Our Savior's love, shines like the sun with perfect light. As from above, it breaks through clouds of strife.

Aug 28, 2011

A Graduation Party


for our favorite guy...
Greg Sherwood, MBA (shouldn't he be wearing a suit?)

SJ helping set up

Way to go, Greg.  He won't admit it, but going to graduate school while supporting a family, holding down a demanding full time job, and a busy calling (volunteer position) at church is remarkable.  All while still making lots of time for his family and without borrowing any money or showing us his stress.  We sure love and appreciate him.   

Aug 26, 2011

5 rules from the Laundry Nazi

Who is the laundry nazi, you ask?  It is I, Nicolle.  I like doing laundry.  That may sound wierd, but it is true.  It is one household chore that I don't mind, as long as it is done MY WAY!

1.  Laundry is to be done once a week- on the same day each week. 
2.  Wash loads in this order:  whites, then pinks, then darks, and then medium colors go last (that way, if you miss something, you can catch it in the last load)
3.  Have all loads done by the time the kids are in bed... that way you can fold laundry while watching the nightly news. 
4.  # 4 is the MOST IMPORTANT RULE:  Do not start putting the laundry away before it is all folded... otherwise you have to put it away 2 or 3 times and you end up doing 2 or 3 times the work.
5.  Put all of the laundry away before going to bed... this prevents your nice folded baskets from being overturned first thing in the morning by your "helpful" children.  (SJ loves to say "I'n hepiiinnn")

Any questions?

Aug 21, 2011

You Have Been Chopped

Your challenge is to create a dish, using the 4 mystery ingredients, within the 30 minute time limit. 


Natalie "miso sassy" Harris
David "give me all your plates" Harris

Mystery ingredients:  prosciutto, asparagus, egg noodles, and miso paste

Finished product: 
(Natalie) miso, prosciutto, asparagus, and crunchy egg  noodle pizza
(David) some prosciutto on a crepe (ran out of time to finish his prosciutto, asparagus, egg noodle crepes with miso sauce)

Winner:  Natalie

Bridget "I'll do all of the dishes" Nelson
Kip "is that a tomato or a red pepper?" Nelson

Ingredients:  spinach pasta, pork tenderloin, "kickin hot" peanut butter, eggplant

Finished product:
(Bridget) breaded pork over roasted vegetables and pasta
(Kip) Pork Jambalaya

Winner:  Kip

Nicolle "let me read the directions" Sherwood
Greg "how do you chop up a mango?" Sherwood

(sidenote:  this photo describes our entire married life... Nicolle reading the directions and Greg jumping right in) Ha!

Ingredients:  phyllo dough, fresh mango, cinnamon, and marshmallows
Finished product: 
(Greg) mango/marshmallow/cinnamon ice cream with a phyllo dough dipper
(Nicolle)- s'more's pastry (phyllo dough filled with graham crackers, nutella, marshmallows, cinnamon) and mango/strawberry frozen custard.

Winner:  Nicolle

A photo of the champions...

This was the funnest get-together we've had in a long time.  (Yes, we are nerds)  :)

Aug 19, 2011

FUN! 5 on Friday

We've been having way to much fun around here, lately. 

1.  I had 3 (count them, 1-2-3) girls nights out last week. 
1st:  tennis with Andrea (we won our traditional one match for the season)
2nd:  went to see the movie The Help with book club... loved the book and highly recommend it
3rd:  out for Japanese to celebrate Shelley's 30th b-day

2.  Now, don't you worry about Greg... he's been having plenty of fun, too.  Playing golf for "work," playing basketball, soccer, and this weekend is going to the PGA Tournament TWICE (once for "work")!  Wow... life is going to be so leisurly now that he is finished with that MBA! 

 3.  Greg also cashed in his Father's Day present this week... our dear friend Natalie watched the girls ALL DAY so I could go with him to the Whitewater Center in Charlotte.  We rafted and ziplined to our heart's content. 

See?  I told you... WAY to much fun around here.

4.  Some other recent photos... Clara helping me peel shrimp.  She is really good at it!
 5.  Notice anyone new to our mantel?  We and some of our friends have a contest each season of NBC's Amazing Race to pick the order each team will place.  I won last season, and this roaming gnome is my prize. Aren't you jealous?

Aug 2, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday SJ!

Today is SJ's 2nd birthday.   We celebrated, yesterday, with Elmo and some friends.  

 I love the streamers on the wall behind the high chair... C was so excited to help decorate and surprise SJ... it was very sweet.  C was a little disappointed when SJ woke up on her 2nd birthday and didn't look any bigger than she had the night before.  (Also, if I may brag some more... if you watch the video of SJ blowing out her candles, my favorite part is seeing C watch over her in such a motherly way). 
 Unfortunately, SJ was alone in a room with the cupcakes for 10 seconds before the party started, so we served smashed Elmo cupcakes with our little lunch. 

