
Final Preparations

Life at the Ellsworth home has been busy! When we went to our appointment a couple of weeks ago the doctor told us she wouldn't be surprised if she saw us in the hospital the next day. That really got our adrenaline rushing! We went home, scrubbed down the house, packed our go-bags, and picked up all the last minute things we needed. And then of course, no baby came. And no baby has come yet. But he is due on Tuesday and we hope he doesn't take too much longer to make his grand entrance!

In the last couple of weeks we have had a lot of fun! I have done a lot of sewing, trying to finish some projects I have put on the back burner for a while in addition to some burp cloths, bibs, receiving blankets, and a quilt for my own baby. It's been nice to take my mind off waiting! Glen has finished 3 of 5 classes he has this semester so he has spent a great deal of time helping me with my sewing projects and cleaning the house. It's nice to spend so much time with him.

Here are some of the other things we've done.

We (meaning Glen) made a delicious key-lime pie from scratch:

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We went on a picnic at our all-time favorite picnic spot where we enjoyed some delicious food, skipped some rocks, and even tested out the water! Okay, only Glen was brave enough to get in but it looked fun! Besides, someone had to snap the pics!

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Glen set up my rocking chair:

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And we had our best friends over for one last hurrah before the baby comes! These are seriously the best friends we could ever ask for! Especially these ladies, each one has really helped me so much during this pregnancy. They also threw me an amazing baby shower. I am so grateful for them and love them like sisters! I don't know what I would have done without them!

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Not pictured: Baby Benson, Dan and Katie's cute little boy.

Anyway, that's pretty much all we've been up to! Also, stuffing our faces. I know this is the totally wrong way to think, but I decided that since I know myself and I know I am going to be focusing on losing weight after pregnancy, I know I will never truly enjoy food they way I've been able to during this pregnancy. So that means we've eaten to our heart's content! Chick-Fil-A, Chuy's Mexican Restaurant, Round Rock Donuts, Bess Bistro (restaurant owned by Sandra Bullock), Pluckers for wings, and breakfast at the Alamo Drafthouse (a movie theater that serves you food during the showing). Wow, now I REALLY feel like a fatty. But oh well! Anyway, we hope Baby Boy Ellsworth comes soon! We'll keep you all posted!


Full Term and Almost There

Hey all! So I thought I'd post some more pregnancy pics. Yesterday baby became full term! My baby is measuring a week ahead and they moved forward his due date so while I am technically only 36 weeks, baby is 37. Three weeks until he is due! The last pictures I posted went until week 30, so here are my pictures from the last 5 weeks.

31 Weeks
31 weeks

32 weeks
32 Weeks

33 Weeks
33 Weeks

34 Weeks
34 Weeks

35 weeks
35 Weeks

My body is definitely hurting more and more! My hips are really sore, and it's much harder to sleep. I get up about every 2 hours in the night to empty my bladder, but I guess that is just good practice for when baby comes! Glen and I are still working on checking things off our things-we-want-to-do-before-baby-comes list. Last week we were able to spend the night at a nice hotel on the Riverwalk in San Antonio. The best part? The heated pool! I recently bought a maternity bathing suit, (which, by the way, is a pretty depressing activity. Bathing suit shopping already has the potential to be depressing, but bathing suit shopping when you are 9 months pregnant? Not exactly a self-esteem builder) so it was nice to put it to use and just float for a while! It was so great feeling so weightless in the water.

We also went on a boat ride, and walked along the river. Here are some shots from the boat:

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The Baby!

Can't wait to meet him! Although I have a feeling he's going to come late, a trait he gets from both his parents:)