Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dallin and Kailyn

Kailyn lost her 2 front teeth!  A week ago she came to me with a really loose tooth.  I told her it would be out before the night was over.  She wiggled and we tried to pull it but it wouldn't come.  She went to bed and then came out with her OTHER tooth in her hand!  She said she just wiggled it and it came out.  So the really loose tooth would not come out - it was turning gray and just hanging there.  Finally last night I told her to go have Aaron pull it.  She went to get a tissue and came back with it pulled.  She did it herself!  That describes Kailyn perfectly.  She is great at just getting things done and doing what needs to be done herself.  I love her!
Dallin is so stinking cute.  I haven't enjoyed my other kids as much as I have him at this age.  Part of it might have to do with the fact that I have either been pregnant or taking care of a newborn when they were 2.
Time out with Dallin is working best with his nose in the corner.  Every time he has to go there it makes me laugh (quietly and obviously behind his back:))  He does pretty good to stay despite his whining and crying while he is there.
This video shows Dallin's personality pretty well.  I wanted him to say, "Are ya ready?" but he wouldn't.  He will come up to you and pat your leg and say, "Are ya ready?" all the time! 

Sunday, October 2, 2011


A couple of weeks ago, Wyatt decided he wanted to figure the game of football out while Aaron was watching a BYU game. Aaron was SO patient while he asked his questions. It took me awhile before I started writing them down, so I don't have them all and it also must be known that each question was asked at least 3 times.

Who got it?

Not again!

Why do they have helmets on?

Why do they have white things on their helmets?

Does it hurt their heads?

They will get sweaty with that on their heads!

Why do they have numbers on their shirts?

Who's making the whistle?

When will the pumpkin patch open?

Why do they run the clock out?

Ohhh! There's the whistle guy!

Dad, I need roller skates.

Me: do you like the red team or the blue team?
Wyatt: blue
Me: why?
Wyatt: because dad hates the red!

It made me laugh. In other Wyatt news, I officially left a kid for the first time. We were hanging out at Brad and Kathryn's and as we were leaving we joked about how we always leave something. We load up and are pulling out and I see Kathryn coming out of her house with Wyatt in tow. He was so sad, and as much as I joked about, it broke my heart also. As I was tucking him in bed and cuddling him close, he said, "Mom, we don't leave people, we are a family and we stay together in the same place". Wyatt, I completely agree! I love that little boy and I hope this is my last experience like that!