I've been anticipating this weekend for a couple of weeks now. For Christmas Dave got me tickets to the Dancing With The Stars tour show in Nashville. The show was great! If you follow the show you know that Julianne Hough and Helio Castroneves were the champions of last season. It was said that they were not touring at all but to our surprise they were there. Julianne is recording an album in Nashville so she and Helio decided to do a one time performance. My pictures are pretty poor, but I got in as many as I could without getting kicked out. We were told not to take pictures, but how could I not. It was way too tempting. All in all it was a really fun couple of days. I was surrounded by good friends, food, music, and dancing. Thanks to my friends Lisa and Velva for a fun weekend, to the Marriott Downtown Nashville for having the most comfortable beds ever, and to Dave for always being such a great sport when it comes to watching the kids. Love ya! (Just a side note: It was FREEZING! Remind me not to ever wear leggings and a light weight shirt in 6 degree weather. Note to self: Sense over Style)

Lisa, Velva and I having a KID FREE dinner.

Julianne and Helio dancing to "Rollercoaster". Probably my favorite dance.

The whole gang dancing the "Jive."

Wayne Newton performing "Dankashane." Can someone tell me why it is he's so popular? Hmmmm.....Just wondering!

After the show we decided to get a little dancing in ourselves. We went to the Wildhorse Saloon. Some of you may have heard of it. It's where a lot of country musicians have had their first gigs. We were lucky enough to be entertained by the band "Telluride." They were great and even have a song on CMT's top 10. It was very fun and it's always good to get out and get a little boot scootin' in.
A little piece of Nashville for those of you who have never been.

Dave's a "Duke's" fan. So I had to stop and take pics of the General Lee for him.

The is the Grand Old Opry Theatre.

The Opryland Hotel. It doesn't look like much. But once inside it's like a whole little town wrapped up in a hotel. It's filled with restaurants, theatres, rides, aquariums, shops, etc.
For those of you wondering, this is who we got to see at the show. Julianne, Derek, Edyta, Karina, Alex, Louie, Cheryl, Kim, Mark, Jonathan, and Kym.
Celebrities: Monique Coleman, Helio Castroneves, and Wayne Newton