(sorry for the aweful picture, it is the only one we have that includes JJ)
I know it is so cliche to do this for Thanksgiving, but I am going to anyway.
To start off I am thankful for my family. I am so blessed to have so many people that love me. I can't believe that I have such a great husband and awesome kids. As well as wonderful parents and great siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and in-laws (I hope I didn't leave anyone out) I am thankful for the knowledge that families can be together forever. This makes me so happy to know this. I am also thankful for all of my friends. I am lucky to have great friends that help me out so much even if it is just to be there when I need to talk to someone after a long day. I am also thankful for a home to live in, clothes to wear, and food to eat. I can honestly say that I have never lived a day without these three comforts. I am thankful for the USA and the freedoms we enjoy here. I am so glad we are able to vote and pick the leaders we want to run our country (even if the ones we want don't always win at least we have that privlege). I am thankful for my health. I have never really been terribly sick (knock on wood). I am thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the knowledge that he is my Savior. I am thankful for a prophet that leads and guides us today.
I am thankful for many more things, but I won't post them all.