Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Honey Lake Ranch

This summer we have loved going to our farm in California.  The reason we go is to move wheel lines every morning and evening.  The kids love to swim and ride the four wheelers and explore.  I wish I had taken time to write down life lessons we have stumbled upon on our visits.

Of course the easiest one is depending on each other.  When we move lines, Aaron and I are in the middle of the field and the kids are at the bottom.  I have to shut the water off and then they can open up the end of the wheel line to let the water drain out.  When the water is drained, Aaron and I can move it.  The kids then have to tighten the end back up before I can turn the water back on.  We communicate with walkie talkies, which can sometimes be difficult.  Everything gets done so much quicker if the kids are paying attention and doing their job right.  I feel like I can give my kids jobs at home but whether or not they do them doesn't affect anyone but me, and I just get mad.  Working on a farm if they don't do it everything suffers, the hay and all of us cause it takes us so dang long!

Another time Wyatt came running up to me and said, "Mom, I know why dad told me I have to keep the four wheeler in the middle of the road (in the field)!  Cause if I go off a little I will trample the hay!"  Oh if we could all live life making sure we stay right down the middle things would be easier.  Little things like that come up all the time as I listen to Aaron teach our kids to work and how things are done on the farm.

This last time we came up I couldn't help them pack.  It was interesting to see how they all did.  For sure they didn't bring much!  Aaron came in and said I hope someday you pack like Ashley did.  What did she pack?  Only swimsuits!  That was pretty awesome.  Dallin may have done the best - An extra shirt, pjs, and his swimsuit.  Wyatt remembered socks for changing the wheel lines but forgot his swimsuit (I did assume this and had some extra suits in the car).  It makes me smile and realize that I really need to stop doing so much for my kids.  While they don't have everything they need, they will get along just fine for 2 and half days.

Being out there I wish I could capture the peace and beauty that I experience.  I love the constant sound of sprinklers - It reminds me of Idaho.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Spring Break Part 1

  • EZ Air.  The kids loved jumping nonstop for an hour!  

  • The Farm in Doyle.  We drove up to the farm that the dairy purchased a few months ago.  Aaron spent a day and a half working with Matt Pursel. They are trying to get fields ready for planting.   It was nice to have a get away, but still have Aaron working!  The kids thought it was pretty cool.

The tub in the master bathroom.  Could be my favorite part!
Painting a room.
Everyone worked in 5 minute increments to make it fair.  I guess I need to paint more cause they thought it was the funnest thing ever.
Riding with Aaron while he ripped a field.
Going on an adventure.  Dallin kept asking to go on an adventure.

Puzzling.  Before we started the puzzle we made a goal to finish in 1 hour.  We finished in 59 minutes and 13 seconds.  Next visit we will try to beat our time!
Yogurt Beach.  Delicious.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

TOPS for the past few days. . .

  • Celebrating Aaron's Birthday in Reno.  Aaron will be 40, so we made a quick get away to Reno.  Marty is awesome and watched the kids.  It makes it even better that I don't have to worry about them with her.  We are so blessed to live close to them!
  • Temple.  We made it to the temple.  Always peaceful, inspiring and much needed.
  • Claim Jumper.  We have kind of forgotten about this place.  I had tri-tip in gravy over potatoes.  Perfect meat and potato meal.
  • Cadbury Mini Eggs.  Enough said.
  • Non-Stressful Shopping.  I seldom get time in Reno to just shop.  Usually I'm on a mission and am going as hard and fast as I can and still don't get it done.  We had a couple of hours to just go look at things.  And I actually found things!!!
  • Reading.  I'm in the middle of the Divergent series, and while I don't think its my favorite book, it totally sucks me in and I love when I have a book waiting for me that I can't wait to get back to.
  • Peppermill.  Great place to stay.
  • Laughing.  I think we must have had a stressful past few months.  Watching Aaron relax - and me to - was so nice.  We laughed so much over 24 hours, I can't even remember over what, but it felt so good.
  • Sleeping In.  
  • Stocking up at Costco with our Rebate.  So fun to shop and get caught up on things with it not coming out of our budget!!!
  • Coming Back to the Kids.  I love getting away and I cherish my alone time with Aaron, but it doesn't take long to be away from them before I'm thinking of how excited I am to get back with them.
  • Our Trampoline.  This may be one of our favorite purchases.  The kids spend so much time on it.  Its fun to go out and jump with them, they beg us to come spring them.  Its a great workout!

Valentine's Day

Valentine's day is one of my favorite holidays. I love decorating for it and I love the idea of a day to celebrate those you love.

