Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sweet and Sassy

Yesterday I took my girls on a Mommy/Daughter date to Sweet and Sassy. It was the cutest thing. It's a young girl's version of a full service salon. They offer updo's, manicures, pedicures, facials, etc. Cara and Ryleigh absolutely loved it. They chose the Cinderella updo, rainbow glitter as their body glitter and cupcake and watermelon as their hair scents. We had so much fun. If you're in need of a girl's day out I suggest this place. For all of my Utah gals, they have one in Salt Lake. I'm not sure where, but get on line and check it out. Make sure to take your camera. I WISH I would have had mine.

Monday, June 23, 2008

2 Great Movies

The two most recent movies that I've seen I've loved. One in theatres and one a rental. Both worth seeing if you're looking for suggestions. I love summer time for this reason. I catch up on all of the movies that I missed out on seeing during the school year. Next on my list-"What Happens in Vegas"...Love Ashton Kutcher!

The Name Game Tag

Name Game:Name Me
1. Witness Protection Name (Mother and Father's middle name)-Melvin Leigh-not too bad!
2. Nascar Name (first name of your father's dad, mother's dad)- Eldon Jesse-not redneck enough for Nascar.
3. Star Wars Name (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name)-Reeni- not too bad but not really Star Wars.
4. Detective Name (favorite color, favorite animal)-yellow monkey-sounds like some sort of alcoholic drink.
5. Soap Opera Name(middle name, city where you were born)-Elene Logan-sounds pretty real.
6. Superhero Name (2nd fav. color, fav drink, add THE to the beginning)-The Green Diet Coke. Mmmm, kinda dumb!
7. Fly Name (first 2 letters of first name, last 2 letters of your last name)-Nies-Sounds like a city in France.
8. Gangsta Name (fav ice cream flavor, fav cookie) Vanilla sugar cookie-not a great name, but sounds good to eat.
9. Rock Star Name (current pets name, current street name)- David Enjelica-sounds ok. We don't have any pets so I listed Dave. Sometimes he acts like one! HAHA
10. Stripper Name (name of your favorite perfume/cologne, fav candy-Happy Reeses. Dumb!
I tag: whoever is bored and needs something to do!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Blast from the Past!

Kaleo Panoke, Ryan Reeves, Dave, and Casey Scott-Dave with his Sigma Chi buddies in front of the Sigma Chi house. Thanks B.C. for letting me copy this picture years ago. I enlarged it and it hangs in Dave's office currently.

This is what blogging is all about....I've had so much fun blogging lately for reasons like this. I found one of our really good friends Ryan "Big Country" Reeves blog and was so excited. It's so much fun hearing from people you haven't heard from in years. So of course once I found their blog I linked into other UTAH STATE alums blogs. It's been a lot of fun catching up with old Sigma Chi and Alpha Chi Omega friends and seeing how much our lives have all changed. I wasn't at Utah State for long but the memories I made there were some of my favorite. How could they not be. It was where I met my tall, dark, and handsome husband. Wow, Fun times!


Monday, June 16, 2008

Great season GIANTS

Dave and Carson's team made it to the World Series in Carson's age division. I was so proud of Carson and Dave. Dave took his team and made them superstars. Poor Dave was called out on an 8 day trip and didn't get to see his kids play any of their playoff games. It was so hard for him. He loves being the coach and puts a lot of time and thought into it. We didn't end up winning, but we gave them a good final game. They were a competitive team anyway. What are they doing putting competitive kids with Rec. ball kids? HELLO! So if we're talking fairness, I think we were the champions. All in all, it was a great season. We met some good friends, Dave had great asst. coaches, Carson was named MVP at the last game, and most importantly-EVERYONE HAD FUN!
(check out my slide show of Carson's "Giant's Baseball" season)

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Dave we wish you were here. If you were, this is what we would imagine you would be doing. HAHA. Happy Father's Day, Dave. You're the best Dad and beat me out as favorite any day. Thanks for being a good father to our kids. I love you! Nicole (Oh my gosh, Carson and I just realized you are like Homer. Carson is our Bart, Cara our Lisa, and Ryleigh our sweet, little Maggie. FUNNY)

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

When I asked my kids why they love their daddy so much...they replied~

Ryleigh-I love Mommy ( inside joke at our house). I love Daddy because he jumps on the trampoline with rocks. Not making sense, does it to you Dave? Dadddy is silly!

CaraAnn-I love my Daddy because I love him so much. I love to play with him because he's my family. I like to play games with him.

Carson- I like to play sports with my Dad. I like that he gets to be home a lot. I like that he led us to the championship bball game. He's funny!

Saturday, June 14, 2008


When I think of my Dad this is exactly what I picture. I love this picture of him in his plane. My Dad is a good man. I could go into detail of why I think he's a great Dad, but instead I wanted to share a few things about him that some of you may not know. My Dad is very well rounded. He can sing, dance, play the piano, fly an airplane, he's great at keeping up the yard, he's VERY maticulous, clean, very smart, a good handyman, very athletic, looks very handsome in uniform, loves his politics, patriotic, and even though he doesn't seem to think so....he's a very good Dad. Happy Father's Day Dad!
I wish Dave were here to write this but if he were I think I know some of the things he would say. First he would say his Dad is his HERO. Dave looks up to his Dad so much. He respects his opinion and never questions it. When something exciting happens, he calls his Dad first. Dave loves that he can talk to his Dad about anything without receiving judgement or criticism. I think Dave strives to be the father that his Dad was and is to him. Jim, thanks for always putting your children first. Happy Father's Day Jim/Dad!

