Monday, March 12, 2012

Famous at five

I have so much to write about Kennedy's fantastic fifth birthday. We had such a great time celebrating all last week. More on that later...
The day after her birthday, the Purple Class went on a field trip to the State Capitol. They got to see our legislature in action. Kennedy was aware they were making laws, and she said her law was "you have to use quiet voices." Nice one. The world would be a happier place if people used quiet voices more often. I'm not sure that she was too impressed by Sandy Tenney, chief clerk in the House of Representatives, and her knowledge of the details in the murals painted above the kids' heads.
This photo appeared twice in the Salt Lake Tribune - the day after the field trip on the front page and then again on Sunday (this time even bigger but in black and white) for a recap of the week's stories. I love that Kennedy (right in the middle) is the only kid looking at her with a face that says "Really, you expect me to believe that?!"

Monday, March 5, 2012

Finished with four

Kennedy told me the other day that she is sad that she's the last one of her friends to have a birthday. Well, the big day is tomorrow, and she's so excited to be turning five! She's been counting down for weeks.
Last night we went out to dinner at the Country Club to celebrate the March babies. It was a lovely night, complete with a table-side hello and how do you do by Jon Huntsman, Sr. He and my parents had a nice chat about his son's failed presidential campaign (even though he was clearly the BEST Republican candidate), general U.S. politics, cancer research, and all the famous people he gets to work with, including Senator Harry Reid and TV anchor/host Glenn Beck. After dinner we went back to Grandpa Ray's for cake and ice cream and presents for Kennedy, Pamp, and Kathy. There's nothing like taking a full week to celebrate a birthday! Kennedy was especially excited for her new infant carrier for Pink Baby, princesses to live in my old doll house (once we make room to bring it over), and the Puss in Boots movie.
Today I asked Kennedy to reflect on her last day of being four-years-old:
What has been the best thing about being four?
"Playing with my sister."
What is something new you learned that you didn't know when you were three?
"Ballet and tap dancing."
What will you miss about being four?
"My Hello Kitty shirt because I will be too big for it."
What is the most exciting thing about turning five?
"Opening my presents."
What do you want to learn before you are six?
"How to read."
What special birthday wish will you make when you blow out the candles on your cake?
"That it will be Macy's birthday soon."

This has definitely been a good year. Kennedy is so sweet and helpful. She can be silly, fun, and crazy, but also incredibly thoughtful and insightful. It will be fun to see what new things she amazes us with over the next year.