Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

A family pic...

A better family pic....

Ben looks really excited to be here...

The sisters minus one!

The cutest dog ever...
I love my parents~

They pose so nicely!~

My first picture since I started looking pregnant...

I can't believe we took this picture...wait yes, I remember falling on the floor we were laughing so hard.

Anne is trying to pretend that she is almost 7 months pregnant too...yeah right, she looks great!

Singing Happy Birthday...yes Scott is "popping" out his hip and butt for me!

My two favorite boys!

My favorite dad turned the ripe old age of 58 last week...He only gets younger and younger to me! Anyways, we had a fun Sunday birthday celebration! Here are the latest pics with some commentary by yours truly!