Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Welcome to our private blog!

Sorry for the long absence, but we are still alive and doing well!  School has started, and we are finally settling into a routine.  This is Greg's last semester, and so far he thinks that it will be a relatively easy semester compared to the last one.  I am school as well, but only part time.  For the most part I really enjoy my classes.  Deagan is growing and changing everyday. New things that he does lately is:

-Wave "bye bye"
-Shake his head no if he doesn't want to eat something.
-Climbs up on everything!
-When he needs help from me, he will stick out his hand towards me.  Very cute!

To keep ourselves busy, as if we don't have enough to do already, Deagan and I have been on a few adventures.  Last week we went to the Zoo in Idaho Falls.  I was pretty surprised how nice it was.  I would recommend it for sure!  For the most part Deagan liked the zoo, but he is really afraid of animals at this point.  We went to the monkey exhibit and the monkey was right next to the glass, and his stroller was too.  He started to shake and stuck out his hand to me pretty much saying, "Get me out of here!"

These were some of the only pictures that turned out semi good while we were there.  

Deagan loves to play in his bucket of toys.  He can get in it just fine, the only problem we run in to is when he tries to get out.
Playing in the cabinet under the sink.  
Our ward had a carnival this past weekend, and it was so fun!  We got our faces painted.  If you can't tell Deagan's is a basketball.  He wouldn't hold still long enough to really get it good.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The last birthday

Until we go private, I don't want to write that much but we celebrated the last birthday in our family yesterday; Deagan's.  It was a simple and low key day, but I think that he had fun.  We are so blessed to have him in our lives!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Going private

I had a crazy visitor leave a crazy comment on my blog today, so I have decided to make my blog private.  Anyone who comes to my blog and who would like to continue viewing it, (I know, it is SO exciting) please send me your e-mail addresses to nelsonmg1021@gmail.com.  I am going to make it officially private on September 17.

Attitude is everything!!

We had a fantastic lesson in Relief Society about having a positive attitude that has really made me think about my life and the things that I need to change.  I felt like this lesson was truly an answer to my prayers because I have found myself being more negative than I would like to be lately.  There is always something that I could complain about in life.  There is always something that everyone can complain about in their lives.  But I don't want to be one of those people anymore.  I am incredibly blessed, so there is no reason for me to complain!  There are many things that I would like to change about myself, but instead of getting too caught up those things I need to look at the things that I am amazing at.  (Not to sound like I am being cocky)  

Here are a few of my many blessings:

*I am alive!! What could be better than that!?
*I grew up in a great family who I love more than anything in the world!  They continue to support me beyond what I think they are aware of.
*I have a fantastic husband, who despite our differences, fills in my weaknesses.
*I am a mom!! What a fantastic calling that is! Instead of being frustrated because it is the hardest thing that I have ever done, I should recognized how sacred this calling is!
*I have a good job that helps us get by.  I may not like it all the time, but I work with good people and I am never bored!
*I only have 2 semesters left until I graduate.  At times I feel like I should just stop going to school so I can be a full time stay at mom and go to any playground that I want, but I am so close to being done!
*We attend such a great ward!  I love all of our ward members so much, and I love being able to be surrounded by women who inspire me everyday!
*I have been blessed with a body that allows me to do the things that I want to do. I can run and workout whenever I want to, and I have the energy to do that!  I might have flaws, but my body is a gift!!

Thanks Megan for helping me recognize just how important a positive attitude is!!  You are my Sunshine!!

What are your blessings?

Tennis in Jackson

My younger sister plays tennis in high school.  I have to brag about her because she is just too modest.  She plays number 2 singles and is an amazing tennis player!! She is only 5 ft tall but has so much power!  She played a match in Jackson, WY yesterday so we went down to support her.  I played tennis in high school as well, but I was never as good as she is.  It is probably because my dad takes her to private lessons, which by the way my sister and I never got ;)  I can't believe that my sister is a senior this year!!  I remember when I graduated thinking that when she was a senior in high school I would be a senior in college, which is now the case!!  Why is time going so fast??!!  Either way, it was so fun to be with her yesterday and I hope that she continues to kick everyone's trash this season!!  Good luck Chelsea!! I love you lots!!

Deagan had a good time playing at the courts.  He tried desperately to get on the courts while she was playing to get the tennis balls, so we found him one that he could hold onto while we were there.

I have no idea whose racket this was.  He kept taking random people's rackets.  He has become quite the thief!

Porter Park

We played at Porter Park on my birthday, but Deagan didn't really seem to know what to do.  Maybe he just gotten too use to our playground at University Village.

He is just watching all of his cousins play in this picture.
Still watching...
Swinging on the swing

Combined B-Day Party

There are 5 birthdays in September in our family:

Sept. 1 is my brother-in-law's birthday.
Sept. 3 is my twin sister and my birthday.
Sept. 5 is Greg's birthday.
Sept. 9 is Deagan's birthday.

All of Greg's family were in town for for my sister-in-laws wedding last weekend, and then my family came the day after.  Because we had so much family in town we had a big combined birthday party on Sunday.  It was fun to celebrate with all our family.  I love you all so much!!

The most exciting part of the evening was celebrating Deagan's birthday since this is his first.
 He didn't know what to think about blowing out his candles though.  I am sure that as he gets older he will get more use to it. 

Ashley's Wedding

My sister-in-law got married last weekend.  (I have been really behind.)  It was such a beautiful ceremony, and it was fun to be together with family.  They got married in the Rexburg Temple, and it was the first sealing that I had been to there.  It is such a gorgeous temple!  I think that on that day there were 13 people getting married.  I thought that was a lot but then someone told me that one day there were 55 weddings in one day at the temple!  Crazy!

My niece Belen playing on the grounds while we waited for Ashley and Jon to come out of the temple.
Deagan was not as excited to pose for a family picture.
Daddy and Deagan
4 of the 5 grandchildren on the Nelson side of our family.  I thought that this was a picture perfect moment, but Deagan again did not think that it was fun to sit still.
Mommy and Deagan

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Ashley!!!

Since today is my twin sister and my birthday, I wanted to write about just how amazing my sister is.

Being a twin has been one of the biggest blessings in my life because I was born with an instant best friend. We have been through so much together, and I have so many memories with her that are so special to me.  When we were in middle school to high school, we didn't get along very well at all.  It really wasn't until we got to college that we really became close friends.  

Ashley,  I want you to know that I admire you more than you think.  You are doing so many good things with your life, and I honestly am amazed by what an amazing person you are!  I look up to you in the way that treat others, in the way you dress, in how spiritually strong you are.  I hope you know how much I love you and how much our friendship means to me. 

I hope you have a FANTASTIC birthday!