  •  Coupons for the Kids.  This was their gift this year.  I always struggle what to get them, cause I don't want just another think in my house.  When I saw this, I loved it!  I think it will become tradition.  The kids loved it too.
Every year I think I'm going to make the day more special for the kids and do dinner with them, but when it comes down to it I just want my special time with Aaron on that day.  Aaron and I love our traditional Valentine's evening!

  • Dinner.  We try to have steak and crab each year.  We feed the kids early and then send them to our bedroom to watch a movie while we have nice dinner to ourselves.  So far it has worked!  

  •  Cheesecake.

  • Easy Dinner.  We do the steak and crab on the BBQ and baked potatoes make for an easy delicious dinner.  Its perfect.
  • Time with Aaron.  Time these days with Aaron is precious.  I was grateful to have his time!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Ashley is 12

It doesn't seem like twelve years have passed since we brought this sweet girl home from the hospital!

  • I remember laying on my bed with her in my tummy counting her movements.  She wasn't a very active baby and there were several times I worried if she was still moving around in there. I would lay there for an hour to make sure I counted 10 moves.
  • I remember laying in the hospital bed the night before I had Ashley listening to the heartbeat monitor.  They had told me that if it ever got below a certain number there could be problems.  Needless to say I didn't sleep that night.  
  • I remember holding her soon after she was born and not being able to believe that a baby that tiny (4 lbs 14 oz.) could be that perfect.
  • I remember coming home from the hospital feeling sad that my time with just the two of us was over.  She was no longer inside of me to keep safe and the bubble we were in during the three day hospital stay was done.  I had real life to face.
  • I remember doing some kind of craft at the kitchen table and looking down at her in her seat.  I was overwhelmed with how blessed and grateful I was that Heavenly Father had sent her to me, I felt completely honored to be her mom.
Ashley turning 12 has been great!  She had a Movie and Popcorn theme birthday party.  Mary gave her all the fun extra decorations so it made for a super cute night! 

 Girls at the party: Sidney, Lexie, Lillie, Emily, Ellie, Maria, Tiffay, and Elena.

Ashley' TOPS
  • Her baking and cooking in the kitchen.  Whenever I need help she is willing and makes delicious things!
  • Watching her with the Young Women.  I love that I have a girl in Young Women's.  She looks like she has so much fun and fits in with the other girls.
  • Watching her progress in ballet.  She is a beautiful dancer.  I love watching her!
  • Her first temple trip.  It was wonderful to be there with her and watch her in this special experience. 
  • She is a perfect oldest child.  She is so protective and concerned about the safety and whereabouts of her brothers and sister.  I'm grateful I can trust her with the kids when I leave her to babysit.
  • Her strong spirit.  She wants to do what's right and it is and has always been very clear to her what is right and what is wrong.  I've noticed that once she decides something she stays true to that.  I admire her for that.
  • Reading her scriptures.  I find her every night reading her scriptures.  

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Bellingham, Washington TOPS

  •   The Airport.  We had a mixup on the time we needed to be at the airport so we had to "Home Alone" it, as the kids put it.  We were singing 'Run, Rudolph' as we ran to our gate.  
  • The Airplane Ride.  The kids loved it.  I loved everything about it.  There weren't many people on the way back so the kids each had their own window.  We are so grateful that Jimi made this possible!
  • Kelli and Jimi. They were so good to us!  She had delicious food, so many fun things to see and do and great company.  They are definitely easy to be with.
  • Ashley turned 12.  We arrived on Ashley's birthday.  Kelli was sweet enough to put a candle in a muffin so we could sing to her.

  • Roasting Hot Dogs on the Beach.  I love the beach.  Add a fire and a hot dog lunch and it makes it even better.  This is where we hung out on friday.  I loved watching the kids explore and play on the beach.  Despite the chilliness and fog they had a blast.  So did I.

  • Canada.  We became international travelers on our visit to a park just inside of Canada.  It was cold and wet and beautiful.

Hiking to the Beach.  There was the beautiful trail that we hiked to get the beach.  Moss covered trees made for some beautiful scenery.  I love the beach.

  • The Rocks.  I wish I could have a garden of these rocks.  
  • The Treasure Tree.  Take a treasure, Leave a treasure.  Of course Kailyn couldn't decide what to leave - so many fun treasures.

  • A Sunday Walk.  This is a block from Kelli's house.  This was after we found out our flight was cancelled.  We needed to get the kids out of the house so we walked around here.  I can't say it enough that it is beautiful there!

  •  One More Day and Sunshine.  Since our flight was cancelled for a day we were able to see Washington with the sun shining.  We drove into Bellingham, ate pizza, and hung out at this park.  

  • Four Days with my Family.  I can't get enough time with Aaron, so our vacations are precious.  I get to be a less stressed mom and just enjoy time with my kids.  I love it.
Thanks Jimi and Kelli for a great weekend!  We can hardly wait to come back!!!