Friday, January 27, 2012

End of the week

There were no comments about Macy's day on Monday, but she said "I did jobs" and seemed to have had a nice time at school.
Tuesday, January 24 - Macy enjoyed playing in the loft, reading books, the playdough, and painting. She had a good morning. (We all went over to the other house to help get the living room ready to paint. The girls loved squirting and scraping the bathroom walls with me and holding parts for Jake while he put light fixtures back up. They were up way too late and had a very sad dinner of toast. I did offer to make sandwiches, pancakes, or eggs but I had no takers.)
Wednesday, January 25 - Macy really enjoyed working in the loft today. She sometimes forgets to use her walking feet in the classroom. She enjoyed circle time as well. (After school Macy was surprised to see my bandaged arm, but she gave it a kiss to help me feel better. Jake took Kennedy to ballet, and Macy and I played with the magnet dolls and she did a dance performance for me while I iced and elevated my arm.)
Thursday, January 26 - Macy had a nice day. She was happy to go outside and play out in the snow with her Winnie the Pooh mittens. She enjoyed the princess story Caitrin brought for circle time. (The girls and I ate some frozen, but homemade, noodles for dinner and then I gave them a bath. I must have looked strange to them with a rubber glove and saran wrap over my arm so that I could help wash their hair. Jake was over at the other house painting and trying to get ready for the carpet to be installed.)
Friday, today - I'm at work. The girls are at Grammie and Pamp's. Jake is sick, but is at the other house with the carpet installer. I don't know if I see the light at the end of the tunnel with this project, but we're getting closer. The girls wanted to dress like cowgirls today. They both looked so cute in their plaid shirts, jeans, boots, and hats. Later this afternoon they have ballet - always a highlight of the week. Last week Kennedy started in her new class, and loved it even though she was nervous about moving up. There are supposed to be five girls, but she was the only one there. It was fun for her to have a private lesson, and she learned lots of new ballet and tap steps. Macy loves her class, and seems to be doing a better job listening to Ms. Jacqueline. It might help now that Kennedy isn't in the class to distract her. Tonight we have gymnastics, but maybe just the girls and I will be going. Jake looked pretty tired this morning.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What a treat

Last night Kennedy treated me to a special surprise...a visit to her beauty spa! She had pulled some chairs together to serve as the salon and had laid out a brush, de-tangling spray, lotion, a necklace, and a pencil and paper. First she did my hair. Then I got a hand and arm massage, followed by a foot massage. It was some serious pampering. She was also kind enough to let me interrupt the treatments with a few quick dashes into the kitchen to stir the dinner. When Macy saw what was going on, she had to come over and help style my hair. While I was in the chair, I wrote Kennedy a little love note. She's always doing this for us - making cards, notes, and pictures saying how much she loves us all. They go something like this:
To Mom I love you mom oh and I love you too dad and oh I love you Macy From Kennedy

Kennedy told me that I'm her very favorite person in the whole world, that I'm the best mom ever, and that she loves me more than one billion, zillion, quatillion, million times! When I told her that I hope she always feels this way about me, she looked at me like I was crazy. Like, why wouldn't I, mom? Well, someday you'll probably be angry at me and say that you don't like me, and someday you'll meet a boy that you will love even more than me. Kennedy was nearly in tears at the unimaginable thought of me not being the most important person in her life. I don't want to think of that either, but there might come a day when she's a teenager who wants nothing to do with me, and I'll want to look back and remember these times. But for now, she just may be the sweetest girl ever!

I'm hoping that some of this will rub off a bit on Macy because lately she's been hissing or sticking out her tongue at us - a lot - definitely not so sweet. Macy does give me an occasional spontaneous "I love you, mom!" which always makes me so happy to hear. She also gives amazing melt into your arms hugs and butterfly kisses with her extra long eyelashes or Eskimo nose rubs. She's also loves to put her tiny hand in mine, even just when we are walking around the house. Macy is figuring out how to delay bedtime, and although I don't want to encourage this, it has the upside of an extra snuggle and a few more songs or stories for me.

