Tuesday, June 21, 2011

These two hit it off right from the start. Evan can't get enough of him and if Quigley could talk I think he'd tell me the same. Quigley is so patient with him and very protective too. If he hears him crying he's all over the situation and wants to know what's going on. It's so neat to me the kind of relationship they have-they're so cuddly and affectionate with eachother. Dave and I love to sit back and watch them interact--90% of the time we can't stand the dog (haha) but between Evan and Cara, Quigley gets all kinds of lovin' making it hard for Dave and I to hate him. This man Evan, is definitely this dogs best friend!!!
Ryleigh's Spring Dance Recital
Our cute little "lovebug" did wonderful performing at her spring dance recital. She gets pretty nervous but seems to remain calm once the music gets going. She has so many girls in her class (too many) and I must say out of about 25 girls she's one of the only 5 with rhythm, but that's why I enjoy watching them so much too...they're all clueless and have no idea what's going on. It's so funny :) She's been asked to join the regional competitive team next year. I think she'll have just as much fun and learn lots from it just like Cara has. I think Dave was hoping for softball players instead but these girls have definitely caught the dance BUG!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

"Working at the car wash yeah!!!!"
Goodbye Elementary....Hello Middle School!!!
So the time has come.....Carson is now moving on to Middle School. To say he is excited would be an understatement. He is so ready to move on. He's had a great 5 years at Tara Oaks with wonderful teachers who have taught him well, been patient with him, and shared in lots of fun memories. He learned how to say "Yes, Ma'am and No, Sir", tuck his shirt in, stand in a very straight line in the hallways, and to walk his bike-not ride, on the school property. Most of all thought he's made some wonderful friends and really learned lots. I think he's prepared and he's ready to move on up...even if we're not.
Watch out Collierville Middle School---here he comes!!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Carson with his best buddy Zack. I had to capture this last moment of them at Elementary School--big Middle Schoolers next year!!!
Cara's Softball season comes to an end~
Cara is the little girl I wish I would have been....she's so willing to try anything!!!! She had never played softball and decided to give it a try. At the beginning of the season she wasn't hitting, stood in the outfield the whole time, and was last to bat. We felt so bad for her but she never thought anything of it until about half way through the season. Then one night she was crying in her bed and told Dave and I she wanted to quit because she wasn't good---our hearts were broken so we all prayed for her, that she would just get one hit to lighten her spirits. The following night she did it....She HIT the ball and then never looked back. They moved her up in the line-up and she hit almost every single time in the games after. All it took was a little confidence boost and she was back in action. I love her energy and the self confidence she has...they was the first time I had ever seen that falter...but it didn't take long before she was back in the game. What a great lesson and season she ended up having!!!
Tara Oaks Field Day
So you all know how it goes....I think field day is pretty similar in each state. Lots of games, kids whining, parents sweating, and teachers just relaxing under the shade somewhere. Our field day was just a quick reminder to me that school was almost out. I can say that this is the quickest school year I have ever had with my kids....and they say it just goes by faster and faster the older they get.... somehow time needs to slow down just a little-it's freaking me out!!!