3 Months
Maliya Tid-Bits at 3 Months:
- She smiles! Maliya has now become much more aware of us and quite interactive. If she's feeling okay, Nick can almost always get her to smile at him. It melts my heart everytime.
-She's attracted to lights just like her big brother.
-She likes to observe people, rather than just staring at random objects. She especially likes watching Cole.
-She's starting to sleep a little bit longer during the night. She usually eats her 'dinner' bottle at around 7 or so and will then go about 5, sometimes 6 hours before her next feeding (meaning she sleeps for about 4-5 hours). It's great!
-She's starting to eat more at a time, which is probably contributing to sleeping longer.
-She gets cuter and cuter everyday. Her personality is starting to show a bit, and she is literally cuter because she's filling out more. I love baby chub!
-She's finally starting to have more 'happy' time, meaning she'll chill between feedings instead of either sleeping or fussing. I think it's because her tummy meds are helping (which she doesn't have to take very often anymore), and am hoping that she's starting to outgrow the reflux as well.
-She enjoys her swing now, and will chill in it for quite awhile.
-She has lots of different cries. One is a sad little whimper when she just wants attention. Another is an even sadder little cry she uses when her tummy hurts. She has a cry that's just a complaint - you can totally tell she's mad at you when you hear that one. Another is her hungry cry. That's a pretty loud, angry, give me food! cry.
-She's just a precious little thing. What can we say, we love her.
So precious!!
I forgot how difficult these bear pictures are before thy can sit up:)