Thursday, November 29, 2007

Random Pictures of our little man!

He is getting so fat!

Mom and Deagan!

We love this picture! His stomach looks huge! I couldn't stop laughing at this!

These are his new pajamas. They are already too small and it was the first time that he has worn them.

Mom and Deagan again! I couldn't get him to look at the camera. He kept trying to eat my face.

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree!

Here is our Christmas tree. I just love it! I love this time of year so much!

Thanksgiving and more!

Thanksgiving has come and gone and now I can't wait for Christmas! The break was very needed and it went by way too fast! Greg and I left for Salt Lake City on Wednesday morning where we spent the rest of the week with my entire family. I am not from Utah, but my grandparents just got back from serving as the temple president and matron at the Leie Hawaii temple. A majority of my mom's brothers and sisters were there along with their families as well.
So we left Wednesday morning, and I was so nervous about the drive. I didn't know how Deagan would do because he REALLY hates his car sear, but luckily he slept most of the way. We were about a 1/2 hour out side of Salt Lake when he woke up, screaming! He was not happy! We got off on a random exit and I fed him in the car. Poor kid. Our car was SO packed full. I kept accidently hitting his head on things. We got back on the rode and waited through traffic near Ogden. I swear, there is eternal crustion near Ogden. We spent the majority of the night with Greg's brother and wife, and then met up with my family when they got in later.

Thursday morning we all slept in and relaxed and waited anxiously for Thanksgiving dinner. Because there were so many people at dinner, my grandparents rented out their old Church builing. It was nice but it just didn't feel the same eating under neath a basketball hoop. It made me miss home. The food was of course excellent and I was stuffed full. The rest of the day consisted of talking with family, relaxing, and eating pie. Very delicious!

Friday, we decided to brave the stores and hit the mall. I have always wanted to get into the black Friday shopping, but I can't bring myself to get up at 4 am to go shopping. 11 is much better in my opinion. It was quite the experience in my opinion and Deagan was very good!

Saturday, I experienced Chick-fil-A for the first time. Not all that I had hoped it would be, but I was impressed. Greg took Deagan swimming that night. What a cutie!
He didn't really react to the water, but he didn't cry so we assumed that he loved it!

Sunday, we came home and it felt so good to be back! I love vacations but I really love home too. We are happy to be back!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Oh how time goes by...

So I was looking through all the pictures that we have of Deagan tonight, and it is crazy how much he has changed and how fast time has gone by. It was kind of sad to be honest because Deagan will never be that small again. From here on out, he will only get bigger, which don't get me wrong, I am way excited for. I think the sad thing about it is that time goes by too quickly. The past 2 1/2 months have kind of been survival for me. Every day I get up I pray that I will be able to make it through the day with both Deagan and myself still alive. I honestly don't know what I am doing, but something is working I guess. I regret not taking more time to just enjoy the moments when he was cranky and I didn't know what to do because I will never have those moments back. That is what I want to do from now on out, just enjoy every moment that I have to spend with Deagan. He has changed our life in so many ways. I can't imagine our lives with out him.



Friday, November 16, 2007

Bee Movie equals a happy baby!

Last night Greg and I took Deagan to see the Bee Movie with his mom and other siblings. I didn't quite know how things would go with Deagan at the movie, but it turned out that he seemed to love it! At home, he will stare at the TV is on. I am not sure I would say that he watches it, but he seems to be fasinated by the moving objects. Well imagine the same thing times 10. He would not take his eyes off of the screen. Sometimes I wonder if it is bad to expose kids to TV this young, but as long as he is happy, I am happy.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

He laughed!

So Deagan has been nothing but smiles for a while now, but last night in his bath he laughed for the first time! It wasn't very long, but it was definately a laugh. I have tried all day to get him to do it again, but he just keeps smiling bigger and bigger. What a cutie he is!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Friday, November 9, 2007

Our Dream Car (As of now)

So I mentioned earlier that we were in search of a new car. We love love love the Chevy Equinox or the Pontiac Torrent. So if anyone knows where we can find a good deal on one of these, let us know!

A few random pictures

This picture was taken right before he started to cry from getting out of his bath. He seems happy for the time being.

Greg thought that Deagan looked like the Sith Lord from Star Wars in this picture. Deagan is much cuter though.

These pajamas were a present from Grandma Akin. He just loves them! Well, I just love them!

Halloween was so much fun!

Deagan was Superman for Halloween, and he was so cute! It was a crazy day because I was helping put on a Halloween party where I work. He didn't officially get to experience Halloween because of that, but he seemed to enjoy the day anyway!

New pictures!

Deagan has moved to his big boy bath and he just loves bath time now! You can't tell from the pictures just how excited he is. But he was "talking" to us while we took these. There are always tears when we take him out. Poor guy!

So its been a while...

So it has been a while since I posted anything last. Life has continued on as usual. Deagan is growing like crazy. I swear that every day he looks older to me. It is kind of sad that he is growing up so fast. It feels like just yesterday I had him, and now he is 2 months old. (TODAY!) Unfortunately, to celebrate his two month birthday, he had to get shots. This was not Deagan's idea of a good time. He weighs 12 1/2 lbs now and it 22 3/4 inches long. He is such a chunk! Some of Deagan's new favorite things to do is to "coo" at us. He smiles like crazy, but has only laughed in his sleep. We are still awaiting the conscious laugh. He is getting so strong. He loves to hold his head up and look around and he likes to stand up when you hold him. He is just so cute! He ADORES his daddy. Whenever Greg walks in the room, he lights up. He is going to be a daddy's boy! As for Greg and I, we are still waiting to hear about our internship. Greg is crazy busy with work and school. We are in the process of thinking about getting a new car. But the idea of going into to debt it kind of scary. But I guess we have to go in to debt sometime if we want to someday have a house. I am busy with work and school and taking care of Deagan. He is so fun to be with all day, and I just love being a mom!