Friday, May 03, 2013

Photo Challenge: Why I Haven't Posted Every Day

In case you were wondering, yes there are a few days I have missed.

You see, our basement flooded.

Then, we had a few days of perfect, gorgeous weather.

I went outside to enjoy it as much as I could. That was a wise choice, because it has been 30 degrees and snowing the last few days. Not my favorite Minnesota winter I've experienced.

I'll try to update the other photos if the opportunity presents itself.

Thanks for visiting. :)

(Hi, Mom!)

Photo Challenge Day 22: Inspirational

I love this quote! As a stay at home mom, it keeps me going.

Photo Challenge Day 20: In My Bag

Have you guys heard my theory about my purse?

Let's back up: I love this bag. It was a gift from Drew's Mom. She found it in Argentina. It's awesome cause it fits everything.

However, I have truly looked forward to the day when I could walk around town with a smaller purse. Especially because that would mean that all my children were potty trained, and I no longer needed to carry around diapers and wipes.

I even joked that my reward for potty training five kids should be to purchase a lovely designer purse.  My husband really thought that was funny.

But this theory (the theory that a reward for potty training five kids should be a gorgeous new purse) has never left my mind. Which is bad, because now purses are entirely too symbolic to me.

I settled for a  $25 plasticized Target purse. It was just great. Got the job done.

Then I agreed to do daycare for my neighbor.

And the big bag was resurrected!

Photo Challenge Day 19: Something I Want

For this post I was originally going to post a picture of my bathroom door and title it:

"Something I want? I really just want to pee alone!"

But I thought this was a little more photo-worthy. What I want is for someone else to spring clean and purge my play room. Especially since I'm up to my elbows trying to spring clean, organize and prep for a possible garage sale. Not too fun when I have no motivation.

Photo Challenge Day 18: Shoes

Who doesn't love red and white polka dot Toms?

Bonus: Can you see where I spilled greek yogurt on my shoes?

Photo Challenge Day 17: Technology

The Bose
The iPod
The iPhone

Why is technology so addictive?

Photo Challenge Day 16: Good Habit

My good habit: I drink a lot of water. Somewhere between 96 oz & One Gallon a day.

Even if I don't exercise as hard as I should, or if I eat too much sugar, the water habit is one that has stayed with me.

Here's how I do it:

One 24 oz bottle with breakfast
One 24 oz bottle with workout
Guzzle one 32 oz bottle in the car on the way home from the gym
Take lots of bathroom breaks
Have one 32 oz bottle with lunch / during the afternoon
Have the final 32 oz bottle early afternoon and with dinner

The most important rule here: Drinking cut off time is 7:00 pm. Earlier if possible.

There are so many health benefits of drinking lots of water. It helps rid your body of toxins. It takes the place of soda and other sugary/bad drinks. It's free. Your kids will see you do it, and they'll want water too.

Drink away my friends. Drink away!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Photo Challenge Day 14: Eyes


Well, I didn't have time to take a lovely picture of eyes today.

Cause I woke up to a flooded basement.

So, this is what we did all day.

Fun, fun.

(Merry Christmas to me)

Photo Challenge Day 13: Something You Can't Live Without

(Sorry, Day 12 was supposed to be a Sunset. Just didn't see a pretty one that night...)

I can't live without Moroccan Oil. 
It's amazing.
It makes your hair shiny and smooth.
It smells wonderful.

My favorite is the product on the right - the Moroccan Oil Treatment.

My kids like the smell too.

My youngest grabbed either side of my head, brought me down to her nose so she could smell it.

"Hmmm!  You smell like ... like.... Swimsuits!'

Trust me, it smells much better than swimsuits.

Photo Challenge Day 11: Something Blue

The Blue-Gray colors I'm considering for my powder room.

I'm thinking Benjamin Moore Nimbus Gray.  What do you think?