Monday he woke up and kinda had the same thing on the front of his neck again and just figured it was the same thing. So he called the Dr.'s office and was able to be squeezed in late that afternoon. After the Dr. looked at it for a little bit, he knew it was not the same as before, so he sent dad in for an x-ray. When they looked at the x-ray, they saw a bunch of "spots" on his lungs and something in his neck. The Dr. was very concerned and sent dad up to the hospital to get another x-ray done so they can compare and get another opinion. After they looked at the 2nd x-ray, the Dr. wanted to get it set up as soon as possible to have some biopsies done of the lump in his neck and of his lungs. They got it set up for Tuesday afternoon.....that's pretty darn quick in the medical world. Well, the urgency of the Dr.'s really got to my dad and he was having a hard time with all of it. Mom was there and trying to get ahold of a family friend to help my younger brother give dad a blessing Monday night, but he wasn't able to make it. Just as mom hung up the phone with him, my older brother gave mom a call and asked her why she was at the hospital, he was just parking by her car outside. Mom was shocked! Things just happened to fall through for some other people to bring some awsome Krill/Omega-3 pills up to a doctor at the hospital, so Nate happened to be the one that brought them up. It never fails to amaze me how things just happen to work out when you need them. So Nate was able to go home with mom and dad and, with the assistance of my little brother Matt, gave dad a blessing telling him that he would be able to fight off what was happening in his body because he was still needed to be here with his family to teach and lead them. What a comfort that blessing is to all of us. So yesterday, dad went in to be tortured for most of the day. They drew blood, stuck a needle through his back to get samples out of his lungs, and took a sample out of his neck so everything can be tested to see exactly what it is we're dealing with. I Know that everything will end up okay, but the not knowing what it is exactly and how hard or long it will take to "fix" it is scary. The word cancer and lymphoma have been thrown around a little bit, and no matter what you believe and know in your heart and soul, those words still make me nervous. I love my dad so much! He has been one of my best friends my entire life. I have always been a daddy's girl, so this is kinda getting to me a bit. I really hope we get the results back by the end of the week. I think it'll help to know what it is so we can know what to do about it. I just really needed to get this out there so that it helps me heal and be strong and ready to help any way I can. I'm feeling a little better already. Plus, last night I made homemade chicken noodle soup with mashed potatoes and took it over to my parents' house so they had a nice homecooked meal after dealing with Dr.'s and the hospital all day. Nothing like cooking/baking therapy! When I know more, I will definitely update everyone. Thanks for listening!

Monday, June 1, 2009

What a Great Weekend!

So this weekend was a really good one. We got so many things done and spent some great time as a family. Saturday morning we got up, put together lunch stuff in coolers and headed to Rexburg. We borrowed a neighbors horse trailer and went and dropped it off at my Father-in-law's so he could bring up his mules and a horse to our campground later. After that, we picked up a few things at Gary's brothers house and then headed to my parent's house. We picked out 6 railroad ties there and loaded them into the pickup. Then we headed up to the farm. Gary has SSSSOOOO many plans for that place! Saturday was the day to start another one. We took everything up there and started building a corral for the mules and horses so we have a place to put them for a weekend when we go up there camping. We dug out the corner posts and a couple of side ones. It was hard work, but the kids were such good helpers. It was really nice too that the dirt up there is so fertile and soft, they were some of the easiest holes we've ever dug! No rocks!! The corral is going to be about 30'x 40'. It's in a nice little place at the bottom of our campsite in some nice grass with trees there for shade. I really wish I would have taken my camera with me. There were so many great pics I wanted to take while we were up there. After we got done setting the posts, Gary took the kids for a ride. Gary rode the mule named Stetson while leading Joe on the mule named Lucky. Sierra and Grace rode the horse Star Fire together and took turns being in front. They had a great time! After their ride, it was time to go home. Loading the mules and horse into the trailer was not the greatest experience. The mules actually went in pretty good, but Star Fire wanted nothing to do with the trailer. At one point he ripped his rope out of my hands (I had taken off my work gloves by then and regretted it!) and by doing so, he gave some pretty good rope burn on my fingers and hands. I won't lie, it hurt! When we headed home we decided we left just at the right time because we had some pretty good wind and lightning storms moving in. We went home, all got cleaned up and into pj's and sat down and watched a movie together and then went to bed. We were all exhausted, but we'd had a great day together. Sunday morning we got up and Sierra, Emma and I got ready for church. Grace, Joe and Gary all got dressed and headed up to Victor to pick up our boat. At church I had the pleasure of teaching the Young Women's lesson. It was kinda nerve wracking, but turned out great. We have such awsome young women and leaders in there. I'm so priveledged to get to be a part of that program. I love it. The lesson is based on one of my Personal Progress lessons I've had put together for awhile. We talked about the roles of women, being sisters, daughters, wives and mothers and how those things we learn carry with us throughout our lives and into all our different relationships. We then talked about the qualities they would look for in guys that they want to date and eventually marry and then looked to see if these were qualities that they already possessed or strived to obtain. It was such a great lesson and I had great input from all the girls and leaders. After church, we got home and Gary and the kids had the boat and lunch stuff ready for us. So we changed and all headed up to Ririe Reservoir. It was a beautiful day to be on the water. It was sunny and warm and there weren't a ton of people. We found an empty dock and had some lunch while the kids were splashing their feet in the water. We decided to head back to the middle of the lake where they have a grassy picnic area and a long dock were the kids like to play and swim. When we got there, there was a family that was having trouble with their boat. Needless to say, Gary went and tried to help them get their boat going. The kids were able to play on the dock with all of the other kids there and had a great time. At one point, Sierra, Grace and I got out and swam from one dock to another and then back. That was lots of fun. The other boat never really got going again, so we were loading most of the kids up and getting ready to tow them back over to the other side of the lake where they had put their boat in. Well, the local Sherriff's office was out patrolling and stopped to ask if they could help. They ended up towing the other boat back for them, after giving us all a warning about how many people we had in our boats. The other family had 3 adults and 7 kids all together, but when they showed up, they only had 6 people in their boat and we had 8 in our boat and pulling two of the bigger boys behind us in their tubes they had. Gary thought for sure we were going to get a ticket for having too many people, even though we were only over because we were helping someone out, but that warning was as far as it went. After we dropped off the kids and made sure they got their boat out okay, we headed back to the other side of the lake to load up our boat. The clouds were starting to move in and we didn't want to end up in a lightning storm like the one that rolled in the day before. So we headed home. It was a great day. I love weekends like this. Working and playing together as a family, what can be better than that?! Well, now it's time for the clean up from all the work and play, but that doesn't bother me too much. Most of that we'll get to do as a family too! ;)