Showing posts with label question of the week. Show all posts
Showing posts with label question of the week. Show all posts

Thursday, January 31, 2013

If You Were a Monster Hunter, What Monsters Would You Hunt?

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If you were a monster hunter, what monsters would you want to hunt?

I started a new novel - a steampunk paranormal - two days ago and the MMC is a monster hunter. I'm still trying to figure out which creatures he's going to hunt. I've already decided against vampires (although they will be mentioned as not existing in this world) and zombies. There will be Amarok or Amagup and a horde of Frankenstein monsters (except they won't exactly be from Frankensten). But I would like to add another creature or two to the mix. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Question of the Week - Halloween Costumes

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I know Halloween isn't for forever but what was your favorite Halloween costume and why?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Question of the Week - Least Favorite Things

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What is your least favorite book? Movie? Restaurant?

 Ethan Frome. I had to read it for school. Took me countess times to get past the first page. Then it took me countless times to get past the first chapter. I just could not get into this story.

Slapstick comedies. Any of them. I just don't find them funny.

Denny's. After an awful experience when the food was just awful for not just me but my entire family. Just about everyone in the restaurant complained to the manager that night and everyone got dessert for free. Still didn't make up for the disgusting food though and I haven't gone back to Denny's since.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Question of the Week - Fourth of July Edition

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How are you celebrating the fourth today?

We're going over to a relatives' for a picnic. Should be fun!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Question of the Week - Favorite Superheroes

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Follow-up question from last week: Who is your favorite superhero and why? Can be from movies or books or comics.

Mine would probably be Thor. Loved the movie. It really exceeded my expectations. Why? Because he started out as an antihero and developed into a kick ass hero.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Question of the Week - Superheroes

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If you could create a superhero, what would your superhero be able to do? Would he be an alien like Superman? Have special powers like Spiderman? Be really rich and have super cool gadgets like Iron Man and Batman? Or would you create a superheroine?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Question of the Week - Exercise

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Do you like to exercise?

I'm an oddball - I do. I enjoy exercising. Right now, hubby and I are doing Insanity - a hardcore cardio workout program that lasts for two months. It's tough but fun.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Question of the Week - Punishment

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Would you rather spend the rest of your life in prison or be executed?

Probably executed.
I took a personality quiz that asked which Disney villain did you hate the most. My answer, Maleficent, meant that I can't stand being controlled, to have my freedom stripped. Which is true and I guess that's why I would pick execution.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Question of the Week - Death

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Would you like to know the day you’re going to die ahead of time? Why or why not?
I don't think I want to know. I would obsess about it and not enjoying what time I have left.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Question of the Week - Would you rather...

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Would you rather be healthy and poor or sick and rich?
Good looking and poor or unattractive and rich?
Healthy and unattractive or sick and good looking?
For me: healthy and poor; good looking and poor; and healthy and unattractive.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Question of the Week - Doors

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What did you sleep with your bedroom door open or closed? What about your closet door?
 We sleep with both closed. For some reason, it makes me feel safer. Why I don't know. It's not as if a closed door will keep a killer out.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Question of the Week - Sports

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What is your favorite sport? Favorite Sport teams? Or do you not care about sports at all?
I love football and am a diehard Eagles fan. I also root for the Flyers, Sixers, and Yankees, although if the Yankees are out, I pull for the Phillies.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Question of the Week - What would you save?

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What would you save if your house was on fire?
If my house was on fire, I would make sure my family was safe and then probably not go back in for anything. If I was certain no one would get hurt, I might grab important papers and my hard drive.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Question of the Week - Survival

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This week's questions is brought to you by the Hunger Games. Just how far are you willing to go to survive?

I don't think I could kill someone else to survive. I like to think that I would volunteer to take my sisters pace if their names had been called although I probably would have been the first one killed.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Question of the Week - Agents

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What websites are the best ones for stalking agents? Do you stalk agents? Which ones?

(Can you tell from last week and this week that I'm gearing up to visit queryland soon? Wish me luck!)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Question of the Week - Queries

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Do writing query letters make you want to rip out your hair?

Me? Yes!

Can you tell I've been working on a query letter for a couple of weeks now?

What websites, if any, do you use to polish your query letter?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Question of the Week - What did you want to be when you grew up?

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When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a writer, an actress, a model, a paleontologist, a lawyer, a mommy, President of the US. Guess I didn't do to bad considering that I'm a writer and a mommy (and a chemist).

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Question of the Week - Crimes

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If you could commit a crime with the guarantee that you wouldn't get caught, what crime would you commit?

Honestly, being a Catholic, I'm not sure I could live with the guilt of committing a crime.