Sunday, February 24, 2013

TOPS 2/23/13

  • I was kneeling down and Wyatt was really close to me.  He was studying my face and he said, "Mom, why are you looking old."  I told him that I am old.  "How old?" 35.  "You just look really old."  The whole time he was staring at my face. I'm assuming he found some wrinkles he hadn't noticed before!
  • Wyatt has discovered snapping.  He does it all day long.  And he uses it for defense, he will just go up to someone and snap them.  It shouldn't be funny, but it kind of is.  When I tell him something he doesn't want to hear, he holds his hands up at me in snapping position.  Not sure what he thinks he's going to do, but it makes me chuckle.
  • The the girls sewing.  It just warms my heart.  They went to Mary's and Ashley made pajama pants and Kailyn is working on a quilt.  I'm so grateful to Mary for being willing to help them.  It takes so much prep for me and then patience.  Right now I don't have the time or the patience and I love that they love crafting with Mary.
  • Wyatt came up to me and asked me to download a shooting game for him on my phone.
    • Me: I'm not downloading a shooting game for you if I can't sit by you and watch for awhile.
    • Wyatt: Please, I really want one. Just find one that shoots really bad things like deer.
    • Me:  Thinking to myself, yes, I can do that one.  
         But, he will have to wait till I can sit down with him. The ads on the free games make me nervous sometimes. 
  • Wyatt is into reading lately.  He wants to read a chapter book so bad.  A few weeks ago he decided on Harry Potter.  I would find him just sitting looking at the book.  Now I know how many words he knows, and there aren't many in Harry Potter.  But he does not give up.  He showed me today he made it to chapter 3.  The girls informed me that he points to all the words he knows.  Today was hilarious because he would yell out, "mom listen to this one - A-A-A-A-A-R-G-H!"  He spelled all the letters out and thought it was so funny.  He then told me he read, "Harry's cup."  Kailyn told me that it really said Harry's cupboard the -board was just carried onto the next line.  I love that he loves it so much.  It's going to be so fun when he figures the whole reading thing out.
  • Adult Stake Dance.  So fun to dance with Aaron.  And Marty and Brian left early and went to stay with our kids so we could stay longer.  So grateful for all they do for us!
  • Cinnamon Lips and Chocolate. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

TOPS for 2/16/2013

  • Today was Saturday!  After working 5 days a week I really appreciate having a Saturday to myself, well kind of to myself.
  • A semi-clean house.  All week the house survives, its so nice to have floors mopped and bathrooms clean.
  • My kids around me.  Today they played so well together.  It is so fun to see.
  • Playing outside.  I paused for a moment and went out to play some baseball with Wyatt and Dallin.  
  • Guitar Music.  Whether it is from the kids or Aaron I love to hear music being played!
  •  Tacos from Azteca Panaderia.  They are just delicious.
  • Sees Chocolates.  Enjoying them from Valentine's Day.
  • A three year-old in the house.  Dallin completely cracks me up.  The way he runs with his elbows up high and kind of jumping as he steps, or his giggles.  I love everything about it, except that it is going by so fast.