Friday, October 10, 2014


Ryleigh took us (and his dog Ellie) on a hike up to a water hole.  My girls were heaven.  Not a whole lot of hiking in Memphis.
My Mom was able to get us tickets to go see the Mormon Tabernacle choir summer concert.  So fun to be able to take my girls to temple square for such great entertainment. One of their favorite parts was sitting on the exact bench that Dave purposed to me on.  Pretty cool memory for them.
Cousin time is the best time......We took a trip down to City Creek and Temple Square.  I love being a tourist in my own home town. 
Grandma Shauna took the kids to Cowabunga waterpark.  It was a hot day (no humidity though yay) but the kids didn't mind.  All they need is a little water and eachother.

We were so lucky to be able to spend the 24th of July weekend up at Bear Lake with all of our Hooper family.  We had a blast!!!  My mom and dad rented a cabin, we went boating and played on the beach all day.  It was so fun to be able to catch up with family that I haven't had the chance to see for a long time.  We even got to celebrate Ryleigh's 9th Birthday at the lake. 
These two........

What's a summer vacation without Lagoon!!!  Grandma and Grandpa treated these kiddos to a super fun day.  We had a little rain but not enough to damage our spirits.  And I must certainly say that these kids looked pretty darn stylish.....It's like an Under Armour ad haha!
My Utah girls.....I've been blessed with some great friends.  I love getting together with my old Bounty Cove girls and High School friends.  Nothing ever changes!
We had an amazing summer vacation.  Thanks to grandma for always treating us to the best!

Monday, October 6, 2014

 Big Kahuna's.  Such a fun waterpark.  There was so much to do and lots of fun slides.
 Dad and Carson on their fishing cruise.  They had a great time.  There was a little nausea but lots of fish, making it worth it.  So glad they were able to have that memory together.
 Eating at the Pier-yum, yum!
 A little more Big Kahuna fun!
 Hanging at the Destin Pier.  Food, shopping, fireworks and zip lining for the girls.
 Beachin' it!
 Food, food and more food!

 Amongst all of the fun we managed to get a lot of dancing in too.  Ryleigh did awesome! I was so proud of her.  She placed 3rd overall for her solo.  Not bad for her first time competing solo.  Her groups did great too.  Her jazz even got a Krystal wahoo!

We had a great time in Destin.  We can now say we have experienced the "Redneck Riviera" and I must say I get why the Southerners choose to travel nowhere but the BEACH!
Carson made the Collierville High School baseball team. (that's about as excited of a face that he makes when he's excited haha).  There was never any doubt in my mind but the amount of stress that filled my body was exhausting.  I was more nervous than he was by far.  He did a great job at tryouts.  Every single kid from his Dragons competitive team made the team.  This is what he has been working towards for years.  I can't wait to see what the big bad world of high school ball has in store for him.  Love you bud!!!!  #20 forever
Evan has a little bit of an obsession with cones. It all started when he fell in love with the movie "Cars".  He was so excited when his girlfriend Ms. Vicki got him a full sized construction cone.  One day we will look back on this and laugh. 
Dance season is over---NATIONALS HERE WE COME!!!!!!

It's been such a fun dance season.  Ryleigh has improved leaps and bounds!  She is such a beautiful talented young girl.  Her smile lights up the room.  I'm so proud of her for her dancing but mostly for the example she is to the dancers around her.  She is a kind hearted caring little girl.  This year she decided to take on a solo.  She rocked it!  She never took less than 4th place.  We are so grateful to be part of such a fun dance family and to have such great friends to share it with.  Destin, Florida is our next stop-Nationals here we come!!!


What a bitter sweet year it has been.  Our world of competitive ball has ended and high school is about to begin.  Carson has been so lucky to have been coached by some amazing men and had some lifelong friends as teammates. We have been playing with this same group of boys for 4 years and we will miss them all. We spend almost every weekend at the ball field.  It is our life but we wouldn't have it any other way.  The boys had a good season.  It ended shortly, but ended with a big win.  Carson is a wonderful outfielder and is starting to pitch a little more.  His arm has been cleared but we have definitely eased back into that slowly. CHS here comes some great ball players. Best of luck to all of them in tryouts and wherever their future takes them. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Ryleigh's dance solo to Miley Cyrus's THE CLIMB
Proud of the pretty little diva!