Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hello Again...

I haven't posted in awhile mostly because I don't have any good news or bad news to share. It's been 4 months and we are still at my Mom's. When we moved in we thought it was going to be for just a few weeks. I had no idea those weeks would now be months. I tell myself everyday we are blessed to have a roof over our heads, food in our belly's and most of all Ray's medicine. We are lucky to have what we have when so many have nothing. I know I am appreciating the simple things in life that I once took for granted. 

Eleni has been a real trooper through all of this until the other day. She finally had her breakdown and the tears flowed. She said she just missed having her own room and her stuff. I held back the tears and looked over at Ray and could see he was also holding his back. I think that's the hardest part about all of this is seeing her so sad. I tell her what I tell myself everyday in time we will have our own place again.


Thanks to all of you who stop by and read my blog. You will never know how much your comments and even personal emails mean. Some days those kind words go further than you think. :) I hope you all had another blessed weekend.



Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Many Colors of Eleni

A lot of you out there have daughters do they feel the need to change there hair all of the time? Eleni asked me at the beginning of the summer could she get high lights. I told her when I had the extra money. She looks really good with them. She spent the night with a friend and called home and asked could the friends Mom put in the high lights. I thought about it and said sure. Well, they were not high lights it was straight color. Needless to say Eleni and her friend actually did one anothers hair. Eleni put a blond on her brown hair and ended up with a strawberry blond colored hair. It was so not her. When enough time passed she asked could she color it back brown. I was more than happy to help her. Unfortunately the light brown really took to her hair and made it a dark brown. I actually think I like it better dark. This is the many faces or colors should I put it of Eleni.

Eleni and her natural color hair.

Eleni with her strawberry blond hair.

Eleni after we dyed her hair. So which color do you like it?


I didn't have a lot to write about this week. Life is the same basically. We are trying to learn to take things one day at a time. I still have my job which I'm not crazy about but I am very lucky to have one. So many people are losing so much due to the economy. They say things are getting better but I have yet to really see it. I think it's going to take this Country a long time to recover from all of this. If you didn't see Tammy's post Friday over at Country Girl at Home  then you should check it out. Even if you don't agree with her you have to give her credit for standing by her beliefs! Tammy is a real person and she doesn't change for anyone. Thank God we live in a Country where we can be and believe what we want.


I hope everyone had a great weekend. It's been really hot here in Virginia. 


Monday, August 3, 2009

What a Wonderful Surprise

 My job ca be stressful especially with everything else going on. Last week I was having an awful day at work and 5 o'clock could not get here fast enough. I just wanted to come home and go to bed. I came home and on my bed was a package. Linda from Behind My Red Door sent me a wonderful surprise. My eyes filled with tears and heart filled with joy. I soon forgot how bad my day had been and I was smiling from ear to ear. Thanks so much Linda you are the best! They look even better in person.

Sorry for such a short post but I don't have a lot to write about this week.


Monday, July 27, 2009


I seem to be sticking to the once a week post. The main reason is because I don't have a lot to share. It's been 3 long months and we are still here at my Mom's. I had no idea we would ever be here this long. I'm starting to worry we may never get out. I know we will but it's taking a lot longer than I thought. I just don't make enough to take on rent and utilities along with our other bills. So once again I am learning a lot of patience.


I did however finish my re dos. I really enjoy going to the GW and TS. I am having so much fun hunting for that perfect item and for the right price. I am happy to say everything I have bought has cost me less than $20. The sad part is now I have to put them in storage. I can't really buy too much because I don't have any room left in my storage and my Mom's house is already packed.

I decided to paint the sconces black along with the shelf. You really can't tell where I distressed things in the pictures. The old wooden spoons I stained to make them look aged. I love the cutting board.

I can't wait to use this little tote. I love it. This cutting board and bowl also turned out just the way I wanted. I can't wait to use this bowl!

My goal was to cover the heart with a star but I couldn't find one that could do the job. I may just have to live with it. This cutting board looks the best as far as looking old. It showed every mark ever made on it. The jars well I found the big one and had to have it. I want to display our collection of golf balls in it. I seen this idea in the last CS issue except they had a much larger jar filled with baseballs. Every since then I have been looking for a jar. When we went to another TS there was a smaller one just like it so of course I had to have it also. I painted the lids black. The pink you are seeing is the rubber rings.

These are my latest finds. All they needed was washing. The blue jar has an eagle on the front and the 1776 -1976 logo on it. Not sure if either jar is old but I still love them. The crock I think used to have a candle in it. I bought it mostly because I loved the color.


Last but not least. Ray found this sign. It was hard to get a picture because it's so big. I think there was another part but I am happy with just part of this warehouse sign. I hope my new house is big enough for all my new goodies and such a huge sign.


Well, that's it for this past week. I hope everyone had a great weekend and I will most likely see you next week. Thanks for all of your kind comments and for always inspiring me.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Who's to Say?

