Thursday, January 31, 2008

My brother in law Matt sent me this, I couldn't help but post it. I had a good laugh over this one!
Fart in a wet suit.......!

Happy Washing!

For those of you wondering who takes the lead in laundry detergent and fabric softener, here it is. Dave was reading his Consumer Reports magazine today and Gain and Bounce were said to work the best. I love to hear ratings when it comes to things that I buy at least once a week. So if you're having a tough time fighting stains, maybe these will help. Happy Washing!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

27 Dresses

In need of a good movie? Go see 27 Dresses. I loved it and thought it was worth mentioning!

Monday, January 28, 2008

President Hinckley passes on

Our Beloved Prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley dies at age 97.
Words cannot explain the feelings that I and so many have had for this man. What a wonderful example of how Christlike we can become. What an honor it has been to be led under his direction. I can't help but wonder what the heavenly reunion of our beloved prophet and his dear wife was like. May his memory be one of those that touches our hearts forever, I know it will mine. As he would say "God Be With You, Till' We Meet Again."

(For more on his life visit

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Miss Utah

As I was watching the Miss America pageant with Cara last night, I was so overcome with pride when I saw Miss Utah, Jill Stephens. The reason I was so proud, was the fact that not only was she beautiful but she was a member of the Utah National Guard, she was wearing a full sleeved shirt when the other girls were in tank tops, and she was the only girl out of all 50 states to wear a full piece swim suit. It's so comforting to see young women who are living the standards of the Church and who are not ashamed to stand up for what they believe in. As I was watching the show I thought what a wonderful example Jill Stephens was of "Standing Steadfast and Immovable."

Friday, January 25, 2008

HE'S BACK......!

I'm so excited that Garth has decided to make a return. I've kind of been one of those "super fans" that have followed his career. When Dave and I were in our second year of marriage, broke as can possibly be, I told Dave all that I wanted for Christmas was the Garth Brooks Box set. That's what I got. I was so excited. So I guess you can say Garth holds a special place in my heart. To wrap it up, I think he's a descent, polite, honest, good man. You go Garth, and welcome back!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Dancing With the Stars weekend in Nashville

I've been anticipating this weekend for a couple of weeks now. For Christmas Dave got me tickets to the Dancing With The Stars tour show in Nashville. The show was great! If you follow the show you know that Julianne Hough and Helio Castroneves were the champions of last season. It was said that they were not touring at all but to our surprise they were there. Julianne is recording an album in Nashville so she and Helio decided to do a one time performance. My pictures are pretty poor, but I got in as many as I could without getting kicked out. We were told not to take pictures, but how could I not. It was way too tempting. All in all it was a really fun couple of days. I was surrounded by good friends, food, music, and dancing. Thanks to my friends Lisa and Velva for a fun weekend, to the Marriott Downtown Nashville for having the most comfortable beds ever, and to Dave for always being such a great sport when it comes to watching the kids. Love ya! (Just a side note: It was FREEZING! Remind me not to ever wear leggings and a light weight shirt in 6 degree weather. Note to self: Sense over Style)
Lisa, Velva and I having a KID FREE dinner.
Julianne and Helio dancing to "Rollercoaster". Probably my favorite dance.
The whole gang dancing the "Jive."
Wayne Newton performing "Dankashane." Can someone tell me why it is he's so popular? Hmmmm.....Just wondering!
After the show we decided to get a little dancing in ourselves. We went to the Wildhorse Saloon. Some of you may have heard of it. It's where a lot of country musicians have had their first gigs. We were lucky enough to be entertained by the band "Telluride." They were great and even have a song on CMT's top 10. It was very fun and it's always good to get out and get a little boot scootin' in.

A little piece of Nashville for those of you who have never been.
Dave's a "Duke's" fan. So I had to stop and take pics of the General Lee for him.

The is the Grand Old Opry Theatre.

The Opryland Hotel. It doesn't look like much. But once inside it's like a whole little town wrapped up in a hotel. It's filled with restaurants, theatres, rides, aquariums, shops, etc.

