Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Autumn Leaves and Dreams

This is my favorite time of year. I love, love the month of October for so many reasons, and I have especially loved this month with my little one. It makes me think of so many good times in my life, the excitement for the holidays, and especially good food and great smells!

We were so fortunate to be able to take a vacation for my week long fall break. Even though we didn't end up going with our dear friends (we missed you Hollands), we still had so much fun! We did Palm Springs again, this time with Nixsen, and Disneyland again, this time even more fun than before!

I am constantly amazed at what a little grown up girl Nixsen is becoming. I know why she was my first, and why I am so lucky to be called her mother.

Thanks to my awesome parenting--my child is VERY familiar with Disney television and movies. She loves Mickey and the gang, Little Einsteins, all Disney Princesses and Tinkerbell. Somehow Cinderella has become her favorite...I can't even count how many times she has watched the movie.

Scott and I both decided that we could have flown us all out there for just this one moment and it would have been worth it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Back to the Grind...(I love my job...right?)

Nixsen attending Roma's B-day Safari Extravaganza...I always expect amazing and then I am still blown away!!!

Out first time curling Nix's entire head with a curling iron...such a big girl!

Bees game this summer

Roma and Nixsen attending their first movie together "Winnie the Pooh"--Nixsen loves the movies...I don't know if that is a good thing...

Attending my 10 year High School Reunion...so good to be in OK!

Life has been crazier than usual at the Jones House. School and Daycare have started, sleeping- less has started, we have potty-trained (yea!), training for a half marathon continues (so many hours) and even though we just were out of town, Scott and I desperately need another vacation to get through our crazy fall season. Meanwhile, I keep wishing for more hours in the day...how on Earth do I keep up on everything there is to do?

List of things to be better at starting today:

Sleep more

Wake up earlier

Organize those places we don't look at often

Keep better in touch with friends

Talk to and visit family more

Survive on less sleep

Pay attention to my poor dog
Figure out a way to NOT do laundry everyday

Catch up on Couponing

Catch up on documenting Family Memories

Sleep more

The list goes on and on...I just need more hours...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Oh, What Do You Do in the Summertime?

Playing BB with Daddy in the Pool!

Summer baths with her hero Elsie

Going down the "fog" slide


Swinging at the Cabin

Summer LOVE

Roasting Marshmellows...she was obsessed with the fire

Indian Wells...such a beautiful vacation spot

My one summer chance to lay out

Fishing with Daddy

Playing in the "Wadee" at the museum

We have had a fabulous and fun-filled summer thus far! It is going by way too fast! Here are some of our activities that we've enjoyed with our precious girl!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Nixsen's "Party for 2"

My sweet little girl is 2 going on 5! (literally) If you ask her how old she is, she will reply "2 (pause) and 5!" We had a fun little party for her with lots of friends...I ca't believe my little one is old enough to have friends. It was a blast. I can't believe how old she is now. She can talk so well and moves a million miles an hour-24 hours a day! Her most recent trick is knowing and singing the words to at least 8 different songs. She loves cookies, milk, snacks (fruit snacks), all things princess, and of course us!