The other day while we were driving Kennedy to dance, Macy insisted that she is psychic. That's because she often says, with great annoyance, "I know that!" after Kennedy, dad, or I tell her things (and it could literally be about anything.) So finally, I asked her if the reason that she knows so much about everything is because she is psychic. "Yes I am, mom!" was her reply. Then I started singing the theme song from one of my favorite TV shows, Psych, to her..."I know you know that I'm not telling the truth. I know you know they just don't have any proof..." Guess what she said to me, "I know that, mom!"
I asked her, "If you are psychic, then what am I thinking about right now?"
She says, "Taking me to the toy store." (smart girl because we had just been talking about needing to get a birthday present for her friend Emily at the toy store around the corner from the dance studio, and obviously that's what she wanted me to be thinking about - but no, I was thinking about chocolate chip cookies.)
She asks me, "What am I thinking about?"
"Time travel," Me (even though I knew the answer - going to play with the horses at the toy store - I didn't think I could resist the urge to shout out I know that! when she had to admit I was right.)
Macy was sure happy to point out that I'm not psychic.
I was reading through some old blog posts and found one from December 2010 talking about how Kennedy used to always say...wait for it...I KNOW THAT!
Gee, we sound like a family of Ms. Smarty Pants.