Happy 7th Birthday CaraAnn!!!
On her actual Birthday we celebrated by going to (drum roll please).....TACO BELL haha!!! My kids love a good taco. Cara kept her dad in the loop the whole day by calling him and giving him details while he was flying. That explains this first picture~

Cara turned 7 years old on December 1st. She decided for her party she wanted to have a sleepover, but now days most parents aren't too excited about the idea of sleepovers so I told her she could have an ALMOST SLEEPOVER~So she did just that. We had her friends over, they wore their jammies, brought their pillows, watched a movie, played games, told ghost stories, had pancake sundaes, and they all went home at 9:00pm. It was actually lots of fun and I didn't have to deal with 12 little kiddos sleeping over and keeping us up all night. Never realized how loud 7 year old girls can get...my ears and head were ringing just minutes into the party.

Sweet little faces.....

Crazy little faces....

This was the first year where Cara made her invite list and it was interesting because almost everyone was her age, minus a few. She made it clear that it was HER party and not hers and Ryleigh's. She's wanting to be her OWN person more and more lately and believe me...I get it!!!
(no offense to Natalie haha)