Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!
The best part of V-day (for me) is all the yummy sweets that come my way. I've turned into some kind of crazy sugar junky and I just can't get enough. Tie it up with a cute bow and put them on a cute plate and I go nuts!!! I usually go with the traditional sugar cookies but this year I tried a few new things. I got the recipes from this great website~
The girls in the V-Day get up at their school parties. Cara decided to make a pink LEGO box this year. It was super easy and we had made one years ago for Carson so we thought we'd do it again, just make it a little more feminine. Honestly Valentines Day was pretty boring. I hate when Holidays land on a Sunday (besides Easter of course). It just seems like a you can't party as hard. Hope you all had a great Valentines!

Carson's Science Fair Project
Worst Liquids for your Teeth
The results: best to worst
1. Gatorade
2. Diet Coke
3. Root Beer
4. Apple Juice
5. Coke

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Mom sent me a beautiful story about a High Priest Group Leader in Haiti. I loved this picture that went along with it. It's amazing how many stories you can read that involve both the LDS church and the disasters in Haiti. Here's a link to some of them.
Carson had his last ever Pinewood Derby over the weekend. I must admit I'm not too sad about that haha! Carson and his Dad have a great time working on projects together. Win or Lose I think that's what it's all about. He did come in 4th which isn't too bad and he honestly could care less. When it comes to sports however....losing is a whole different story. He celebrated the evening by trying his first plate of Sushi. He went all out too. He went straight for the yellow tail and he actually liked it. Maybe it's a sign that there's an Asian mission call coming in the future. Way to go Carson!

Mary Had a Little Lamb....
Cara's little Kindergarten class had their annual Nursery Rhyme Day. Cara chose to not only recite "Mary Had a Little Lamb" but she wanted to sing it instead. VIDEO BELOW. She did so well. Look at all those cute, little nursery rhymers. I love this age. They're so innocent, they say the funniest things, and still love to be around their mommies!!!

Cara singing "Mary Had A Little Lamb".