"amn't" (her version of am not.) "I know that" after pretty much everything, and sounding too much like a teenager. Singing things in her made up language, which she claims is a mix between English and Spanish (and I can actually hear bits of both.) Including actual words in Spanish, especially when she uses abajo and arriba to talk about the bunk beds she will have someday. Her crazy "window washing" dance in the shower. I got it on video, but I'm not going to post Kennedy shaking her naked (and very cute) booty for the world to see.
"how 'bout...that one!" (or "this one," or "th'other side.") "never, never, never!" (I don't know where she got this, but it's cute.) "don't do that, (name of offender goes here)!" "I want watch Dora" and trying to sing the theme song "D-d-d Dora. Swiper no swiping!" "Let's sing ABCs!" (which she is really good at now and can sing all by herself.) "Milt-a-chair" or "Milt-a-toutch" (when she wants to sit down and have some milk.) "Play with dolls" (one of her favorite things to do right now, along with play with potato heads.) Climbing on everything, and having her share of falls. Imitating Kennedy's actions, but clearly wanting to be her own person.
A brief summary of 2010:
Jake's 34th birthday. Kennedy wraps up another fun semester at the Little Gym. Surprise birthday dinner for McKenzie. Uncle Rainier's birthday. Jeff's 19th birthday. Kennedy gets a haircut, and fancy princess buns which really seem to impress Macy.FEBRUARY
Grammie's birthday. Aunt Kari's birthday. Keeping busy indoors. Deciding our family is complete and passing on some baby things to friends at work - that was much harder than I expected it to be. Uncle Ben's and Grandpa Ray's birthday. Valentine's Day. Kennedy gets stitches in her forehead. Grandma Sue's birthday. Our first family trip to Disneyland!MARCH
Kennedy celebrates her 3rd birthday with a trip to the zoo and family parties (oh and don't forget, it's Pampie's birthday, too!) Mimi passed away on Kathy's birthday. We spent lots of time with my family, and Andrew took a few days off from his veterinarian studies at Washington State to come to town for the funeral. We remembered to wear green for St. Patrick's Day, and raise a glass to Mimi.APRIL
Easter egg hunts, bowling, and a visit from Aunt Kari and Uncle Rainier. Warm weather at last and work in the garden. Kite flying. A trip to the aquarium. Jake and I celebrate our 11th anniversary. Macy turns one-year-old! She also shared her birthday month with Aunt Beth and Uncle Andy.MAY
Macy starts walking! The girls and I went to Washington with Grammie and Pamp for Uncle Andy's and Aunt Meg's graduation - dad waves to us in the airplane window from his work truck on the runway! I get to spend Mother's Day in Pullman with my mom and my girls, but we sure miss Jake. We enjoy a beautiful spring day at Red Butte Garden. We celebrate Eliza's birthday by making tie dye shirts (oh yeah, it's my birthday, too.) I celebrate in the emergency room after a table falls on my foot. A Memorial Day picnic at Grandma Lu's.JUNE
Kennedy finishes the toddler program at school and celebrates with a class picnic. Jeff graduates from Skyline High School. We spend lots of afternoons in the pool. Take a trip to the dinosaur museum. And there was lots of time spent with all the dads in the family. JULY
4th in Torrey with a parade, hiking and friends. Kennedy was pronounced clear of her kidney reflux. Sad news, we learned that Andrew and Meg have split up. Jake buys his new motorcycle.
We go on our first trip without the girls - back to Disneyland! Ira's birthday. More fireworks. Trips to the zoo and the library for books and puppet shows. Ice cream at Woody's. Kennedy's first movie in the theater - Toy Story 3.

Our annual family camp-out at the Spruces. I was recognized as a finalist in the District Staff Awards presentation - my boss, Paul, said that I just barely missed out on the $5,000 prize. Maybe 2011 will be my lucky year? Kennedy goes back to school after having a great summer hanging out with Macy and the grandparents. Pie baking with my kitchen helper.

Sun Valley - a much different experience this time of year and without Mimi. Jeff goes off to college at Oregon Institute of Technology. More fun in the kitchen. Grandma Lu passes away. Grandma Sue and Grandpa Brent take a cross-country road trip, but have to head home early for the funeral. Saturday mornings at the Farmer's Market in Murray Park.
Night out with the parents from the Purple Class - we met for dinner at The Dodo. Kennedy's pumpkin patch field trip. Horse rides on Uncle Tim. Friday visits to Mama and Grammie at the office. Children's museum. Lots of raking and burying the girls in piles of leaves. Garden After Dark. Fancy brunch at La Caille. Date night at a Jazz game. Halloween parade, parties and trick-or-treating.
Grandpa Brent's birthday. Our first snowman. Kennedy's Thanksgiving program at school was definitely a highlight of the holiday, so was having Andrew and Jeff come to town.
Kennedy goes to her second play - If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. Huck's birthday. Tim's birthday. Gingerbread house decorating party, which hopefully will become an annual event. Our family vacation to an extremely rainy San Diego. Las Vegas Bowl - good fun, horrible game. Celebrating Christmas and New Year's Eve.
Kennedy goes to her second play - If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. Huck's birthday. Tim's birthday. Gingerbread house decorating party, which hopefully will become an annual event. Our family vacation to an extremely rainy San Diego. Las Vegas Bowl - good fun, horrible game. Celebrating Christmas and New Year's Eve.
Since I haven't done a side by side comparison of the girls for quite some time, here is a shot from when they were both about 18-months, and a few others from the free photo shoot we did in the fall.
We're looking forward to another wonderful year! I hope I can take the time to really enjoy 2011 - soak in all the memories (and then quickly write them down on the blog so that I don't forget), live in the moment, take pleasure in the simple things in life...and occasionally remind myself that my life will never be perfect, but I can be perfectly happy with the life I have.