All about SJ:
Favorite Activities:  Swimming, swinging, sliding (esp. if someone is at the bottom to crash into) and wiffle ball.  She loves to go into the garden and pick whatever she can find (ripe or not, doesn't matter) and eat it immediately.  Gives great hugs and will still snuggle up with me to rock right before a nap or bed. 
Favorite show:  Jack's Big Music Show or Elmo (these are our best chance to get her to watch TV... even then we are lucky if she'll sit for 5 minutes).  
Likes:  jumping, climbing, exploring, opening/taking things apart.  She also likes her pacifier, dogs, toilets, the refrigerator, and my make-up bag or other little bottles (lotion, spices... anything "off limits").   Of course, she still loves music, dancing, and to do things "mysewf."
Dislikes:  sitting still, help with getting dressed, brushing teeth, or getting her hair done.  Is grumpy for a few minutes after she wakes in the morning or after a nap.  
Things that make her laugh:  "Animal" on the muppets (hooray for youtube), toys crashing, being tickled on her neck, tackling Mommy, chasing Clara, and hearing other people laugh.
Favorite foods: tomatoes, any fruit, pasta, olives, or any food being eaten by a stranger within her view.
Her word that can multi-task:  "Sowie"  (can be used to mean shower, sorry, or sour)

We love our wild and crazy two year old!

Jul 22, 2011

5 on Friday

1.  Greg started a new weight loss blog... check in every now and then and leave him an encouraging (or taunting) comment. 

2.  We went swimming at the gym as a family on Friday night.  The girls were giddy with excitement the entire time.  Maybe we'll try it again, this week.  It is a great way to tire them out.

3.  Last Saturday night Greg and I had a date night to hear Andre Watts (pianist) at the Eastern Music Festival.  A great concert!

4. We've been going to Music for a Sunday Evening in the Park on Sunday nights.  Greg and I enjoy listening to the music and being outdoors.  The girls mostly just like petting/chasing/hugging any and every dog that comes near.  Friends:  Let us know if you want to join us one of these times.

5.  Black Eyed Susan's- I planted these the first year we moved to our house.  This is their best looking year, yet.  I think it is the only plant that I have planted that has survived, so maybe that explains my pride in this small patch of flowers.  

Jul 15, 2011

5 Wednesday night yoga details

Greg goes straight to church after work on Wednesday nights, so it is just us girls.  We are lucky to have a gym that allows our fun Wednesday night tradition.  After an early dinner, we head out the door.

1st step:  Corral the girls into the car (this usually involves several patient requests of "shoe time" and "head out the door" and "please let me close the door" and "leave the rocks on the ground" etc., etc., followed by one not-so-patient "get in your seats!" and is topped off by wrestling SJ into the buckles on her car seat).

don't let the smile fool you... she hates being strapped into her seat

2.  C "closes her eyes" on the ride there, and after "waking her up when we get there" I get to take an invigorating Yoga class while the girls have a great time at "the little gym."

3.  We stop at the fish tank (in the gym lobby) on the way out to play peek-a-boo with the fishes

4.  Then we crank up the Kindermusik on the stereo for the drive home

5.  Bedtime routine:  a shower in "mommy's shower" for the girls, brush teeth, "mouthfloss" (what C calls mouthwash and floss), read scriptures, pray, sing to SJ (Goodnight, moonlight ladies- James Taylor), sing to C (True Love- Cole Porter), snuggle time with C (talk about what good things happened that day). 

Not too shabby for a night missing Daddy

Jul 14, 2011

Old Friends

It takes a long time to grow and old friend- John Leonard

While in Atlanta, I met up with some old friends, who live there. 
They are both about 6 months pregnant and cute as can be.

Me, Marin, Jamie

I met Marin at a summer basketball practice before the start of our Freshman year... we spent the next 3 years running our hearts out at practice, playing JV, and riding the Varsity bench together. 

May 1994:
front, center:  Nicolle, Marin

I met Jamie on the first days of Middle School in homeroom.  I was immediately drawn to her fun, hilarious personality and we became fast friends. 

Girls Camp 1992
Jamie:  to the right of the slide/tunnel
Nicolle: front person in the slide/tunnel
It was great to catch up with them! 

Jul 9, 2011


We got to spend a few days just outside of Atlanta with Greg's two brothers and their families.  Greg likes to call it the "anti-coven retreat." 
We spent the first two days at the lake. 

SJ driving the boat
The Dads and cousins ready to set out on the boat... LtoR, Jeff, Greg, Clara, SJ, Ella, Jackson, Kate, Carter
Notice Clara's frightened face and Greg's bored face as he motions for the driver to slow down...
Clara, Brian, Ella

All of the cousins!

We spent one day in downtown Atlanta.  
Coke museum:

Miniature golf:

Olympic Park

 A very fun trip!

Jul 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July!


Jun 27, 2011

Belated 5

 1.  Big move:  SJ's old room is now our room.  The office is now SJ's room.  Our old bedroom is the new den/playroom.  I love the new arrangement.  Or, I will love it as soon as we get everything organized.  Who knew we had accumulated so much stuff in the 7 years we have been in this house?  #1 is also my excuse for posting this late... my camera was buried underneath this mess (times 3). 

 2.  Father's Day.  Here are photos of the girls making special notes to put inside his new wallet.  (A whitewater center pass was also enclosed).

 These two sure do love their Daddy.  Who can blame them?
 3.  Family movie night...  Eating popcorn and watching the Muppets together is tons of fun.
 4.  Tennis:  Our summer schedule is a little more open, so I have time to play tennis.  I'll be taking a class this summer... went for the first on on Friday and loved it.  Learning to use topspin to hit the ball hard (and in) is very exciting! 

5.  Rehearsals:  Back in rehearsals for an extra summer Bel Canto concert.  We are singing for the American Guild of Organists Convention (sounds like a party crowd, I know!) These "extra" concerts make our family's schedule a little more hectic than I like, so I'll be glad to have this one finished.