Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Dinner

We are so blessed to have a bunch of great friends that live here in the apartment complex with us and since they are the closest thing we have to family, we had a big Easter dinner with them over at our club house. Of course it's always crazy with that many little kids, but we had a great time and lots of good food.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Family home Moment

I was able to attend Time Out for Women up in Spokane this last weekend and let me tell you, I highly recommend going if you ever get the chance. Loved it! I learned that I'm not the only one who tries to have Family Home Evening and it usually ends up being Family Home Moment. We have about 5 to 10 minutes to get our point across and then the attention is gone and kids are all over the place. I know it's better than nothing, so we keep trying. It took at least that long to get everyone to sit in one place and look at the camera (minus Olivia) to snap this picture.
I had a very uplifting and inspiring weekend with a few friends from the ward. Good times.

Random Pictures

A picture truely is worth a thousand words. Our poor little Emery has been getting car sick alot on our trips and we have to pull over often so she can get out and walk around. I feel so bad for her because I remember feeling the exact same way when I was little. She's a trooper.
Hey look! It's me with no freckles! I went with some friends to a free Mary Kay facial and makeover and needless to say, they have you try out alot of makeup. I'm not a fan of wearing foundation makeup, but I was game to try something new and no I won't be keeping up the painted on look.
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Olivia, Jaden, and Luke had fun playing together last weekend. It was so fun to see them sitting together and trying to play a little. I'm so grateful that they will all be close in age. Kendall will be right there playing with them before we know it. What a bunch of cute kids! Just look for the one with the fattest cheeks and that one's mine. It was good to get together and see everyone, because I have a feeling it will be a long time before we get to do that again. I'm so grateful for family.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Luke's First Birthday Pics

Here are the pictures we had taken at the studio for Luke's first birthday. He was really grumpy before we got there but as you can tell he brightened up for the photographer. He is such a social kid and loves to be around other people. The photographer commented on his little chiclet teeth. His newest thing is to make big cheesy grins and squint his eyes
so his face is all scrunched up. Then he will do a fake laugh just to join in Ty's laughing matches.

Monday, March 3, 2008

All Smiles

This shot is for Kendra and Cody. They gave her this darling outfit. As you can tell she has filled out quite a bit.
Olivia has recently learned how to sit up on her own. She still falls over alot but she's doing really good.
Her smile can brighten anyone's day. She gets so excited when she's getting ready for her bath. I have to report that she is catching on to sleeping through the night pretty well. She doesn't have to eat during the night anymore, and usually when she wakes, she just jabbers for a while and then goes back to sleep. I can see the light at the end of my sleepless tunnel!

Ice Skating

We decided to take advantage of the ice skating rink here and let the kids try it out. It was pretty pathetic at first, but I was impressed at how quickly they caught on after a while.
Graham had a difficult time staying upright for quite a while, but he kept at it. The kids had a great time.