If you choose to be a stay at home Mom why can't you put that on your resume? Seems unfair that all that experience you get being home raising your children day in and day out can't be put on a resume. When I was job searching my resume really didn't stand out. I didn't have a degree or years of work history. I was a stay at home Mom for many years and when my children were grown I started seriously thinking about the next step in my life. I started volunteering at Eleni's  elementary school and I loved it. I did this for a couple of years and then I started volunteering more often in hopes it would lead to a job. Before that happened I was offered my last job at Wachovia. I was torn at first and some days regret my decision because I loved the school so much. When it came time to do my resume none of that mattered. So my question is who's to say I can't do the same job as someone who has worked all their life. I have seen a lot of great people over looked because they just weren't given a chance.

Many have asked how I like my job. Well, all I can say is I am thankful I have a job. Today's job market is so tough that when your resume just doesn't pop then you are sometimes forced to do things you don't like. I will try to learn as much as I can and hopefully it will eventually lead to something I really like. My philosophy now is "IT IS WHAT IT IS!" 

Still no word on Ray's SS. They did call to verify they had the right address so I am hoping that means we will hear something soon.


I have been trying to keep my mind busy lately. I would really like to scrap book but their isn't any room here for all my stuff and I can't find anyone who would like to get together and scrap book. So I had to find something else to do. So what does every prim woman like to do? You got it go to the GW and TS. I have been going on Saturdays looking for some things to redo. I have bought a few things but now I need to finish them. I have them painted and now I need to prim them up. Here are my latest purchases. My next post I hope to have completed pictures.


Thursday, July 9, 2009


I can't believe my baby is 16. Today Eleni turned sweet 16. It seems like yesterday she was this beautiful little baby girl with blond fuzz and a perfectly round head. She was tiny forever and then she started to grow and she was a baby no more. I miss those innocent little girl ways but I am also very proud of the young woman she is becoming! Although she didn't get her real birthday wish I think over all she enjoyed her day.

Eleni loves Miley Cyrus. She is a huge fan so when it came time to get a cake we couldn't resist the Hannah Montana Cake. Thanks to Big Sis Jessica who went and got Eleni's cake while I was at work.

They grow up so fast.


In my last post I said how much I love summer. BUT I am so loving the Fall crafts everyone is sharing. When I do move I am going to have so many new ideas thanks ladies! :) I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed weekend.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sweet Summer Time

I have to admit I love summer. I laugh when I see the count down to fall over on Linda's blog (Behind My Red Door). I am the opposite it makes me sad because I love summer and all that goes with it. Yes, that means even the heat! Plus I am a huge fan of the 4th. I love all the fire works, cook outs and togetherness that is associated with the 4th. In the past I always had the huge 4th bash. We always had the pool ready and the fire works popping. Things are really different for us this year. Jessica had to work and Ray, Eleni and I went walking around the mall and stores. There was no cook out just an early dinner at Arby's. It was a little sad because it seemed everyone had plans but us. I guess there is always next year! :)

As you know last week was my birthday and a good one it was not. My friend Donna took me to lunch but I felt so rushed. Then work really stressed me out that day. I came home curled up in the bed and cried myself to sleep. It was probably the worst birthday I can remember. I think the stress of work and not having my own home just all got to me and I had to let it out. I did return back to work on Monday. It's getting easier but it's still a lot to remember and learn. I'm just doing the best I can. On a good note should something happen and I lose my job again I will have a lot to add to my resume. :)

You know there is nothing greater than coming home and having a package waiting for you. I came home Tuesday and I had a package from Tammy(Country Girl At Home) and  her daughter Joy (Doodlebug). They sent me the cutest stitchery with the greatest saying. I have to add Tammy has been such a great friend to me through all of this. She emails me often and always lets me vent. I so appreciate her friendship! She has been my angel and the stitchery she sent me describes what her friendship has meant to me! They also included the cutest prim card. I love it! Thanks again Tammy and Joy!

It says Friends are Angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly. Thanks Tammy for always helping me back up on my feet. :)

Here is an update on Ray. He went to the cardioligist this past Monday. They said to give them the name of who is in charge of his SS claim so they can help rush it along. That was great news. Then they informed him that after his stroke in 07 when they did a doppler of his neck it showed some blockage on one side of his neck but it wasn't too serious. They are ordering another doppler to check the status of that blockage and to see if there is any blockages on the other side of his neck. They also said the test he did in May on his legs showed some blockages as well. They are not too serious but they told Ray to avoid long walks or being on his legs for long periods of time. I think Ray is going to have to take it easy and do what he is told or things could get much worse. I just hope that SS kicks in soon so we can get back on our feet. 

Well, I think that's all of the updates I have to share. I so enjoyed everyones Americana decor  for the 4th. I hope you all had a great holiday and made a lot of new memories.
