Friday, July 30, 2010

24th of July Celebration

I signed our family up for the trek they had planned before the dinner. We have never done anything like this before so I thought it would be fun.

About 30 minutes before we were supposed to be there Aaron calls me up and tells me he had to go with the Mormon Battalion and wouldn't be able to go with me. I thought this was maybe something the ward thought up to be funny so I sarcastically said, "fine I won't go then." Of course I was kidding and had to quickly get everything together by myself. I told Ashley that if we were really pioneers and our dad was really gone she would be my right hand girl. She would have to help with everything, cooking, getting water, helping with the kids. . .She stepped up to the challenge and was an amazing pioneer girl. She filled our 3 gallon water jug and got it out to the car, helped get everyone in the car and then she would run back to me to get her next assignment. I loved it! She did ask if pioneer girls ever complained. I told her probably not cause their moms couldn't do it without them. She didn't complain the entire night.

Waiting for the other trekkers to get there. The bishop and Lori sent their girls to help me out. I was so grateful to those who helped. I kept thinking about all those ladies who had to cross the plains themselves and I kept telling myself that I have nothing to complain about!
This was our first night - okay, maybe our first stop in the shade while others joined us. Aaron was able to get to us and join us for the rest. . . Yea for Dad!
Heading west.

We made it!
Our dinner was at the Lewis Ranch. The kids love the zip line.Singing with Mary playing the guitar.
The young women were in charge of the games. We intended to have games for kids and youth, but since we only had about 3 or 4 youth there the adult stepped up. The men shaved balloons.
The kids water races.

Wyatt thought he was as big as everyone else.
The women's relay. . .
It was a very fun night.

What goes on while we aren't looking. . .

Notice Aaron and I over at the sink with no clue that water is being sprayed all over the carpet.

Whenever I download pictures I always have a ton that the kids have taken and they usually are funny. . .This is the first time they documented their mischievous behavior.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Moonlight Madness

I have always hated running. And the fact that I am a wuss doesn't help the fact either. In high school I hated running for cheerleading when we ran around the gym. I even stopped at every drinking fountain and had a candy bar in my hand. Still, no fun. I hated running in college when I attempted to run with Dacia. She would run much farther and I would always have to stop and walk and take short cuts so we would get back at about the same time. I hated running when we were first married and we had this perfect place to run next to our house in Declo. All these attempts were half-hearted and short lived. Fast forward ten years and I have four kids and am in some desperate need for exercise. I watched Heidi run a 5k about a year ago. After being there and feeling the excitement of the race I decided I was going to run one.

Having children completely changed my perspective on how much pain my body can handle. That is how I went about getting my body in shape. My first 'real' run of my life took place last October. I decided I wasn't going to stop no matter what. When the first aches and pains came, I told myself this is nothing compared to contractions. I talked to myself that way the entire time. At the end when I wanted to die it still didn't compare to having a baby. When I finished I hurt so bad. I thought, "There is no way I can run. . . my body is not cut out for this." Aaron was so great to cheer me on and tell me I could do it again. And I did. Pretty soon it wasn't so painful. I participated in my first 5k and finished it and I was so proud of myself. . . I had worked hard and I did it!

Thoughts about running:
  • My body can handle some degree of pain and I get over it.
  • The 20-30 minutes I run is precious quiet time just for me.
  • I can do things if I set my mind to it.
  • As a mom of 4, my days are filled with so many tasks that are never finished and quickly undone. Every time I cross the finish line, I am thrilled that I am completing something.

The moonlight madness 5K was a hard run. It was like trail running. You had to watch your step, I was jumping over wash outs and rocks. There were hills. After each hill I would think I was done only to turn a corner and see a bigger one. I wanted to cry. . .maybe I did a little. But I finished! And it was so great to run across the line.

One of the best parts was Ashley and Kailyn ran in the kids race. I wasn't planning on them running it so they did not come prepared. They had flip-flops and jeans on. But they did SO good.
It was so fun to watch them cross the finish line and see their proud smiles. We are looking forward to the next kids race. We will be more prepared next time.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Lake 2010

The kids had a blast. We hope to be at the lake a lot this year! Its becoming less stressful now that the kids are getting older. Grandpa even let the girls drive. . . He is pretty brave!

These next 3 pictures were taken in 2005. We haven't been at the lake at sundown since then, so I wanted to take some to update my picture frames.Mary showed me how to use the sunset setting so they turned out nice.

Cutting Garden Revisited

My garden is growing and I am surprised by how quickly the starts I received from Idaho have bloomed. Everything, I think, is surviving okay and I can hardly wait till I can see everything I have in bloom!
This is my first arrangement. Next on my list is to take a flower arrangement class . . . I don't know what I am doing in that department!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July . . So Far

We have been busy with swim lessons. The girls did a great job and Wyatt is fearless, which makes me nervous, but it is very fun to watch the kids enjoy themselves.
4th of July was kind of low key this year with the parade on Sunday. We had a nice picnic at Teri's with delicious chicken. It was nice to relax and visit.
We made a quick trip to Utah to see some of Aaron's college friends. The trip was fast but fun. One of our activities included BYU campus. So much has changed, and yet walking around I recalled so many great memories and the feeling of being at school came back. It is a great school. About 10 years ago I took a picture by this sign with a friend, so I wanted to relive it. . . and someday when I find that picture I will post it next to this one!

We stayed at Chris and Jodi's (even though they weren't there). They have a beautiful home and they were great hosts and they weren't even there. We went to church with Robb and Jeanne and ate dinner with them. Jeanne's ribs are delicious! Then we stayed with Emily and Brandon for a night. They live in a beautiful area and it was wonderful sitting on there back porch (in comfy chairs) enjoying the evening. I also got to eat at Cafe Rio twice!
Dallin is growing so fast. He wants to be just like his older brother. He has driving a truck and making the noises down. It is fun to see him interact and watch his personality develop.