Sunday, August 28, 2011

Harbour House for lunch-a Markham favorite
Evan's first time in the ocean~
Hot dogs and S'mores on the beach
A hard mornings work definitely paid off--the kids had a wonderful time. It was so fun to watch them all play in the sand, swim and boogie board. After seeing Carson at the end of the night, I now know why Rash Guards have the namethat they do--OUCH!!! We left tired and very cold, but had a great day full of fun memories.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Let the California Adventure begin.......

My parents treated all of us to the perfect California vacation. We've been anticipating this trip for 8 months and were so very excited to see our family. We had a wonderful time and made lots of fun memories. I have TONS of pictures so I'll have to do them in here we go with Disneyland Day ONE.
Chow time at Disney's Frontierland...We felt right at home with BBQ. Enough to feed an army!!
The Warnick Clan
The Classic TEA CUPS-Alyson with her two youngest and Dave with our three oldest.
The guys always had a mission, knew right where they were headed. Where as us Mom's just kind of wandered until we ran into them or a Diet Coke first.
Grandpa Dave with Evan
Ty and Issac showing us their hats they bought with their Disney Dollars. So cute-look just like their mama!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday to our Ryleigh girl!!!
Somehow Ryleigh's birthday always seems to get overlooked with us going out of town or it being on a Sunday so we decided to go BIG this year. She had a luau themed party with a blow up waterslide and invited 25 (yes 25) kids---and of course with my luck all 25 showed up haha!!!
Ryleigh with just some of her birthday guest.
Present Time!!!
Trampoline fun and of course Quigley ended up being most of the entertainment which I'm sure he loved. We just love our Ryleigh girl to pieces. She spends most of her time making us all laugh. Despite her shy exterior she is one of the most fun girls I know. We love you-you big 6 year old!!!
The Dog Days of Summer
Well it's definitely been a hot one and we rarely go outside unless we have to but one thing I just can't get away from no matter how hot is yard work. I love it!!! I crave it in the spring and can't wait for the colors to make their first appearances. My friend Heidi in my last neighborhood taught me so much and I think of her every time my flowers start to bloom.
The new trend around here is yard art--there's pinwheels and chinese lanterns all around and I love them. We decided to put a sandbox in and word to the wise---don't do it. HUGE mess!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

At Evan's 10 month check up he weighed in at 25lbs and hit the 90% and above mark on everything else....WE'VE GOT A BIG BOY!!!!!
Happy 4th of July!!!