There were no comments about Macy's day on Monday, but she said "I did jobs" and seemed to have had a nice time at school.
Tuesday, January 24 - Macy enjoyed playing in the loft, reading books, the playdough, and painting. She had a good morning. (We all went over to the other house to help get the living room ready to paint. The girls loved squirting and scraping the bathroom walls with me and holding parts for Jake while he put light fixtures back up. They were up way too late and had a very sad dinner of toast. I did offer to make sandwiches, pancakes, or eggs but I had no takers.)
Wednesday, January 25 - Macy really enjoyed working in the loft today. She sometimes forgets to use her walking feet in the classroom. She enjoyed circle time as well. (After school Macy was surprised to see my bandaged arm, but she gave it a kiss to help me feel better. Jake took Kennedy to ballet, and Macy and I played with the magnet dolls and she did a dance performance for me while I iced and elevated my arm.)
Thursday, January 26 - Macy had a nice day. She was happy to go outside and play out in the snow with her Winnie the Pooh mittens. She enjoyed the princess story Caitrin brought for circle time. (The girls and I ate some frozen, but homemade, noodles for dinner and then I gave them a bath. I must have looked strange to them with a rubber glove and saran wrap over my arm so that I could help wash their hair. Jake was over at the other house painting and trying to get ready for the carpet to be installed.)
Friday, today - I'm at work. The girls are at Grammie and Pamp's. Jake is sick, but is at the other house with the carpet installer. I don't know if I see the light at the end of the tunnel with this project, but we're getting closer. The girls wanted to dress like cowgirls today. They both looked so cute in their plaid shirts, jeans, boots, and hats. Later this afternoon they have ballet - always a highlight of the week. Last week Kennedy started in her new class, and loved it even though she was nervous about moving up. There are supposed to be five girls, but she was the only one there. It was fun for her to have a private lesson, and she learned lots of new ballet and tap steps. Macy loves her class, and seems to be doing a better job listening to Ms. Jacqueline. It might help now that Kennedy isn't in the class to distract her. Tonight we have gymnastics, but maybe just the girls and I will be going. Jake looked pretty tired this morning.