For those of you wondering, this is who we got to see at the show. Julianne, Derek, Edyta, Karina, Alex, Louie, Cheryl, Kim, Mark, Jonathan, and Kym.
Celebrities: Monique Coleman, Helio Castroneves, and Wayne Newton

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Yesterday- as I went to my mailbox and scanned over my mail, I realized I got a personal letter from Texas. As I opened up the envelope I couldn't help but smile and a large rush of emotions came over me. I was so excited to see that my cousin Lee was finally home safe and sound. I'm so happy for him, his wife Stacy, and their daughter Paige. What a sacrifice they have made for 15 months. Lee has been serving in Iraq as a helicopter pilot in the Army and hopefully (fingers crossed) this was his last deployment. Lee we're so proud of you and are so blessed to have men and women like you serving our country. Welcome home!
to Tanner, Happy Birthday to Tanner, Happy Birthday
to Tanner, Happy Birthday to you.......and many more!

(Alyson's son is now 11 yrs. old, WOW)

Friday, January 11, 2008


"Be Steadfast & Immovable, always Abounding in Good Works."

I was just called as the Young Women's first counselor in our ward. I'm really excited about my new calling. I have had this calling before but it was with about 10 girls compared to the almost 40 girls we have in this ward. I've been in the YW's program now for almost 7 years and have really enjoyed it. It's been a blessing for me and I have learned so much through the eyes of the Youth of our church.
Most of you know I love, love, love Girl's Camp. I still get to go....even as Camp Director too. Our Stake does so much here that I felt like I could still take it on. Hopefully I won't be singing a different tune when camp rolls around!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

(Natalie and Matt's oldest son)

Monday, January 7, 2008


The "Amazing" Oswald of the Amazing Race Season 2 and the Amazing Race All stars.

Those of you who know me well know that I love Reality Television and I absolutely love the Amazing Race. I've followed from season 1 on and have even applied to be on the show with my brother in law Ryan (obviously we didn't get chosen, otherwise I'd be a freakin' millionaire right now:). To make a long story short, one of the biggest highlights of my vacation to Mexico was when I saw Oswald of the "Danny and Oswald" team in the Mexico City airport. Me being the cheesy person that I am asked for a picture of course. Yep, this goes to show what happens when you become a reality T.V. junky, you're easily entertained by some very normal (okay so not so normal) person in the airport. Go Amazing Race!!! By the way if you're a viewer, who do you think is going to take the million this time??????

Friday, January 4, 2008

Ixtapa, Mexico-Christmas 2007

Our trip to Ixtapa, Mexico. Thank you Grandma and Papa for a wonderful time. We'll take these memories with us forever. Thanks family for all of your help, especially when Dave wasn't there. Here is a slide show of the trip, at least the pictures that I took. We love you all.

Check out my Slide Show!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


My view of Mexico City from the air. Of course I knew this city was huge, but I had no idea until I saw it with my own eyes.
WOW, I don't even know where to begin. Let's just say my trip to Mexico began with a nightmare, followed by a great time, followed by a bad dream. I'm a pretty laid back, easy going person. But I have to say this trip did me in. It all began with a flight into Mexico City and ended with lost baggage. As the kids and I (yes, me by myself) landed in Mexico City I knew it was going to be a little crazy but I didn't know that a 3 hour layover wasn't going to turn out to be enough time to get us through customs.. To make a long story short the kids (who were such troopers) and I got stuck in this over populated city, stayed at a foreign hotel, cried a few tears (okay so I balled like a baby to Dave and my parents), and spoke more Spanglish than I ever had. After about 4 hours of wandering aimlessly in the airport I met a very kind man who walked me through my problems and got us on a flight the following morning to Ixtapa. Once we got to Ixtapa things were great. THAT POST IS YET TO COME. The flight home ended up giving me more headaches though. We were beating the time, doing pretty well with connections (3 I had), until we got to Chicago where there were delays. We got on our flight 3 hours later but got to Memphis only to find out our bags didn't come with us. So we're home safe and sound but missing baggage. We did have a good time, but I did learn a few lessons. NEVER fly by myself for that long again, NEVER rely on the airlines (sorry Dad), and last NEVER EVER EVER connect in a city with 22 million people. I guess my final thought for this trip, at least the traveling part, would be GOD BLESS AMERICA!