Happy Father's Day Grandpa and Papa!

The lighting in this picture is horrible but I love this picture because it shows both my Grandpa Hooper and my Papa Peck. Both handsome, hardworking, and caring men in my life. I have special memories with them and here are a few of those...
When I think of my Grandpa Hooper I think of...bear hugs with tight squeezes, his talk radio playing on the kitchen counter, his patterned polyester shirts, his old black car in the garage, driving with him from Texas to Minnesota, his cute smile.
When I think of my Papa Peck I think of...24th of July parties, him giving fish bites in the hot tub, golf, floral button up shirts, vacations, working in his yard with penny loafers on, a man who really respected his parents.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Congratulations Tanner and Greg!

Today is a big day for my sister Alyson and her little family. Today Tanner is being adopted by Alyson's husband Greg. I'm so excited for Tanner and wish I could be there to celebrate. Tanner deserves to have a wonderful father and I know he's so excited to have the last name Markham. Greg is a wonderful guy. He is so "NOT" the type of person I ever thought Alyson would marry. He's a total chill California surf boy with one of the most kind hearts. He has a talent of really getting to know you and is really interested in what you do and who you are. Life is probably a bit overwhelming for Greg right now, but I want him to know, speaking for all of us, that we're so proud of him for taking on the role of father, not only to Ty but to Tanner also. Thank you Greg for being there for Tanner. This will definitely be a Father's day he and you will never forget!

I think this Brad Paisley song "He Didn't Have To Be" explains it perfectly.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Patience Nicole, Patience

Don't let this picture fool you.... I decided to release my frustration on my blog instead of my here I go. To answer that age old question of what's easier, Having Boys or Girls?...... Boys by far are easier! My girl's are really giving me a lesson in patience lately. I don't know if it's because they're so close in age but all they do is whine and fight. My nerves can only handle so much!!! Can you tell I'm about to have a "Mom's on Strike" day? Carson is so easy. Half of the time I don't even know where he's at because he's such a good kid. The other two...not so good. Now that I've vented, I can head back downstairs for round number 500 with my girls. Oh and the worst is still to come as they get older. Scary. I always tell them "IT'S A GOOD THING THEY'RE SO CUTE!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Memphis Redbirds Game

So those of you who know me well would be so proud of me. Dave and I decided to take the kids to the Memphis Redbirds game last night. We bought tickets right on the foul line because Carson wanted to catch a foul ball super bad. Well the balls kept coming but none of them our way. About half way through the game there was a ball hit right in our direction....but it wasn't Dave or Carson who got the ball. You guessed it....It was me!!!! Yep, the girl with ZERO athleticism. Let's just say I was pretty shocked myself!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Girl's Camp 2008

Well I'm back and still can't seem to cool off. I can honestly say I don't think I've ever sweat that much in my life. I've been to camp here two times prior and I do not remember it being that hot. With the heat aside though, I had a wonderful time. I love Girl's camp. I believe there is a true purpose for YW's girl's camp. It's a time for the girl's to see their leaders as real people, to interact with friends, for them to learn certification, and most importantly to gain a stronger testimony of the gospel. Our theme this year was
"5 Star Girl"
I love the YW and the leaders that I'm so lucky to work with and I truly believe that each one of them is a "5 Star Girl."

I took tons of pictures but these are a few of my favorites so check out my slide show below

Check out my Slide Show!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Well it finally happened. Cara thought she'd play beauty parlor with Ryleigh and this was the end result. Yesterday as I was helping my Young Women make our camp poster, we had laid the scissors down without thinking of course and Cara got a hold of them. I was so sad. I love Ryleigh's hair. It's part of her little personality. In the end I finally calmed down and realized it could have been a lot worse. Instead of taking the center of her hair out she could have cut Ryleigh bangs or taken the whole crown of her head off. Today when Cara woke up she told me that she did not "Choose The Right" yesterday and that she was going to be a big girl today and mind. I guess I need to remember little moments like this and realize that they're just part of being a Mom and small steps that we take towards gaining more patience.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Well my house is definitely a lot quieter today, but that's not necessarily a good thing. It almost feels lonely and empty now. It was great having my family in town. We definitely kept busy with touring downtown, eating out, ball games, shopping, and more. My Mom bought each of the kids an outfit for 3 of the days that they were here. We love, love, love when she does that. I loved meeting my little nephews for the first time. I definitely forgot how much work newborns are. Alyson and Angela are superstar Moms with lots of patience. The hardest part of the week was dealing with my little Ryleigh. She wasn't feeling good and was very irritable and whiny. She almost sent me over the edge a few times, so thanks family for being patient with her. Thanks to my Mom for all the cleaning that you did. You're probably feeling it today. My homesickness has been least for now!
(check out my slideshow below)

Check out my Slide Show!