Last Saturday, Nick and I went furniture shopping (I know really boring, it's like we're an old married couple) it's something we enjoy doing together, we mostly just look around and try to imagine ourselves at a point in our lives when we have money and can afford to buy new matching furniture. We found this really nice entertainment center and cute wall table- it was love at first sight! Nick, being the frugal minded man that I married, was a little hesitant about the price. I told him that if I worked an extra shift we could afford to buy them AND we would have something to put his TV on, Nick has been dreaming about owning a new 40' LCD TV since I've met him--we also go TV shopping and he lusts after the TV's (our TV right now I found in my Grandpa's basement-it kind of works). "We" decided to walk away and "think about it" (again see above mention of frugal minded husband).
All day Sunday I talked about how much better our apartment would look with the table and entertainment center (It was real love, not just a fling!). Monday I worked an extra shift and of course being an extra shift it was a lousy day but my dreams of one day owning matching furniture kept me going. Today I came home from work and to my surprise, sitting in our front room was the cute table and entertainment center!! Nick got off work a little early yesterday bought them and had them delivered today. He had successfully surprised me and was so cute to see how excited I was. Another confirmation that I married the right man! Now I'll have to surprise him...maybe with a new LCD TV :)