
You Betcha

You know my life is pretty boring when I get all dolled up just to pick my husband up from the bus stop.

Or I'm just super in love with him :)


End of Twenty-Ten

We are back!

I specifically chose not to write "we are home" because that term does not have a definite meaning yet. Home to me means Utah. In fact, often when I'm talking I subconsciously think I'm still in Utah. The other day I was talking about one of my friend's weddings and Glen asked where it would be. Without hesitating, I answered "She's getting married here, because that's where she's from."

Anyway, we took a nice, long, 5 week winter break. We spent 1.5 weeks in San Antiono, Texas, 2.5 weeks in Provo, Utah, and .85 of a week in Austin.

Although we were sad for the vacationing to be over, we were more than ecstatic to be back in our own bed. For the first part of our vacation we slept on an air mattress, and for the second part we slept on my old bed at home, both were probably a double or full sized. Don't get me wrong, we were grateful for the hospitality of both our families, but nothing beats your own bed. Our queen bed never felt so roomy.

When we got back into Austin (around midnight) we jumped right in bed and slept for something close to 15 hours straight. Unfortunately, Glen didn't get to recoup too much because he's been busy applying for internships, but we've definitely been catching up on our sleep.

Speaking of internships, we are happy to say that Glen has received a judicial internship for the first half of the summer in San Antonio, where he will be 1 of 3 interns that will get to follow a judge around in a federal court (I'm not really sure what any of this means) and apparently it is really good experience and looks great on a resume.

Our plans for the second half of the summer are still undecided. We are hoping to fill it with another internship where we can stay and visit with family, either in Pennsylvania, Arizona, or Utah.

Two posts ago I listed a bunch of presents we received from each other and from the Ellsworth family. I better finish off the list with things we received from the Nielsens and the rest of our presents to each other.

To Glen: Inception, The Great Mouse Detective (his favorite), Fantasia & Fantasia 2000 (Okay, he mentioned liking this but I really just wanted it for myself), and from my mom/family he got two books (read both of them already!), lots of clothes, lots of candy, cologne, and the game Bang!

To me: Lots of clothes! This was the best because I really haven't spent any money on fashion since we moved here. I also got a big recipe book and lots of jewelry. And from Glen I got a super cute outfit and Pink's Greatest Hits So Far... CD. Judge all you want! I like Pink!

Since my mom is a single mom now she works a lot, as well as two of my sisters. Because of this, Glen and I decided that we wanted to cook some meals for when everyone got home at night! It was a great success. I LOVED cooking in my mom's kitchen because she designed it so well (my parents built our house) with plenty of counter space! That is what I am seriously lacking, and probably will continue to lack until we have a house of our own. The counter was a good proximity from the spices, fridge, utensils, and cupboard. That sounds weird but that's how I felt. Did I mention counter space? Anyway, every dinner turned out great, and we even learned some new recipes. It was fun once Grandma Galan got into town and we could kind of cook side by side. That woman is my hero and I still have so much I want to learn from her!

I also got to visit with my Grandpa Nielsen, and interview him about his mother, my Farmor (father's mother, in Danish). Anna Katherine Oleson is who I am named after, so it was so neat to hear him tell us stories of her. He let us tape record him, so we can always have that on record. It turns out my Farmor and I are very similar, and that made me happy.

We had planned to drive to Colorado for New Years Eve and spend it with many of our family members and to hang out with Leslie and Don, but as many of you remember the weather was not too generous and prevented us from driving through the canyons to make it to Highlands Ranch. Instead, we threw a little party (that was later crashed by my 17 year old sister's friends. Don't worry, I didn't run upstairs crying out of anger and frustration...) and baked tons of treats. It was a lame substitute for what we were hoping to have in Colorado, but it sufficed.

I took quite a few pictures of our Texas and Utah trips but they are currently on Glen's flash drive, and he is out doing homework, so I'll have to post them later. Until then, goodbye!