Saturday, February 21, 2015

Valentine's Day Chocolate Challenge

One of our Valentine Day activities was to have a chocolate challenge.  We had six different types of chocolate and the kids had to taste them and decide what kind each was.  Kailyn made me proud by getting every single one correct.  I think my favorite is Cadbury. . .

My first 5k in awhile. . .

 I haven't run in a while and I forget how much I enjoy running in races.  This one I somehow ran a minute and a half faster than I ever have. 
This is my Kaia coach Andrea.  She has inspired me and challenged me in so many ways the past couple of years.  I have loved having Kaia become a part of my life!

Ashley and Ballet

Ashley has auditioned for a BYU summer ballet intensive camp.  She had to submit a video which her coaches kindly made for us.  Trying to get that video on YouTube was crazy and stressful, but we did it and are awaiting her acceptance - with fingers crossed.
 Videoing at the studio.

Ashley and Maria are selling cupcakes to earn money to go.

Wyatt and Scouts

Wyatt is loving scouts!  He would work on it everyday if I would do it with him.  I love how excited scouts makes him.
He earned the Bobcat Badge on January 6th.  He worked so hard.  He finished in a couple of weeks.

Pinewood Derby
 I tried to talk him into a BYU car but he looked on pinterest and found the exact car he wanted to make.  It was a simple design with a wolf badge sticker on the front.  Easy peasy.  I think it made it more fun because we weren't trying to duplicate some intricate design.  It was low stress and super fun.

 We were happy he didn't lose every race.  He was confused at why he didn't get to race as often as the winners, but the people in charge were awesome and when the racers were done they let the boys just bring their cars up and race as often as they wanted for about 20 minutes.  Wyatt was in heaven.

Friday, February 20, 2015