At the beginning of August, Deagan and I went to Wyoming to visit my family for a family reunion. Greg had to stay back for classes unfortunately. We had a great time in Wyoming, and it was super sad to leave! My dad made a good point though by saying that what makes getting together so special now is that we don't get to see each other very often. If we saw each other every day now, we might take it for granted. I for sure cherish every time I have to spend with my family now.
Greg survived on his own though, but I think he was more than ready to have us home. He was so sweet and had this hanging up when we got home:

All of my pictures are really out of order, so this is the trip backwards.
My sister Chelsea and my brother Cory weren't planning on coming to the reunion because of school and work, but on Friday night of the reunion they surprised us by walking in the front door of the cabin! It was so fun to see them because I have no idea when I will see these two again.

My brother Kelly and his girlfriend Karissa came into town that same day, so the whole family, minus Greg, were there for the weekend. Everyone showed up late, so Deagan stayed up super late. He eventually hid himself in this bucket under the table. I think he was trying to get away from all the craziness of my family.

I think Deagan got super tired of getting his picture taken all the time. He was also determined to not sit still the entire time we were in Wyoming. I got so worried about him because he would hardly eat because he was so distracted and busy doing other things. For this kid to eat he has got to be restrained.

My sister Ashley was such a huge help to me with Deagan. I don't think that I would have survived it without the help of my family!

I love watching my dad and Deagan together. My dad is a total softy when it comes to Deagan. He is watching Deagan play in this picture.

Super fab Ash!

My little bro Cody. What a stud!

Deagan was obsessed with this broom that was in the cabin we were staying in. The rocks were constantly too dirty for his liking.

My dad bought Deagan these toy dinosaurs while we were there. He was obsessed with them the entire time. He started with 6, but we only came home with 4.
I love his expression in this picture!

Ash, Deagan, and me at the world famous Cody Rodeo. In all the years that I have lived in Wyoming I have never been to this rodeo and it is only a half hour away from where I grew up. It was fun to finally go and experience a rodeo. I don't think I would go again though.

My family has a dog named Sadie that Deagan constantly followed around while we were there. Sadie really began to fear Deagan towards the end of the trip.
I can't tell if Deagan is feeding Sadie something in this picture or letting her lick his finger. Either way, he was constantly in this dog's face.

We had ice cream one night in the car, and Deagan was covered by the time we got home. I decided to bring in his whole car seat to get him clean. He is saying "cheese!" in this picture.

Some of my relatives set up a slack line at the reunion, and Deagan got to try it a few times. He was a natural!

There was this giant chess board at the KOA where we stayed for the reunion. The pieces were as big as Deagan. He loved to play with them.

Trying to climb of the latter to the upper loft of the cabin. He knew he wasn't suppose to go up there which is exactly why he tried to go up there!

My mom is a violinist and has the cutest little violins that she teaches some of her younger students with. Deagan wanted to play with them, but he couldn't understand why he had to put it on his shoulder. It looked like a guitar to him, so he was constantly trying to hold it like a guitar.

Playing with some weights. Love his smile!

I didn't really realize until I put this picture on here that he was opening the cream he is holding. I am a great mom. I think he was trying to feed it to Sadie.