Monday, November 25, 2013


I never thought in a million years I would be leading this life...not only am I a total sports mom but I am on the Collierville HS Football booster club.  I am over volunteers and concessions.  It has been a full time job but I love it!!!!  I have met some wonderful people and I work with a great group.  It's seriously like working for a small company.  I do it for Carson!!!  He is one amazing athlete and we can't get enough of it.  He shows so much passion for the game of football.  I had several calls from his Coach thanking me for letting Carson play for him...he said there is no other kid like him.  At his awards banquet he was honored for playing the hardest and with the most heart--music to our ears.  I look forward to many more football memories with Carson and with the Dragons boosters.  GO DRAGONS!!!!
I didn't do the best job of taking pictures this Halloween but at least I got a few.  It's become a tradition that we host a neighborhood "garage party" at our house every Halloween.  It's a great way to keep an eye on my kids and get a little adult social time in too.  I loved that Evan wore Carson's costume from when he was 3.  I swear that was just yesterday that he was a little baseball. That's when I was a little more creative and not so tired haha!  I love Halloween.  It's one of my fav's!!!!


Our baby has turned 3!!!!!  Unfortunately I don't think the terrible two's are quite over yet.  This kid is something else.  He can go from sweet to crazy in seconds.  He keeps us on our toes and almost keeps me in tears some days but we wouldn't have it any other way.  He is so full of life and love.  He is my shadow!!!  He loves to play with planes, legos and of course balls.  He loves his siblings and thinks his Dad is pretty cool!  We love this little man-he is our SPOILED caboose and the life of our party!!!!!
 Dragons 4th and 5th grade CHEER!!!!!
Cara decided last spring that she was giving dance up for now.  I was so sad to see her leave....We loved watching her tap, but she had moved on mentally and emotionally.  She decided to try cheer.  She had a wonderful time and was so excited when she was chosen as the stunt girl.  Cheer is a whole other world for me!!!  I'm excited for her and hope that she finds a passion for it....If not, than we'll move on to the next event haha!!!