Monday, October 22, 2007

Luke Doesn't Seem to Like Cold Food

During General Conference we thought we would let Luke eat a little bit of my treat, But he didn't really look like he liked it. He still wanted more even though it would freeze his little mouth. It is pretty funny to watch some of the faces he makes, and it is usually when he wants to eat Mom or Dad's food.

It was also this same weekend that he learned to throw little fits. We thought it was pretty funny to watch him until he did it just because we were paying attention to his actions.

Overall, He's a pretty happy little boy. He is now pulling himself up onto everybody and everything that he can get near to. He really likes to jabber and talk. Last week Grandma Nielson brought him a johnny jump up bouncer. He loves to be in it. He helps me study, by playing in it while I do my homework. He will bounce around until he tires himself out and almost falls asleep in it.

(Sorry, I forgot to rotate the picture before saving it)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Fun with tape

What do you get when you cross Graham and Emery with two of the three little pigs? Cute pigs. Jordan and the kids had a little fun with some tape and were more than wiling to pose for some photo opps. We love our three little pigs.

3 weeks old

Olivia is 3 weeks old today and by the way it's Jordan's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, she has changed so much already. Here are a few pictures over the last couple of weeks.
Here is how much Olivia likes getting a bath. This girl has lungs and she lets you know when she's not happy.
Daddy got bored so Olivia's looking pretty stylish with her spike dreads.
Her favorite position is being held close and tight and not often can you put her down.
Here is Jordan practing his photography.