Sunday, April 23, 2023


 The last little bit we have pretty much been back to normal life.  I go in every 3 weeks for immunotherapy which makes me tired for a day or two and then I'm back to normal.  It has been awesome to feel so good after not feeling great for several months.  A week ago I had another echocardiogram and PET/CT scan. This last week at my oncology appointment my doctor went over my results.  Everything looked great on my echo still...they are keeping an eye on my heart since one of the immunotherapy medicines causes heart problems in 5% of people taking it. My PET/CT scan also showed great results.  During a PET/CT scan they give you an injection of sugar molecules attached to radioactive material.  Cancer loves sugar so the sugar molecules will go to the cancer cells along with the radioactive material that they can see with the PET/CT scan.  My PET/CT scan didn't show any cancer cells with the radioactive material.  They said it is considered a complete response and I currently don't have any cancer! We are so excited for this news and feel extremely blessed.  I have only been doing treatments for 5 months and to have a complete response in that time is truly a miracle.  The vertebrae in my spine are still healing from the cancer so I still have some pain with that but it doesn't hurt as much as it did last year before we found out about the cancer. The doctor said that we will continue to do the immunotherapy every 3 weeks to try to prevent the cancer from coming back.  We will also continue to do echocardiograms and PET/CT scans every 3 months to keep an eye on everything.  They will never say I am cured because once you have Stage 4 cancer you are considered to always have cancer.  Thank you for all your prayers in my behalf and my families behalf this last 6 months since I was diagnosed. They have truly been felt. I also appreciate everyone that has checked up on us to see how we are doing and for all the service that has been done to help us.  We have been awed at the love that has been shown to us.