Monday, August 31, 2015

Sunday TOPS

  • Aaron went to church with me today.  Just because its stake conference I can't always count on the fact that I will get Aaron.  This time he chose me and I was grateful every second of stake conference that he was next to me.  The fact that he was there to help deal with the last minute craziness of getting out of the door that I can't seem to escape was a very beautiful thing.
  • Pot Roast.  My favorite Sunday meal because I get to come home to a ready made meal that my whole family devours.
  • The Irvings.  They are a fun new family that has moved to Fallon.  They ate dinner with us and hung out for the afternoon.  I can't get enough talk time in with Lindsay.  Her husband also went and fed cows with Aaron.  Us girls met them after to show some of the kids the dairy.
  • The girls did a photo shoot with the Irving girls.  I loved that they were getting along and that Kailyn let Ashley  do her hair.  It was beautiful.
  • Ashley's positive attitude.  Ashley had a rough weekend with Ballet.  She didn't think she got very good parts for the nutcracker and she didn't get moved up to senior company with her friend.  I was so sad to see her disappointed.  Definitely more sad than she was.  Tonight she told me that she wasn't sad anymore.  She decided that she loves her parts and is glad she got what she did.  It made me want to cry more that she could find a way to have a positive attitude.  She amazed me through this whole experience.
  • Sunday Night Sing-a-long with the Sommers.  I love the Sommer family.  I love how they are raising their kids.  It was fun to join in.  Ashley even played her violin - which is huge.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

First Day of School

                                        8th grade                                                         6th grade
                                              1st grade                                                  3rd grade

 The first day of school is still so exciting for me!  I love the first day look.

 I was prepared for Dallin to cry, but he totally rocked it.  Wyatt took him in, helped him find his line, and he didn't look back.  I wanted to call out to him, "Dallin, I'm really leaving. . ." but he couldn't care less.  He found his friends and he was good to go.  I was so proud.
One last check from me and he was like, "Mom, seriously, you can go. . ."

Honey Lake Ranch

July 5th

I drove the loader for the first time.  It was super bumpy.
Aaron would go check the wheat and the kids would beg to come so they could get chewing gum - wheat gum.
The pool was broken, but the kids still managed to make it fun.  Wyatt made a slip-n-slide down to the deep end.  It kept them entertained for hours.
We love eating at the bar. 
We were lucky enough to have Kelli and her kids join us for our last night.  We loved sharing Doyle with them.

July 28th
This trip the kids enjoyed helping us move wheel lines.  Last year they were always at the bottom of the field waiting for our signal to empty the water.  It was definitely boring for them and frustrating because it was difficult to communicate.   This time they were able to be with us and do some actual moving.

The pool was fixed!  Billy even took time to entertain the kids.

We moved bales off the field.  This was my first true 'helping with the harvest' job.  The first day I drove the pick-up with the trailer.  It was stressful because I am not used to driving a trailer and I felt like the pull of the trailer was going to break the hitch.  I would try so hard to be careful but I couldn't stop it from being jerky.  The next day I drove a flatbed truck and it was fun.  There was no tugging so I felt like the bales were better supported.  I even could handle Dallin driving on my lap.
Wyatt joined me for the last few loads.  He would sit on my lap but he did all the steering and the brake and gas pedals.  He did a great job.  He was careful and caught on quickly.
Dallin learned how to drive the rhino all by himself this trip. 

August 10th

 For some reason this trip every night Aaron was out late figuring out why water wasn't coming out of the sprinklers like it should have.  We were definitely ready to come home at the end of that week!
 We spent lots of time cleaning and vacuuming out the pool this trip.  Teri must work so hard to keep it as clean as it is.
 It was finally warm enough for me to get in and enjoy the water.
 Wyatt went to Cub Scout Day Camp and learned how to shoot a bow and arrow.  We stopped by Schools on the way and bought our own.  The kids spent tons of time out by the hay bales practicing their aim.

We drove into Susanville and found a hamburger joint.  It was delicious!

My favorite memory of this trip was driving into the farm to see Dallin tagging along after Aaron helping him move lines.  Aaron had driven down earlier with Dallin and we were coming to join him that night.  When I got there Aaron was trying to move a wheel line over the pump house.  He needed Dallin at the driver to turn it on so he could lift the wheel line over.  Dallin watched for his signals and they got the job done.  I then saw Dallin run down the field, hop in the rhino, and drive it up to the pump house to pick Aaron up.  It seriously was the sweetest thing.  Dallin was so proud.  There is just something about farm work and kids that is very satisfying.  I think it has something to do with the fact that there is such high responsibility with the equipment - they have to be careful and watchful - and in turn it provides them with a natural satisfaction when they complete it and have done a great job.  They just don't get that feeling when they have helped weed or dust or some other job that I am giving them to try to teach responsibility.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Spudman Triathalon 2015

This was definitely my favorite race I have ever done - maybe cause it was in Idaho or maybe the whole team thing made it a little more exciting.  I am looking forward to doing it again though!

Brandon was hilarious.  He told me I would need to help him into his wet suit.  He said I would be shoving body parts in that I wouldn't even know how to name.  Of course he was fine, but it was funny to watch.  Before the race Brandon and I were talking and as we were headed out to the race a lady commented on how entertaining our conversation had been.  He said that we were just an old married couple.  I quickly replied that we definitely were not, that he was my brother-in-law.  She said, "that makes it even funnier!"
I seriously couldn't stop laughing.

Brandon started us out with a mile swim. 
Brandon was so fast I didn't have time to get pictures of the whole trade-off.  This is my dad waiting for my uncle to come in from the water.  I think we got in about 8 minutes before them.
Again, I missed pictures of Chris taking off - he biked for our time.  I think it was 26 miles.  This is my dad taking off.
My dad made it!  He made up the time plus another maybe 10 minutes.  Once my dad came in I started getting nervous.  Also at this point I had this overwhelming urge to cry.  I did in fact under my sunglasses.  I'm not sure why - if I was nervous or if I really wanted Aaron there with me.  I texted him and he gave me great words of advice and I knew he cared.  
Chris made it!   We were supposed to tag the person before we took off.
At about mile 3 I caught up to my cousin who was running for my dad's team.  I was feeling good until about mile 3 and then I started having hunger pains.  I started running next to a girl and we stayed together for a couple of miles.  It was good to keep my pace going.  I thought I was running fast, but my time was slower than I hoped for.  
About a quarter mile before I was done I had to go to the bathroom so bad.  If there was a port-a-potty I would have stopped.  I was sure I was going to wet my pants before I crossed the finish line. At the finish I didn't stop running, I ran straight to the bathroom.  
#Garnerreunion2015 - we made a great team!
The kids were kind of ok to come cheer me on, but then they wanted to leave ASAP.  I wanted to hand out for a bit, enjoy the atmosphere.
I was so proud of my dad.  He did so well and I know he worked so hard to get ready.
This is my dad, my cousin Jacob, me, my uncle Dennis and Chris.

Chris is trying to talk me into the whole thing next year. . .we shall see.