Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Thanksgiving in Idaho

The snow was great!  Wyatt literally spent an entire day out in it.  For sure it occupied him for 3 of the days on and off.

I think they convinced Uncle Robb to take them to the canal bank to do some sledding.

Cutie Cuzzins Salon.  The girl cousins spent the month before planning their salon.  They had punch cards, menus, and even a magazine about each of the other cousins that they had taken turns writing.  It was awesome.  While I was there I received a back, foot, and hand massage and my nails painted.  Sadly they were only open for one day.  I'm looking forward to my next visit to that salon!

Everyone takes turns breaking bread.

Grandma and Grandpa Luke were able to join us.
We have almost outgrown this room!

There are never too many pies.

A visit from Mr. and Mrs. Claus.

I love seeing all the cousins just hang out.  They were in a pretty intense card game.
Here we shared memories of special Christmases.  My Dad told of a time when my Uncle Steve and Rob got up and took care of the milking and chores for my dad.  This was one of my favorite parts of the trip.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Kailyn's 12th Birthday Party

Kailyn had a 'Spa Party' for her big party year.  It was incredibly fun and easy.  I'm so mad I didn't take the time for more pictures, but it was super cute.  There were signs for the different stations: Nails, Relaxing, Snacks,  and Facials.  The table was set up with washcloths and plates with the different creams for their faces.  After they put their masks on they went into the relaxation room with candles and soft music and relaxed for 10 minutes.  The girls kept saying it was the best thing ever.  Then they finished with their faces and did a hand treatment and then we did nails.  Kailyn has so many great girls her age.

 Kailyn had been saving her money and decided she wanted a mini iPad.  We chipped in what she needed to get it for her birthday.  It was fun to watch her open it.
Kailyn. . .
  • Is becoming a fabulous candy maker.  I love it!  She can easily make taffy all by herself and this Christmas she has made a couple batches of fudge.  She is willing to help out in the kitchen which is so nice.
  • Is a perfectionist.  She works so hard in school to get everything perfect.  It definitely causes her stress but I am proud that she works hard to do so well in school.
  • Is progressing rapidly at the piano.  If she will get her practicing in she does amazing each week.  Her teacher really pushes her and gives her many opportunities to perform for others.
  • Is still such a great helper.  She knows how to get in a straighten a room and clear off counters and wipe them off just how I would do it.  It is not unusual for me to come home from something to find her surprising me with a clean kitchen and front room.
  • Is an AMAZING babysitter.  She puts together activities to take with her and I hear great things about how she is with kids.  She doesn't have too many behavior issues and I think the kids love her.
  • Is starting strong with her personal progress.  I love to walk by her bedroom and see her scriptures, journal and Personal Progress book out and watch her study.  The other day I went in and saw a paper about what she wanted to learn about Patriarchal blessings.  It warmed my heart.
  • Can sing!   I thought she would be like me but her piano teacher has her singing and she has this sweet voice.  I love to listen to her.
  • Is a decorator.  She likes to have their room decorated for the seasons.
I am incredibly lucky to have her for a daughter.  She has an enthusiasm for life that is fun to watch and be a part of. 

Kent Whitaker's Funeral

Kent Whitaker passed away November of 2015.  The Whitakers are amazing people.

On another note, for some reason I really missed going to this funeral with Aaron and having him sit by me.  I miss going to things with Aaron.  It seems like for so many things, especially involving church, we have to go in separate cars.   I'm looking forward to having him drive me places again.

9 Years Old

 I can't believe he is that old.  Time has flown.
 It is EXTREMELY difficult to get this kid to smile.

 He has begged for a hoodie that zips over his head for 2 years.  I finally caved and he loves it.
  • LOVES Legos.  We were building with them tonight and he was cruising through them.  He even had to help Aaron out on a particularly tough part.
  • Will not let me kiss him or hug him goodnight or at any time unless I am at school.  When he sees me he comes up to me and wraps his arms around me and I sneak a kiss on top of his head and he doesn't say anything.
  • His teachers praise him and love him (unless they are lying to my face).  They tell me how he is a model student and sets such a great example.  He is always on task and completes his work.  He gets rewards like going to help the kindergarteners for his good behavior.  However, when I sub or go in to volunteer he gets so frustrated with his work and often ends up crying.  His teacher swears he doesn't do that any other time.
  • He wants to  love sports but doesn't really want to put in the practice time.
  • LOVES bean burritos.  He eats them everyday if I have them.  He takes them 3 out of 4 days of school for lunch.
  • When he is in the right mood he will talk to me and tell me things.  I cherish those times.
  • Loves Diary of a Wimpy Kid.  He just got the last 4 books for Christmas and he is tearing through them.  I love/hate catching him up late at night reading.
  • Isn't that interested in the dairy but claims thats what he wants to do.  I'm pushing for him to be dentist.  It would be awesome to have a dentist in the family.
  • When he is being sweet he is the sweetest.  When he is being crazy he is the craziest.  

Kailyn's First School Dance

Kailyn finally got her dream skirt this Halloween. She was the new Cinderella and she looked beautiful.  It was fun to help her get ready for the dance.  She was super excited and took extra time to look just right.  It made it even more fun to go with her friend Eliza Pike.

Halloween 2015

Dallin - the Red Ninja, Wyatt - Greg, from Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Kailyn - Cinderella, and Ashley - Pinterest

Corn in Doyle

  Hopefully this is our last year with corn in Doyle!  Gratefully it went much more quickly this year.  We were able to join him for a weekend where we had fun being part of the harvest  Dallin loved riding with Aaron and Billy.

Dallin's Play

Dallin's class went searching for the 'AR' sound.

As with most school plays, it was hard to hear anything, but I love watching the kids work so hard to get their part right.  This was a super cute pirate play.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Soccer Season

 Wyatt was our first soccer player!  I learned the game of soccer, and thoroughly enjoyed watching Wyatt progress this year.  In the beginning of the season he wouldn't move maybe 2 feet from his assigned position.  There was no aggressive playing.  By his last game he was all over the ball!  It was such a fun game to watch.  They were playing the best team and all of the boys were playing great.  In the 4th quarter we finally tied the game and then in the last moment we made a goal and won the game.  It was a great way to end the season.

 He loved being on Kylan's team.
 Pizza party at Pizza Barn.  He received his first medal!