Last night the two girls took turns reading to each other. Kennedy really is reading some of the words, but they are both pretty good at memorizing their favorite books! I don't know how I got so lucky, but being a mom to these two wonderful girls is the most amazing experience! I'm glad to know that they think I'm doing a good job because I admit, there are times when I seriously wonder.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Macy is sick

Macy was sick last night. She was acting very tired and clingy when we were over working on the house. On the way home she fell asleep in the car, and stayed asleep when I put her down on the couch. She even missed pizza. She woke up around 9:00, and we were downstairs watching Muppet Treasure Island. I got her ready for bed and grabbed a bowl, just in case. She watched the movie for a while, but actually asked to go up to her room. Kennedy came up shortly after, and then Mace threw up on the bed - I did get part of it in the bowl, but still had to change the sheets and her nightgown. I promised the girls I'd sleep with them to make sure Macy was ok. It was alright for a while, but sleeping sideways on a full bed doesn't give me much room to stretch out. Finally I headed back to my own bed. Soon Macy came to join me, saying she'd gotten sick again. I peeled off the towels I had spread out, and then found a new nightgown so Macy could get in bed with me. I don't think I got much sleep at all. Macy was wide awake, and in pretty good spirits. When Kennedy got up to go potty and refill her water bottle, she also climbed in bed with us. Luckily, Jake had decided to spend the night on the couch. This morning she was like new, even with a mild fever, and very hungry!

I don't know what got Macy sick, but I'm blaming some kid at school. Here's what she did this week:
Monday 1/9/12 - Macy enjoyed playing in the gym and pretending she was a kitty.

Tuesday 1/10/12 - Macy enjoyed working on the watering job where you transfer water from one bowl to another. She was excited to go play in the gym after snack time.

Wednesday 1/11/12 - Macy had a super day. She pretended to be a cat again, she looked at books, played in the loft, and enjoyed looking at the babies. (there are now two babies in her class)

Thursday 1/12/12 - Macy always likes circle time with us. She has enjoyed working with Bianca in the grocery store. She really had a good time working on water jobs today!

Luckily she was feeling well Friday afternoon because we had ballet class and a gymnastics meet!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Learning new things all the time

Today Kennedy made breakfast for Macy and me: chocolate milk and yogurt with raisins. She also wanted to eat half of my grapefruit, but was very concerned about getting a seed in her mouth. She was very excited that she can now make two things for breakfast - yogurt and cereal.
Pamp brought Macy by my office yesterday after school. I can't remember what I asked her, but her response was, "N-O!" I've never heard her spell "no" before, and she did it again a few minutes later when Grammie told her she could only take home two toys from the box in her office. She also came very close to spelling her name. It sounded like she had all the letters, but either there was an extra or she had them in the wrong order (I've forgotten already - this is why I need to write things down!)
Kennedy had parent observation week at ballet last night. I was worried that Macy would want to dance now that she's in a class, but she was content to draw on the iPad. She somehow figured out that she can add her own creative touches to pictures saved on the device. Turning Macy into a princess with long, long hair kept her busy for a long time. Kennedy was acting very silly, making faces at herself in the mirror, doing crazy little dances when she was supposed to be standing still, but she was certainly paying attention. She was the only student that answered all of her teacher's questions and could do all the steps after just hearing their names. I guess because of this, she was picked first as an example or line leader throughout the class. She sure practices a lot at home. Kennedy loves to teach ballet classes to Macy and me.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Break's over

The girls headed back to school on Tuesday after a nice holiday break. I'm not sure if they are excited to be back to the normal routine. They sure had fun playing with their grandparents all day for the last few weeks. They made lots of Christmas crafts with Grandma Sue and helped Grammie and Pamp bake cookies and decorate the tree. Both girls have quickly gotten out of the habit of actually getting ready to go in the mornings. It's been difficult to keep them focused on the task of getting dressed, eating breakfast, sitting still to have their hair brushed, and getting out the door on time. Neither one seemed especially overjoyed to walk into the classroom that first day back, but it has gotten better as the week went by.

Here's what Macy was up to:
Tuesday, January 3, 2012 - Macy had a good morning back. She was very quiet and explored the new things we have out.

Wednesday, January 4 - Macy had a great morning. She enjoyed being able to play outside today. (we're still having unseasonably warm temperatures, and no snow in sight!)
Kennedy has "outdoor classroom" on Wednesday afternoons. This seems to be one of her favorite things during the week. She also loves the music and dance sessions on Mondays. Tonight it was also back to ballet.)

Thursday, January 5 - Macy enjoyed playing outside today. She worked in the grocery store and played in the loft.