Sunday, June 15, 2008

Nat's Graduation

Yeah! Nat graduated from the University of Utah in May.  We are so proud of her!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Hogle Zoo

We also went to the zoo while Nick was gone.  Jack loves animals and always has so much fun at the zoo.  Thanks to Randi for taking such great pictures of Jack.  I guess we weren't too into the animals because all the pictures are of the kids.  Oh well, the kids are much cuter.

Jack, Grammie Lyle, Ammie, Dean, and Wyatt on the train.

Jack and Wyatt

Jack wearing Aunt Randi's sunglasses.

Thanksgiving Point

Nick went to Moab for a few days with Paul, my parents, and some of their friends in May.  So, Jack and I spent some time at the Thanksgiving Point Farm and Dinosaur museum with Ammie, Wyatt, Dean, Jenny, Noah, Reagan, and Grandma Summers.  KC ditched school for the day to come with.  I love having him along, he is so much help.  Jack had such a great time with his cousins.  He was too nervous to go on the pony ride with the rest of the kids...maybe next time.