Just like that Easton is 1 month old. What a blessing it is to have him in our lives!
Here is what he is up to at 1 month:
Weight and Height:
-He weighed 10 lbs, 11oz (75th %) at his 1 month check up. He was 21 3/4in long (45th %), so he grew a lot in his first month of life!
**Update, I took him to the dr yesterday because of his cold and he was already up to 11lbs, 10 oz. This boy is growing quick!**
-Every asked me the first month of his life how he was sleeping, and I would always respond that he was sleeping like a newborn; meaning, I was up a lot with him at night! He was really jaundice the first week of his life, so our dr wanted me to feed him every 2 hours to make sure he was eating enough to flush out the bilirubin. The first couple of weeks of life were pretty intense in the sleep department. There was one night where I had just finished feeding him and was trying to burp him in the rocking chair. I fell asleep while I was burping him and accidentally let him slip a bit, and he bumped his head on the arm of the chair. (It was a soft rocking chair, so nothing happened). I felt like a HORRIBLE mother then. Greg was insistent that I took a nap while he was home so I would be able to function a little better. I happily obliged. :)
Around 3 weeks of age, he started to sleep at night in longer spurts. He usually falls asleep between 9-10 and is up at 1 and then at 4 to nurse. I usually try to go to sleep when he does at night, and I have started to feel much more rested at that point. I still feel sleep deprived, but not as bad.
He is a pretty good napper. I am really trying to teach him how to fall asleep on his own, which has been going ok. I am determined to have a good sleeper here. We have had family in town for the past couple of weeks, and with outings and such with that it hasn't always been easy to stick to that. I think once it is just us we might do a little better at that.
He has been taking naps in his swing the past couple of days because he has had a cold that his brothers lovingly shared with him, and he sleeps awesome in there. He has been taking 2-3 hour naps in the swing, which is awesome because I can get a lot done, but I would like him to sleep in his crib and not to get use to being swinged to sleep. Hopefully when he is healthy he will do better with that!
We are swaddling Easton just like he did our older two, and that seems to be a good signal to him that it is time to sleep. He is usually out of his swaddle by the morning, but it does help him to fall asleep I think.
I am exclusively breastfeeding Easton, which is going really well. He usually nurses every 3-4 hours through out the day. The first couple of weeks were rough in that department, but we are in a good groove now it seems. He was a great nurser from the beginning, and I was really sore as a result. Nursing was not as enjoyable this time around for me at the beginning because of various hurdles. I developed mastitis when he was just over 2 weeks old, and as much as it seemed like it would have been easier to stop because of the pain, I knew it would get easier and stuck to it. It has gotten easier, and I am so glad to still going strong. I usually nurse my babies until they are almost 2, and I plan to do the same with Easton.
I have noticed that Easton seems to not do well when I eat broccoli, so I have cut that out of my diet for the time being. The times when I have eaten broccoli have made Easton very colic, and I would rather have a happy baby than eat broccoli honestly. :)
I am going to start training a few clients for work in a couple of weeks, so I plan on starting to pump so Greg can feed him while I am gone. I'm not sure how he will take to a bottle, so we will see how that goes! I only plan on being gone for a few hours Saturday morning, so I will still be nursing him a majority of the time.
Development and Milestones:
-Easton is gaining more and more control of his head and is able to hold it up by himself really well most of the time. He doesn't seem to enjoy tummy time, but we are trying to do it every day.
-He has started smiling at us which is so fun! I can't wait until a laugh comes out of that toothless smile.
-He had really bad baby acne when he around 4 weeks old, but it seems to be getting better as he is getting closer to 6 weeks old.
-His umbilical cord fell off when he was 2 weeks old and had his first bath shortly after that.
-He loves bath time.
-He got his first cold right after turning 1 month old.
-He is cooing and making other noises which is so fun to hear.
-He is tracking really well and seems to recognize our voices.
-He seems to be a pretty mellow little dude. As long as he is fed and not tired, he is content to lay on the ground and just observe the world.
-He HATES his car seat. I'm not sure how much I will be leaving the house this summer :)
We just adore and love our little Easton!